Part of USS Arimathea (Archive): Episode 1: Anomaly’s Embrace and USS Arimathea (Archive): Season 1: A Voyage of Discovery

An Unscheduled Arrival

In orbit of DS17
Stardate 24015.3
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Captain’s Log, Stardate 24015.3. Captain Giarvar Kauhn commanding.


Arimathea remains in orbit of Deep Space 17, where the stars shine as beacons of possibility against the velvet canvas of space. Our journey has brought us to this point, a temporary respite in the ever-expanding tapestry of our exploration.


The corridors of the Arimathea hum with the whispers of uncertainty as we navigate this period of transition. The promotion of our previous executive officer has left a void that lingers like an echo in the vast emptiness of space. Reviewing potential candidates for this pivotal role has proven to be a task that taxes not only my patience but also my judgment. The choice of who will stand beside me, guiding this vessel through the uncharted reaches of the cosmos, is not one to be taken lightly.


Amidst this undertaking, our crew faces their own trials. The aftermath of Frontier Day, with its harrowing encounter with the Borg-Changeling alliance, has left its mark. The implementation of new transporter protocols for the removal of Borg DNA is both a necessity and a reminder of the dangers that lurk beyond the edges of our knowledge. Lieutenant Commander Onsas D’orr, a seasoned veteran whose wisdom is measured in decades, has overseen this procedure with an expertise that is beyond reproach. Yet, his presence has ignited a spark of tension within the heart of the ship’s scientific community.


Lieutenant Commander Akaria Okan, my esteemed Chief Science Officer, and a dear friend from the Hathaway, finds herself at odds with Commander D’orr’s methods. Their opposing viewpoints have created a schism that I could never have foreseen, threatening to undermine the unity of purpose that is the cornerstone of our mission. I find myself torn between loyalties to old friendships and the greater responsibility of maintaining the integrity of our mission.


As I stand on the bridge, observing the stars through the panoramic viewport ahead, I am left to reflect on the intricacies of command. The weight of decisions, the balancing act between duty and personal connections, is a burden I willingly shoulder, but not without its moments of doubt. A ship is only as strong as its crew, and in this moment, unity seems fragile, as though held together by the tenuous strands of space-time itself.


In the midst of this complex tapestry, I find myself yearning for a diversion, a distraction from the tensions that ripple beneath the surface of our routine. Whether it be a celestial anomaly, a unique research opportunity, or even a simple change of course, I pray for a respite that will remind us all of the beauty and boundless wonders that lie beyond our current trials…

Captain Giarvar Kauhn sat in his ready room, surrounded by softly pulsating panels displaying personnel reports and fleet updates regarding the recent Frontier Day developments. His fingers tapped rhythmically on the data PADD in his hand, his gaze shifting from line to line as his mind raced to process the influx of information. The remnants of a restless energy settled upon him, and he soon found himself pacing the room while still reading the reports.

The ready room was a haven of calm, furnished with warm earth tones and subtle lighting that offered a peaceful contrast to the ever-shifting currents of space outside. Captain Kauhn’s desk was meticulously organised, the various PADDs neatly arranged in a row. As he paced, he occasionally looked out of the large viewport that provided a sweeping view of the stars beyond, their twinkling lights a constant reminder of the vast expanse he and his crew traversed.

With a sigh, he set down the PADD and moved towards the replicator. “Vulcan spiced tea, hot,” he requested, his voice calm as the soothing beverage materialised before him. The aromatic steam wafted up, carrying with it a sense of tranquillity that briefly eased his restlessness. Just as he lifted the cup to his lips, the communications grid blared to life.

Captain Kauhn,” Ensign Jaxil’s voice, the young Benzite transporter chief, came through the speakers. “I apologise for the interruption, sir. We have an incoming transport request from Fleet Captain Romaes Anjin aboard Deep Space 17.

