Part of Avalon Fleet Yards: Time of Monsters and Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

Starting a whole new adventure

Brahms Station Space
A few days before Frontier Day, 2401
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The notorious and large Avalon Fleet Yards was buzzing with activity, especially with the current event of Frontier Day coming up. A shuttle had just entered the Avalon space area and reached Brahms Station. Passing by the many stations and dry docks as in the distance were refinery facilities visible with that blue glow of activity. Nakil leaned back in his chair, looking outside the window and enjoying the view.

“So what brings you to Avalon Fleet Yards? I had not the time to ask sir” the Pilot tried to make conversation while flying.

Nakil smiled. “My duty, I will be assigned to one of the dry docks as a team leader for Starfleet Colonial Operations in service of the Fourth Fleet. It is a test trial to see if it works” Nakil was not going to over-glorify it. It would be amazing to be able to help in these operations under the name of the Fourth Fleet, but he did miss the chance to start the colonial operations of Outpost Houtman. He wondered if they were still on the schedule of what was planned.

“Colonial Operations, not much heard of those guys?” The pilot swings the shuttle past some larger dry docks to make course towards Brahms Station.

“Colonial Operations is not well known, but still an essential gear in the greater machine. You never hear from them until you actually need them for something. Planning a colony is a step-by-step micromanagement process. If the ship doesn’t meet the requirements of the new planet suitable for colonization, we are facing problems early on. If the planet data is not progressing correctly or has not been probed properly, then the new colonist might face an issue. If the supply line to that colony is not sorted, then…”

“You face an issue…got it” The Pilot smirked. “Sounds quite interesting. Does the work field stay only in this quadrant?”

Nakil stared outside to see the many ships of the Fourth Fleet. The rumors of the Lost Fleet were debunked by the mere sight presented before him. “We are not tied to just Federation space. We can operate in Alpha, Beta, Gamma, or Delta Quadrant. But it depends on the parameters ships in the field send us. Plus, the availability of any ship able to do a colonization operation for us in the field. Fourth Fleet or well, any fleet primary missions are taking priority over ours” He looked at the pilot. “That is why new colonies take time to be approved and processed. We are careful, and Starfleet doesn’t always have a ship for us”

Giving a nod as the pilot sends the credentials to Brahms Station”Well, sir, we have arrived. I do wish the best to you in your duty to new colonies. It sounds quite fascinating”

“Thank you, but also to you thank you for the save travels to Brahms Station” Nakil smiled at him and looked at the large station that became larger. It was quite an impressive sight to behold.