Part of USS Pioneer: A Frontier Celebration and Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

AFC – Chapter 2

Avalon Fleet Yards; U.S.S. Pioneer
April 12th, 2401
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After Kyth and the rest of the younger crew members spoke those chilling words, Savar immediately spoke up and said, “Dr. Ryan, move away from Ensign Nakav.” The doctor looked back at the first officer, then nodded and took a few steps back. 

Tali also sprung into action, and said to the Captain, “Sir, we need to get out of here. We are outnumbered 2 to 1.”

Kosev looked over at Savar, who nodded in agreement, and before he could say anything the young crew again spoke in chilling unison, “Eliminate all unassimilated.”

One of the officers over by the bar pulled out a phaser and began to raise his arm and aim it into the crowd. Tali ran over to him and quickly knocked the weapon out of his hand and, with a few more strikes, incapacitated him. She picked up the phaser and threw it to Kosev and said, “Sir, we need to move!”

Kosev looked to Savar and said, “Take Aleah, Cassian and Zameer, make your way to sickbay and assist the doctor in trying to find out what the hell is going on and how to stop it. Tali, Tavana and Lukas, you're with me, we'll make our way to Engineering and make our stand there.”

“Captain, what about the bridge?” Lukas asked as the group quickly hurried out of the mess hall towards their destinations. 

“The bridge won't do us much good if we lose the rest of the ship, we can reroute command functions through main engineering temporarily. Our highest priority now is making sure they do not assimilate this ship, let's move.” He said as they ran down the hall to the turbolift. The sound of phaser fire in the distance elsewhere on this deck, Kosev tapped his comm badge and said, “Captain to all hands, arm yourselves! Some of our crew has somehow been assimilated by the Borg, set phasers to stun. If you are able, make your way to either sickbay or main engineering, whichever is closest to your position, we will be making our stands in both locations. Thiren out.”

Savar, Aleah, Cassian and Zameer exited the turbolift on deck five and began making their way slowly down the corridor towards sickbay. Before they reached deck five, Savar and Zameer picked up two hand phasers from the weapons locker outside the mess hall, Savar had Zameer bring up the rear while he took point. Cassian, directly behind the Vulcan first officer, was continuously reaching out with his telepathic abilities to try and sense any assimilated crew members they may encounter. 

“Commander,” Aleah said, the group halting as Savar turned around, “In order to study what is happening to the crew, I'll need one of them in sickbay for further study and observation.” 

“That may be too risky, doctor. We would be allowing the Borg access to our defensible position.” He said, looking all around as if he were paranoid about being watched.

“Risky as it may be, it's the only way we will be able to come up with any answers as to what's going on here, sir.” She responded. 

“Shh, two coming this way from that direction.” Cassian whispered as he motioned with his hands towards the adjoining hall coming up. Zameer moved up to join Savar at the front, and the four of them crouched low to the ground, Cassian behind Zameer on the left and Aleah behind Savar on the right. The two officers rounded the corner and just as they raised their arms to aim their phasers, Zameer and Savar opened fire and stunned them both. 

Cassian turned his head a few times and closed his eyes, prompting Zameer to turn around and ask, “Hey, what is it?”

“Our location has be relayed to the rest of them, we need to move.” Cassian warned, looking directly at Savar, who nodded in acknowledgment. 

They all again began to make their way down the corridor again when suddenly the door Savar was passing on his right suddenly swooshed open, revealing two young officers with phasers rushing out at him. He turned to stun them but the phaser was knocked out of his hands, forcing him to engage them in hand to hand. Zameer started to aim his phaser to help, but heard several doors opening behind with several more officers on their way. He turned and started to fire his phaser into the group, stunning two of them before the Borg began to return fire. 

Cassian picked up the phaser that Savar dropped and started stunning the group behind them along with Zameer, while Savar fished off the last officer with a well placed neck pinch. Phaser bolts flew past them, one of them grazing Doctor Ryan on her left arm, causing her to cry out in pain. Savar caught her before he said, “Let's go, we need to make it to sickbay and seal it off." 

Both Cassian and Zameer nodded, and began to fall back into a running retreat, the Borg in hot pursuit behind them. As they ran, they both continued to aim behind and fire, hoping to hit the Borg as they advanced on their group. Amidst all the chaos and adrenaline, they both caught each others eyes for a split second, expressing their fears and apprehensions about their situation without even needed to say a word, then looked forward and continued to run, hoping they would make it to sickbay in one piece.