Kauhn’s eyebrows raised in surprise. Deep Space 17 was a significant hub of activity, and he respected Fleet Captain Romaes’ resourcefulness and diplomacy. “Understood, Ensign. Please provide me with the details.”

He’s requesting permission to beam aboard with one other individual, Captain,” Jaxil replied. “The second person’s identity is classified, and we’ve been provided with secure encryption protocols for the transport.

Curiosity and anticipation coursed through Kauhn’s veins. This was something not entirely uncommon aboard a ship such as Hathaway, or Ulysses, but aboard the Arimathea? Stuff like this never happened aboard one of the smaller science vessels in the fleet. “Very well, Ensign. I’ll be in transporter room one shortly.”

Exiting his ready room, Kauhn walked briskly through the ship’s corridors. The Arimathea was a vessel of scientific inquiry, its sleek design and much improved but not quite state-of-the-art systems a testament to the Federation’s commitment to expanding its knowledge of the universe. As he arrived in transporter room one, Ensign Jaxil was already at her station, her fingers expertly navigating the controls.

“Captain,” she acknowledged with a nod.

Kauhn returned the nod, leaning against the console, his mind racing with possibilities. “Initiate the transport when ready, Ensign.”

As the dematerialisation process completed, Kauhn’s eyes widened in surprise. Standing before him was Fleet Captain Romaes, a Bajoran whose reputation for diplomatic finesse and strategic acumen preceded him. And beside the Task Force Commander stood a Cardassian civilian, his presence a stark contrast to the Bajoran’s.

“Fleet Captain Romaes,” Kauhn greeted with a warm smile, stepping forward to extend his hand in welcome. “It’s an honour to have you aboard the Arimathea.”

Anjin’s grip was firm as they shook hands. “Captain Kauhn, thank you for accommodating this unexpected visit. I believe introductions are in order.” The TFCO gestured to the Cardassian. “Allow me to introduce Toran Zhek, a civilian scientist here at the behest of his government. He has travelled quite a distance to meet with us.”

Toran Zhek inclined his head with a polite nod. His dark eyes, tinged with a mix of curiosity and caution, met Kauhn’s. “Captain Kauhn, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Kauhn returned the nod, his curiosity piqued by the Cardassian’s presence. “Mr. Zhek, the pleasure is mine.”

Anjin’s eyes twinkled with a touch of mischief. “Shall we get right to it, Captain? We have some matters to discuss. If you would be so kind as to gather your Chief Science Officer and Commander D’orr, we should convene in the briefing room.”

“As you wish, sir,” Kauhn smiled as he stepped aside, his gaze lingering on Anjin and Zhek a little longer than was perhaps polite. “Please, follow me. We’ll make our way to the briefing room.”

Romaes led the way, his posture confident as he walked alongside Kauhn. Toran Zhek followed, his steps measured and deliberate. As they moved through the corridors of the Arimathea, Kauhn’s thoughts buzzed with speculation. The presence of a Bajoran Fleet Captain and a Cardassian civilian in the same room was a testament to the complex web of relationships and alliances that defined the Alpha Quadrant, and how far each species had come in the last twenty-five years.But why the hell were they both on his ship?


  • Yay! Science Ship Episode 1! I love the introduction, getting a moment of reflection with Kauhn that allows us to get an idea of him as a commanding officer through his thoughts and his surroundings. I like that you’ve already set him up with a personal challenge re: choosing his next XO and dealing with his personal biases. The fact that you went with a Cardassian liaison worked really well with having a Bajoran as your TFCO character and being able to have Kauhn make that observation in the final paragraph. Looking forward to this outing!

    August 13, 2023
  • It’s time for intrigue on Arimathea. I enjoyed the captain’s log immensely, particularly the slightly expansive feel of him describing his own surroundings and thought process. Perhaps command is wasted on him and he should go or it all up and become a poet? A really fun start to a new ship, especially the idea that with Frontier Day passed the slightly smaller ships are now having to step up.

    August 15, 2023