Part of USS Mackenzie: Mackenzie Squadron – The Last of Our Kind

TLOK 012 – Argovan Awakening

USS Mackenzie
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Fowler sat at a console in sickbay, a cup of coffee in one hand and a PADD in the other.  She’d been up since 0600 and had been the first thing Chief Medical Officer Longfellow had seen when he’d walked in at 0700.  The overnight medical team had kept a close eye on their Argovan patient.  The recovery from the self-imposed coma continued apace.  “Chief Fowler, I’m hoping you slept.”  Henry poured his cup of coffee and sat beside her, PADD in hand.

She demurred on the details of her rest but replied, “I’ve learned my lessons on staying up late working through the starlight, Doc.”  Sadie tapped at her PADD, “Gamma shift seems to think she’s on the mend when it comes to the coma, at least.”

“It looks that way.  The Argovan contingent arrives tomorrow.  Any ideas on what we’re going to do?” He’d have told them to turn around and go home, but he was a doctor, not a diplomat.

Sadie shrugged, “There’s plenty of law, process, and procedure to follow.  Lieutenant T’Penga might have some ideas.”

He looked upon from his work, “You seem to get along with her pretty well.”

Another shrug, “Science isn’t a place for egos or pride…it’s a place to discover, investigate, test, and prove.  Vulcans are adept at this kind of thing.  Having someone to chew on the data with has been nice.”

T’Penga walked into Sick Bay with a steaming cup of Vulcan tea. “Morning, Lieutenant, Doctor.” She said after she had taken a sip of the fragrant beverage. “Anything new on our political patient?” She asked as she wondered if the Captain would be inclined to grant asylum to the Argovan. She knew that in order for him to do so, he would have to talk to the woman. However, time was running out for that.

Fowler motioned her over as Longfellow stood, “I’ll have an updated report shortly.”  Sadie filled in T’Penga after the doctor had walked away.

“Very good. I believe we should try to wake her up if we can. For if the Captain is to honor the asylum request, she is going to have to know why. This patient is the only person who can answer that question.” T’Penga spoke matter of factly as she looked over at the Argovan.

Sadie nodded, “I don’t think any of us want to force her awake…but when phaser comes to torpedo…we might not have not have a choice.”

The doors to sickbay flew open, and the diplomatic officer of the Mackenzie walked in.  His face told the tale.  He’d been demoted by diplomatic services and hadn’t been having much luck getting any semblance of support recently. Still, the Argovan situation required him to engage.  He carried a PADD and soon stood by them, “There’s a wrinkle.”  Fowler gestured for him to continue, so he did.  “Even if she wakes up and can request asylum, her people could challenge the request.”

“If they would it would lead to trial. The Argovans like the Federation do honor the laws of others. So, that said, they would be forced to honor our Captain’s temporary granting of asylum. Should the Captain choose to. This would then lead to a longer trial of upholding the Captain’s decision. Either way we would have some time to decipher what to do.” T’penga recited what she knew of intergalactic law. If Vulcans could be surprised she would have been based on the diplomatic officer’s lack of knowledge.

Fowler shook her head in disbelief, “I’m glad I never followed the JAG path.  Science is more my speed.”

Charlie understood, “It’ll largely depend on what she says when she wakes up.  If it qualifies, challenges can be negated…but it takes a lot.”  He rocked on his heels, “I think they’re going to make it hard for us.  Their history with outsiders is terrible, and they’ve intentionally stayed away from The Federation.”

“They stayed away from the Federation because of some of the similarities. We simply have to throw those similarities back in their face. Like the traditions of upholding the laws of foreign powers. Argovans pride themselves on being by the book. Logic says we hold them to that.” T’Penga cocked an eyebrow. She was as interested in how this played out as everyone else.

The diplomatic officer gave a nod and moved to speak but was interrupted by a shout from Longfellow, “She’s waking up!”  The group stood and quickly moved to the heavy glass separation.  Fowler tapped the communication panel to listen in as Longfellow went to work, bringing her out of the self-imposed coma.  The nurse had gone through the decon process and stood opposite Longfellow as the Argovan woman’s readings stabilized until Longfellow could be heard asking, “You are onboard the Federation starship Mackenzie…I’m Doctor Longfellow.  You’re safe…no one here will hurt you…what can you tell us about your situation?”

They could hear her breathing evening out as she accepted water to help her voice speak.  She answered, “My name is Muerta Haga, and I request asylum and protection.  I was imprisoned against my will on my home planet and have escaped with my life.”  She stared at Longfellow, “I do not want to return home.  If I do, I will die.”

Fowler turned to T’Penga, “Well…I think that qualifies.”