Part of Starbase Bravo: Frontier Day

Simple Wargames

Starbase Bravo
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Cloaked Romulan Pirate

“Sir, I've managed to tap into a data stream coming from the Federation outpost, it should allow us to avoid their patrols. Unfortunately, I was unable to completely decrypt the data, so only this image is available."

On the screen, a map of the space surrounding Starbase Bravo overlay a 10 by 10 grid, labeled 1-10 and A-H.  Suddenly, one of the squares turned completely white.

“What just happened Subcommander?”

“The data is unclear, but I believe they've labeled it as a possible location for our wherabouts.  Luckily they are off by two grids over.”

“Just in case, we'll prepare to move.  Take us to the gridpoint marked H-5.”

Starbase Bravo - Princess's Quarters

“Sorry Sky, but that's a miss.  I'll guess E2.”  She was rather proud of her strategy this time, Ever since their academy days, she hadn't been able to beat Sky at Battleship, and she hoped this time would change it all.

“Miss again Princess.  How about H5?”

“Hit, dang you.”

Cloaked Romulan Pirate

“Bring us about immediately take us to J5!” It could not be a coincidence that the minute they arrived in the new section, it turned red and they almost ran straight into a Starfleet Sabre class vessel.  “Engineering, I want to know how they're tracking us!”  The Commander stared intently at the screen, awaiting the next update.

USS Marduk - Captain's Cabin

Sky grinned to himself as he watched Princess miss again “Yeah B7 is a miss as well.” What followed was a series of curse words in three languages, one he didn't even recognize, and a statement that would make even a Klingon blush.  “I'm going to continue with J5.”

There goes my Cheyenne Class.”