Part of USS Hathaway: Episode 17: A Ghost’s Trail and USS Hathaway: Season 4: Into the Expanse


Enroute to Starbase Bravo
Stardate 24014.11
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Having been tasked with the near impossible objective of proving the biological status of his patient in sickbay, Doctor Zinn had enlisted the help of Commander Teyahna and Lieutenant Or’uil in a somewhat unorthodox venture, something that would no doubt get them into significant trouble had he not been able to use the communications system aboard one of the shuttles to make contact with the planet below. A short conversation with the sh’Elas family gave him all of the permission he needed for the next phase of his task. With time running out, the three officers had been transported to a set of coordinates provided by the Andorian’s next of kin and were now venturing through the ancient catacombs of Andoria, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridors. The air was heavy with dust as they sought to locate the sh’Elas family crypt, where the remains of the deceased sh’Elas duplicate had been laid to rest. It was a crucial step towards unravelling the truth and confirming the authenticity of the unconscious sh’Elas in sickbay.

As they ventured deeper into the crypt, they discovered a hidden chamber, concealed behind an intricately carved stone wall. With a careful touch, they activated the hidden mechanism, revealing a hidden passageway. The air grew colder as they descended further into the depths, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the stone corridors.

Finally, they arrived at a vault, where the remains of the sh’Elas duplicate had been carefully stored. Doctor Zinn, his steady hands betraying a mix of curiosity and determination, initiated the transport process to transfer the remains to the ship’s morgue.

Almost ten minutes later, back on the Hathaway, the morgue hummed with the sound of medical equipment and the dim lighting cast a solemn atmosphere. Doctor Zinn prepared himself for the challenging task ahead, his mind focused on the task of dissecting the remains of the deceased sh’Elas, knowing that this examination held the key to unravelling the truth and distinguishing the real sh’Elas from the imposter.

With precision and expertise, Zinn began his meticulous post-mortem examination. He recorded his observations diligently, noting the abnormality of the situation. As he made incisions into the epidermis of the deceased body, he was startled to witness the flow of blood, a sight that defied the conventional understanding of changeling biology. There was no return to the gelatinous state that would normally be expected of a changeling. Perhaps they were wrong? Perhaps the imposter was not on this table but in sickbay? For Zinn, a lot of his work relied upon gut feelings, and his gut told him to continue with his examination; something was not right here.

Carefully progressing further, he moved on to the organs, observing the delicate balance of structure and function. However, as he initiated dissection, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded before his eyes. The organ, the left lung of the deceased, once solid and tangible, shifted under the intense dissection and returned to its gelatinous state. It was a huge relief, but also an unprecedented occurrence, the body had so far defied all known knowledge of changeling physiology. Zinn’s mind raced, his excitement mingling with a sense of urgency. This was no ordinary changeling. It was a unique entity, unlike any knowingly encountered before. He knew that his discovery held significant implications, not only for the sh’Elas in sickbay but also for the entire understanding of changeling biology. If they could mimic humanoids so perfectly, then they would surely pass any known biological screening process.

Drawing on his expertise, Zinn meticulously continued his examination, leaving no detail unexplored. Every observation and recording became a vital piece of evidence in his quest to prove the identity of the sh’Elas in sickbay.

Meanwhile, on the bridge, Captain Nazir awaited the results with bated breath. The fate of their injured colleague and the safety of the crew rested on the outcome of Zinn’s investigation. She felt a mix of hope and trepidation, aware that the answers they sought lay within the realm of possibility but were far from certain.

The clock ticked, each minute filled with anticipation and an unyielding desire for the truth. Finally, Doctor Zinn emerged from the morgue, a mix of exhaustion and excitement etched across his face. The bridge crew watched him intently as he approached Captain Nazir.

“I have confirmed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the deceased sh’Elas was indeed a changeling,” Zinn declared, his voice filled with a mix of certainty and astonishment. “However, the sh’Elas in sickbay, while displaying some unique qualities, retains her humanoid form. The evidence strongly suggests that she is the real sh’Elas.”

A wave of relief washed over the bridge as the crew processed Zinn’s revelation. The knowledge that their missing comrade was alive, albeit in a vulnerable state, brought answers, but also many new questions.

Captain Nazir, her voice steady yet filled with emotion, addressed her crew. “Our mission doesn’t end here. There is something very wrong in Starfleet, and for some reason, they don’t want to hear the truth. sh’Elas will remain in our care, but we must now focus our efforts on exposing the truth to the rest of Starfleet, and the Federation.”

The bridge crew sat in stunned silence, their minds racing to process the shocking revelation and the profound implications it would have. They knew they had a responsibility to expose the conspiracy to the rest of Starfleet and the Federation, but how could they do that with Kensington and Weytahn breathing down their necks?

Captain Nazir, her brow furrowed with concern, broke the silence. “We cannot let this deception go unchecked. Our duty is clear – we must bring the truth to light. Suggestions?” She asked of her people, hoping that a brainstorming session would bring them out of their stunned stupor.

It worked. Sure enough, the staff were soon engaging in a passionate debate about the best course of action. Even Lieutenant Chiera and Commander Nes had joined the staff on the bridge and were offering their input. Some argued for a direct route to Earth, believing that the heart of the conspiracy lay there. Others proposed remaining on Andoria, hoping to uncover more evidence and rally support from the Andorian government and Federation Embassy.

Commander Bachmann, his voice filled with conviction, stepped forward. “Captain, I believe our best chance of success lies in taking the evidence we have directly to Starbase Bravo and Fourth Fleet Command. They are people we trust, who will listen and take action.”

“Without them, Deneb would be in total ruin…” Or’uil added, “…as would my home world.”

Commander Noli, though initially hesitant, reluctantly nodded in agreement. “As much as it pains me to say it, Bachmann is right. We need the support and resources of those who are not corrupted by this conspiracy. Starbase Bravo is our best bet.”

Captain Nazir considered their words carefully, weighing the risks and potential rewards of each course of action. After a moment of contemplation, she made her decision. “Very well. We will proceed to Starbase Bravo. Lieutenant Mitchell, get us out of here.”

“Yes ma’am,” Flyboy grinned, spinning in his chair and taking over the CONN once again. His fingers danced over the controls and prepared to jump to warp.

“Captain…” Lieutenant Prida’s words were filled with tension as she drew the Captain’s view to the main viewscreen. The starships Kensington and Weytahn had dropped out of warp, moving to intercept their vessel. The crew knew that their escape would not go unnoticed, and they had to act swiftly.

With a sense of urgency and a nod from the Trill in the command chair, Lieutenant Mitchell engaged the warp drive, propelling Hathaway into a rapid ascent. The starship surged forward, leaving the pursuing ships in their wake. They were, once again, on the run, their very survival hanging in the balance.

Just another day at the office.


  • What an excellent end to this mission and prelude to the horrible events to come. I sympathized with Zinn and his doubt as he started the exam. I also appreciate that Bachmann–despite being a sleazeball– is still savvy enough to know that they need to trust the Fourth Fleet and no one else. Nice growth for Or’uil, being able to add his voice to the discussion on the bridge!

    August 8, 2023