Part of USS Pioneer: A Frontier Celebration and Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

AFC – Chapter 1

Avalon Fleet Yards; U.S.S. Pioneer
April 12th, 2401
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Cassian shifted his comm badge, trying to make it as straight as possible, as he hurried down the corridor to the mess hall for the Frontier Day festivities. He knew he was over fifteen minutes late, but his last counseling session ran a bit late and couldn't have been helped, and now he was doing double time to get caught up. Walking into the mess, he was immediately greeted by Zameer, who was holding an extra drink for the young counselor. 

“I was starting to think you weren't coming.” Zameer laughed, handing him the drink.

Cassian smirked, “Better fashionably late than never, I suppose.” Taking the drink, he looked in the cup and asked, “Oh, thanks. What is it?”

Zameer looked down at his own cup with a puzzled look, then answered, “You know, I'm not really sure. I think they said it was a ‘hurricane’, but I could be mistaken.” Zameer took another sip, then added, “Whatever it is, it tastes great.”

Cassian laughed, then seen the Captain walking over to him, and waved, “Captain.”

“Nice of you to join us, Counselor.” Kosev smirked, looking at both of the officers before remarking, “Well, you both have fun and go mingle while you can. We have a few minutes until the commencement speech by Admiral Shelby, we'll be broadcasting it here.” Kosev nodded, then moved away, finding Savar holding a drink and looking out the forward view port out at the fleet yards. 

“Well, my friend, how do you like the party.”

Savar paused for a moment, then turned to the Andorian and said, “A well planned crew function, as always.” Kosev laughed, shaking his head and taking another sip of his ale.

Tavana, with her arms crossed, walked over to the corner where Tali was hold up with nearly an untouched drink in her hands. “I take it you're not the biggest fan of these social gatherings either?” She asked.

Tali smirked and said, “What about me standing over here by myself gave you that impression?” The two of them both laughed.

After grabbing his drink from the bartender, Kyth started looking around for someone to chat with and seen Aleah and Lukas both chatting at one of the tables on the other side of the room. Making his way over there, he asked, “Room for one more?”

“Always, pull up a chair.” Lukas said, motioning to the free chair at the next table. Kyth grabbed the chair and took a seat, setting his cup on the table. 

Savar looked to the clock and said to Kosev, “It's nearly time, Captain.”

Kosev nodded, then made his way to the center of the mess hall and started tapping his glass to get everyone's attention and to quiet them down. 

“I just wanted to say, before the celebrations commence, that I'm glad you all decided to celebrate with us today. I know you could've been elsewhere, but it means a great deal to have you all with us here on the Pioneer.” He held up his glass and the crew did the same around the room. “I know that some of you are new to us, and we have only been together a short time, but I know that this crew happens to be the best that Starfleet has to offer. I'm very proud to be your Captain, and to be here today with you all. Happy Frontier Day."

“Here, here!” Lukas spoke up as everyone took a drink. 

“Now, if you'll all turn your attention to the monitor, we'll be tuning into the festivities on Earth, and soon hear from Admiral Shelby herself.” He smiled, looking over as Savar activated the monitor and broadcasted the event over the rooms speakers. 

Cassian watched with the rest of the crew as the fireworks began to explode and the spacedock doors opened, revealing the Enterprise. It didn't take a telepath to realize how much the crew needed this party after what just happened in the Deneb sector, and he was glad that everyone was enjoying themselves as much as they were. Zameer, still standing next to Cassian, smiled at him before they both returned their attention to the screen. 

Kosev and Savar stood in the rear of the room, taking in everyone enjoying the celebration and watching for themselves as Admiral Shelby began her speech. Kosev, after noticing Cassian and Zameer, started to smile and leaned over to Savar, “Well, I'd say everyone is enjoying themselves, wouldn't you?” He motioned with his facial expression for Savar to notice how Zameer began to slowly hold Cassian's hand, one finger at a time, both of the young officers so nervous about how the other would react that they didn't even look over at one another the entire time. 

Savar raised an eyebrow, “I had noticed that those two were spending some additional time together off duty, I had not realized it progressed this far.”

“Well, good for them. I hope it works out, they seem like great people.” Kosev responded. 

“Then you do not want me to talk with them about their fraternization'?” Savar asked. 

Kosev started to chuckle and said, “That's not my style, besides, you know that Starfleet has always been reluctant to regulation relationships between crew members. We'll only step in as a last resort if it begins to affect their duties, otherwise I'm rooting for them.” He smiled at the Vulcan before turning his attention back to the screen. 

As Admiral Shelby continued to go on about the new Fleet Formation system, she was unexpectedly interrupted by an urgent warning by Admiral Picard, informing them of a plot by the Changelings and Borg to take over Starfleet. Kosev and Savar immediately stepped forward, but as they did, Picard disappeared from the screen with all communications from the Titan being severed. Everyone started looking around the room, a general feeling of panic beginning to set it among the crew. 

Only a few moments later, a uncomfortable yet familiar green hue lit up the screen, and Zameer grunted in pain and nearly fell to his knees, Cassian catching him at the last minute. Kosev looked back at Zameer, “Lieutenant, are you alright?”

Struggling to speak and trying to take normal breaths, Zameer said, “It's a massive Borg signal, Captain.” The weight of the signal almost overwhelming him, Zameer placed one arm around Cassian's shoulders to keep from falling to the ground. 

As Kosev continued to worry about Zameer, Savar looked around the room and began to notice something truly unsettling. He grabbed Kosev's arm and shook him, “Captain, look.” 

They both watched as the youngest members of the crew around them started to almost convulse, with pitch black views showing in their face and their eyes turning the same. Kosev looked to Ensign Nakav, the young Orion showing the same symptoms as everyone else, black eyes and veins on their face. Doctor Ryan immediately sprung into action and started to examine Kyth, shouting, “Toss me a tricorder, now!” 

She stood right in front of the young Orion, feeling for a pulse and saying, “Kyth, can you hear me? Are you alright? Where is that damned tricorder!?” Before someone could find one, Kyth's eyes returned almost to normal, though his veins were still black and very pronounced along his skin. Slowly turning his head to meet the doctor's eyes, he and the rest of the young officers in the mess hall all spoke together as one.

“We… are the Borg.”