Part of USS Blythe (Archive): These are the Voyages

These are the Voyages: Crowe’s Nest

Earth Spacedock, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant
May, 2401
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CAPTAIN’S LOG, Stardate 240105.17: This marks my inaugural entry as Commanding Officer of the USS Blythe. The mantle of leadership has been assumed, and I’ve dispatched my assigned XO, Commander Patel, to assemble our vital bridge crew as we prepare for departure. News has just reached me that Lieutenant Commander Selene Arden, our esteemed Chief Science Officer, and her promising protégé, Cadet Oswald Solari, have successfully come aboard. With their arrival, our roster stands complete.


In the wake of the events during Frontier Day, which transpired just over a month ago, we’ve encountered a few regrettable yet necessary shifts in personnel throughout the fleet, aimed at plugging gaps elsewhere. Learning of the loss of our Chief Operations Officer in the line of duty sends an undeniable shiver down my spine. My only hope is that her passage was swift and painless. Thankfully, we have Ensign Koran onboard, displaying evident potential. I’ll keep a close watch on her development, bridging the role until an official COO is assigned. 

As the moment of departure approaches, I am heartened to declare our readiness. The engines of the USS Blythe stand poised for action. It’s time to forge ahead.”

“Computer, conclude log,” Captain Crowe declared, rising from his desk with a purposeful stride. He traversed his ready room, briefly pausing at the doors. A slow inhalation followed by an exhale marked his contemplation.

“It’s showtime,” he whispered to himself, the tempo of his movement shifting to a resolute and invigorated cadence. Silas progressed, entering the bridge with his gaze sweeping over every crew member and officer present. Although most faces were unfamiliar, he recognized each one—like the broad Bolian figure of Lieutenant Drevan stationed at the tactical console, someone he had hand-picked for this crew. Others, such as his XO which was assigned to him, Commander Patel, had become known during the onboarding process.

As Crowe approached his command chair, he paused and tapped his communicator badge. “Attention all crew, this is your Captain speaking,” his voice resonated across the bridge. “With the imminent arrival of Lieutenant Commander Arden and Cadet Oswald Solari, the time has arrived to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you aboard the USS Blythe. While many of you remain unfamiliar to me, those who have crossed paths with me before know that I’m not inclined toward grand speeches. However, today calls for an exception.”

Understanding the weight of recent collective struggles, Crowe continued, “I recognize that most of you have endured harrowing experiences recently. While our mission didn’t dictate a counselor, I’ve formally requested one from Starfleet Command. Until then, I encourage you to find strength and solace in each other. Personally, I count myself among the fortunate few who were isolated enough to evade the latest turmoil, visiting my family on Proxima II. Yet, my earlier career exposed me to the grim realities of the Dominion War. I stand with you as no stranger to the horrors you’ve weathered.”

With these words, Captain Crowe’s steady gaze encompassed the bridge, a silent reassurance lingering in his eyes. 

After a short moment of silence, he continued,  “Allow me to extend my reassurance to each and every one of you: the entire crew has undergone a meticulous purging of Borg DNA, and while I won’t delve into the particulars, I can confidently assure you that there isn’t a trace of Changeling presence on board. Many of you might not be aware, but our original voyage was slated on a different vessel. However, Starfleet, in its generosity, has revived the Blythe from its dormant state for our convenience. My hunch is that this decision is linked to the conspicuous absence of the NX12.11 protocol.”

A ripple of laughter echoed across the bridge, embraced by the air of camaraderie. Silas pressed on, a wry smile on his lips. “The tireless efforts of Lieutenant Jansen and his exceptional engineering team have spanned countless hours, ensuring that the Blythe is impeccably aligned with every standard we hold dear. Our directives guide us to rendezvous with Taskforce 17, embracing a role of paramount significance. In essence, we are the fleet’s rearguard, tending to the second-tier missions that bolster our unity. And rest assured, the Blythe and its crew stand as the preeminent ‘vacuümcleaner’ within Starfleet.”

A pause, a moment to let his words settle in. Silas’ gaze moved across the attentive faces before him. “With all said and done, the only remaining task is to announce our imminent departure. So, without further ado, Bon Voyage.”

As his words resonated through the bridge, Silas, who had stood at the forefront all this while, allowed his gaze to linger on his captain’s chair. A symbol of authority, leadership, and a vessel’s heart, it had been a seat he’d occupied countless times before. But now, it held an unprecedented weight—it was not just a chair; it was HIS.

Silas eased into his chair and issued his inaugural set of orders aboard the Blythe. “Ensign Koran, kindly notify Earth Spacedock of our impending departure. Lieutenant Piper, initiate the impulse drives and make ready to exit the Spacedock.”

The clarity in his instructions was met with the brisk affirmation of “Aye, Sir” from both officers, their resolve mirrored in their response.

“Captain,” came a well-timed interjection from Commander Patel, his tone measured and respectful, “I must draw your attention to Starfleet protocols which stipulate ‘Thrusters Only’ protocol within Spacedock.”

Crowe, not one to overlook regulations, responded with acknowledgment, his voice steady, “Indeed, Commander, I’m fully apprised of Spacedock regulations.”

The room held a tension of anticipation, a fleeting pause preceding Crowe’s next words. “Lieutenant Piper, let’s adhere to a cautious Quarter-Impulse at maximum for now. No need to send Commander Patel into cardiac arrest and I suspect Dr. Suvak wouldn’t take kindly to my involvement if that were to transpire,” he quipped, a wry smile playing on his lips.

Commander Patel’s demeanor remained composed, a testament to his seasoned disposition. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Piper manned the helm control panel, her grin radiating from ear to ear as she prepared to enact Crowe’s directives.

“With our impulse engines primed, all systems poised in the green, sir,” Piper announced, her confidence underscored by her words.

Silas couldn’t help but revel in the moment, a sense of excitement palpable in his voice. “Lieutenant, there’s no time like the present. Let’s unshackle those mooring clamps and set our course.”

“Aye, Sir,” Eileen affirmed with readiness, her fingers poised over the controls. As the mooring clamps disengaged and a mild tremor resonated through the ship, the USS Blythe initiated its gradual departure from its moorings. With every passing moment, the vessel inched closer to the cavernous expanse of the hangar doors, revealing the expansive cosmos that lay beyond—an ever-expanding tapestry of stars that beckoned them forward.

A breath later, the USS Blythe emerged triumphantly through the hangar doors, reintroducing itself to the boundless expanse of the galaxy.

“Plot a course to the Mellstoxx system, Warp 6,” directed Captain Crowe, his voice embodying conviction and anticipation.

“Of course, Captain,” replied Lieutenant Piper with a hint of eagerness threaded into her response. The starship responded as the warp engines roared to life, propelling the California-class vessel on its journey.

With a graceful surge of power, the USS Blythe embraced the call of the cosmos, embarking on its voyage toward the Mellstoxx system—a trajectory marked by discovery, encounters, and the allure of new horizons.


  • What a lovely first outing! I like the way you’re utilizing Frontier Day to highlight the shifting dynamics of this new command (new to Crowe, new to you, new to the reader!). His speech works well in its dual role as exposition and introduction to his character (respectful but not humorless). And the hint of professional disagreement with Patel leaves me curious as to what their working relationship will be like!

    August 16, 2023
  • Great first post! It gives us a good introduction to Crowe and his character and I liked the little moment of tension with Patel. Crowe’s reply there gives us a little more insight into his character. I look forward to reading more!

    August 30, 2023