Part of USS Hathaway: Episode 17: A Ghost’s Trail and USS Hathaway: Season 4: Into the Expanse

A looming threat

Stardate 24014.11
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Walking briskly through the corridors of the USS Hathaway, Captain Nazir’s mind raced with a mix of concern and scepticism. As she approached the doors to sickbay, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for what would await her inside. As the doors parted, she stepped into the sterile environment of the medical bay. The sound of medical equipment hummed softly, providing a backdrop to the tense atmosphere within the room. Her eyes immediately landed on Tharia sh’Elas, lying on a biobed, her body still and unconscious. Doctor Zinn and Commander Noli stood nearby, their expressions a mix of weariness and resolve.

Nazir made her way to the biobed, her gaze shifting between the unconscious form of her colleague and the medical personnel before her. “Doctor Zinn, Commander,” she greeted, her voice a mixture of concern and authority. “What is the latest update on sh’Elas?”

Doctor Zinn glanced up from his datapad, his brow furrowed with a mixture of worry and determination. “Captain,” he began, his voice calm yet filled with urgency. “she suffered from severe malnutrition and shows signs of significant physical trauma. We’re stabilizing her condition and providing necessary treatment at the moment.”

Noli stepped forward, her voice steady as she explained the events on Sathea IV. “Captain, we discovered sh’Elas bound and beaten in the cargo bay. We were ambushed by masked assailants, but Lieutenant Or’uil and the security team managed to hold them off and secure a prisoner.”

Nazir nodded, absorbing the information. Her mind was already racing with possibilities and questions. “I understand the urgency of her treatment, but we need answers,” she stated firmly. “Is there any way to confirm if this is, truly, the Tharia sh’Elas you knew?”

Doctor Zinn sighed, his gaze focused on the unconscious form before him. “At this point, we cannot be certain,” he admitted. “Her injuries and state of malnutrition make identification challenging. Everything we can see and determine suggests this is Tharia sh’Elas, but so did the autopsy carried out on the remains aboard Ulysses. We won’t know for sure until we can get her back to Andoria and run some more tests. I want to analyse the remains myself, given what we know about Torres and his replacement,” the Doctor frowned, making reference to the shapeshifter that had posed as Doctor Torres prior to Zinn’s return.

Nazir’s jaw tightened, the weight of responsibility heavy upon her shoulders. She knew the importance of ascertaining the truth, not only for the safety of her crew but also for the integrity of Starfleet itself. “We cannot afford any missteps,” she said firmly. “Once Captain sh’Elas is stable, I’d like to speak with her. In the meantime, we’ll head back to Andoria. You need to keep security here, and the area secure.”

Noli and Zinn nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. The truth hung in the air, a delicate thread that they all hoped would lead them to the answers they sought.

As the conversation in sickbay unfolded, Lieutenant Or’uil’s voice crackled over the communications array, breaking the tense atmosphere. “Captain, Commander Noli, this is Or’uil. The prisoner in the brig is awake.

Captain Nazir and Commander Noli exchanged a glance, their curiosity piqued. “On our way,” the Captain confirmed. Without hesitation, they made their way to the turbolift, their steps quickening with a sense of urgency. The turbolift doors closed, and they descended to the brig, anticipation building with each passing moment.

As the doors slid open, revealing the dimly lit brig, Captain Nazir and Commander Noli stepped out, their eyes fixed on the figure standing before them, behind the high-powered forcefield. Clad in black garments, heavy boots, and a voice-distorting mask, the prisoner exuded an air of menace.

Nazir’s voice was firm yet tinged with curiosity as she asked, “Who are you?”

Chuckling, the figure’s distorted voice sent chills down their spines. “You’ll find out everything tomorrow,” came the cryptic response.

“Tomorrow? Why tomorrow?” The Captain asked.

Noli’s brows furrowed in confusion as she interjected, “Tomorrow is Frontier Day. Is there some kind of attack planned for the festivities?”

The figure’s laughter echoed through the brig, filled with a sinister undertone. Stepping closer to the forcefield that separated them, Captain Nazir’s anger flared, her voice seething. “Tell us who you are!” she demanded.

The figure mirrored her movements, drawing closer, their presence radiating malevolence. In a chilling tone, they replied, “Your worst nightmare.”

A mix of apprehension and resolve filled the air, tension hanging heavy in the brig. Captain Nazir’s jaw tightened, and her eyes locked onto the enigmatic figure before her. She would not back down, not in the face of this unknown threat.

Commander Noli, ever the voice of reason, glanced at Nazir, their shared determination clear in their eyes. They knew that the answers they sought lay in unravelling the mystery of this ominous figure. And Noli had a hunch.

“We’ve had our fair share of run-ins with changelings,” the Bajoran told as she paced outside the forcefield. “We’re part of the Fourth Fleet. You know, the Fleet that thwarted your efforts in the Deneb sector?” She almost chuckled, watching as the figure mimicked her movements on the other side of the field. “I even had the distinct pleasure of killing two of your kind,” she smiled, goading the figure into a response. It worked.

The figure reached up and slowly removed its mask, revealing the familiar face of the Bajoran before it shimmered into a laughing approximation of the Trill Captain, spots and all. “You think you know, but you have no clue what awaits.”

With a steely resolve, Captain Nazir spoke, her voice filled with unwavering determination. “We will not be intimidated, by you or by anyone. Your secrets will be exposed, and your plans thwarted. We are Starfleet, and we will protect our way of life with our dying breaths if we have to.”

The figure simply chuckled, its laughter a haunting echo in the brig. Though their true identity remained shrouded as it replaced its mask, their malevolent presence served only to strengthen the resolve of Hathaway’s captain and first officer.

The stage was set for a battle of wits and determination, with the Hathaway crew ready to confront the looming threat that threatened not only their ship but also the peace and stability of the Federation itself. In the face of darkness, they had to be the light at the end of the tunnel.

Returning to the bridge with Commander Noli a short while later, Nazir knew that the situation had taken a dangerous turn. A changeling in the brig threatening something big, on Frontier Day no less. With the ship running under a communications blackout and the threat of interception from Starfleet ships looming over them, the Captain knew something had to change. Taking her position in the command chair, she addressed Lieutenant Prida, the Chief Operations Officer.

“Lieutenant, attempt to establish communication with Starfleet Command,” Nazir commanded, her voice carrying a mix of authority and concern.

However, the response from Lieutenant Prida was not what she expected. The Ops chief turned to face her, the younger woman’s expression grave. “Captain, I anticipated that you would likely want to try and contact Starfleet, so tried to reactivate the communications system, but communications have been disabled from somewhere within the ship. Someone has taken control of the systems.”

Nazir’s brows furrowed, her mind racing to assess the gravity of the situation. She knew that they were now cut off from receiving assistance or conveying critical information to Starfleet Command. Not to mention the very real possibility of further changeling sabotage aboard the ship. The realisation of their isolation struck the Trill commander of the ship, but she refused to succumb to panic.

“Were you able to ascertain if there were any reports from Starfleet regarding our situation before we lost communications?” Nazir inquired, her tone steady but filled with concern.

Lieutenant Prida nodded, her fingers dancing across the console. “Yes, Captain. The starships Kensington and Weytahn have been ordered to intercept us should we attempt to return to Earth.”

The weight of the Captain’s next decision hung in the air, the stakes higher than ever. Nazir stood from her chair, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew that returning to Earth under these circumstances would only lead to more questions and potential danger. A spark of determination lit in her eyes as she made a resolute decision.

“We will not return to Earth,” she declared firmly, her voice carrying a note of unwavering resolve. “Set a course for Andoria at maximum warp. If there are answers to be found, they lie there.”

The bridge crew exchanged glances, some displaying surprise while others nodded in agreement. They trusted in their captain’s judgment and determination. The decision to bypass Earth and head towards Andoria, the home world of Captain Tharia sh’Elas, held the promise of uncovering the truth and finding the answers they sought.

As the ship’s systems hummed to life with the new course set, Hathaway surged forward into warp, hurtling towards Andoria. While the ship hurtled through space, Nazir knew that time was of the essence. She needed to gather more information, to connect the pieces of this intricate puzzle. Turning to Commander Bachmann, she issued a new directive.

“Commander Bachmann, I want you to delve into every detail of the Frontier Day celebrations on Earth,” she instructed, her voice steady. “Find out everything you can.”

Bachmann, his expression filled with a mix of disdain and determination, nodded in acknowledgement. “Consider it done, Captain,” he replied, his voice dripping with a touch of sarcasm.

As Bachmann made his way to the strategic operations suite, Nazir turned her attention back to the bridge. The minutes ticked by as the ship hurtled through space, each passing moment filled with a mix of anticipation and unease.

An hour later, Bachmann returned to the bridge, his features etched with a blend of seriousness and urgency. The crew turned their attention to him, awaiting his report.

“The Frontier Day celebration on Earth centres around Admiral Shelby and the final cruise of the Enterprise-F before her decommissioning,” Bachmann began, his voice carrying a weight of importance. “However, there was supposed to be a speech by Admiral Picard, but the Admiral and the crew of the Titan have reportedly gone rogue and are being tracked down by Starfleet forces.”

“What if Titan has learned the truth, in the same way we have?” Noli asked, glancing at the Captain.

The revelation hung heavy in the air, filling the bridge with a sense of foreboding. The disappearance of such prominent figures within Starfleet only heightened the urgency of their mission. Just as the crew absorbed this new information, the ship dropped out of warp, revealing the vastness of the Andor system. Lieutenant Mitchell, seated at the helm, quickly reported the proximity of the Kensington and Weytahn, giving them a mere thirty minutes before the Starfleet ships arrived.

Nazir’s eyes flickered with a mix of determination and concern. “We need to act swiftly,” she declared, her voice projecting a sense of urgency. “We must obtain the answers we seek before those ships arrive. Time is of the essence…”


  • Love how the new abilities of the Changelings have so muddied the waters that even the identity of their rescued comrade under medical care is in doubt. (also lol was Dr. Ang treating a shapeshifter the whole time?) And leave it to Noli to know how to goad a prisoner. And you know the situation has gotten heavy if even Bachmann is worried (I’m assuming not having the presence of mind to be a sarcastic prick for five whole seconds is his way of showing worry lol).

    August 8, 2023