Part of USS Pioneer: Mending Wounds

MW – Chapter 2

Avalon Fleet Yards; U.S.S. Pioneer
March 2401
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Savar stood at the entrance to the airlock as the doors opened, revealing Captain Thiren and a few other personnel behind him, “Permission to come aboard, Commander.” He said jokingly through a smile as they began to cross the threshold onto the ship. 

Savar, his hands behind his back holding a PADD, looked at the Captain, “How was your trip?”

“Oh, you should have come with me, Savar. I've always wanted to tour a Pathfinder class starship up close, but I never had the chance before. It was nice of her new Captain to offer.” He smiled, of course hinting at the newly promoted Captain Daan, his former first officer and their dear friend. 

Savar raised his eyebrow as they both began down the corridor towards the turbolift, “I did make an effort to attend, however additional repairs and crew rotations kept me here.” Savar took the PADD from behind his back and handed it to Kosev, “We have received additional upgrades to our sensor arrays, as well as a new central processing unit for the main computer core. The result has seen an upgrade in processing power in nearly all of the ship's systems, most notably the astrometrics lab.”

Kosev scrolled through the data on the PADD as Savar was talking and his eyes widened, “Fascinating, it says here the increased efficiency combined with the new sensor array upgrades should enhance sensor resolution and range by over fourteen percent. Anything else?”

“We have received additional deuterium and antimatter reserves, and the dilithium crystals have been replaced in the warp core. We have also received additional photon and quantum torpedoes to replenish those used during our last mission.” Savar said, returning his hands behind his back as they walked. 

“Very good, did you oversee the weapons transfer yourself for old time's sake?” Kosev said through a smile, nudging the Vulcan in the arm.

“Actually, I did not. Our new chief tactical officer, Lieutenant Tali Omer, was present and oversaw the transfer personally.”

“I wasn't aware she had come onboard yet, any additional new crew members during this rotation?” Kosev asked.

“All of our new senior staff have reported aboard, Captain. Lieutenant Tavana Hughes, our chief engineer, has been overseeing the upgrades to Pioneer's systems with our new chief operations officer, Lieutenant Commander Lukas Murphy, and chief science officer, Lieutenant Zameer Khan. They estimate another thirty six hours until all upgrades have been completed.”

Kosev nodded as the two of the rounded a corner and kept on going down the corridor, “What about the doctor?”

“Lieutenant Commander Aleah Ryan has also reported aboard and is in process of certifying all crew member's medical records before we leave the fleet yards. She has requested for you to meet her in sickbay for a routine scan when you came on board.” Savar said.

Kosev nodded, “Understood.” As they finally approached the turbolift, they noticed that holodeck two was online with a program running. Kosev almost paid it no mind and was about to enter the turbolift, but halted for a second and said, “Computer, identify user and program running on holodeck two?”

=^=Lieutenant Tali Omer is currently running Omer training program gamma on holodeck two.=^=

Kosev looked to Savar, who was already on the turbolift, and said, “Ordinarily I wouldn't interrupt, but now's as good a time as any to meet my new chief tactical officer, wouldn't you say?” Savar nodded and the pair of them entered the holodeck.

Looking around as they analyzed their surroundings, Savar was the first to speak, “It appears to be some kind of hall or meeting place.”

Kosev scanned the walls and observed several different types of hand to hand weapons, ranging from knives to wooden sticks, “Looks more like a dojo to me.” 

In the distance, they heard grunting and yelling, followed by loud thud sounds. Continuing forward, Kosev and Savar entered the main room and saw Tali engaging a group of six men in intense hand to hand combat. Savar was about to step forward and announce their presence, but Kosev extended his arm across Savar's chest, holding him back, as he continued to observe their new tactical officer. 

Tali's martial arts skills were extremely impressive. She moved around the hall gracefully, landing several blows on her opponents while simultaneously dodging their strikes. In a matter of fifteen seconds, Tali had managed to incapacitate four of the six men, causing Kosev to look back at Savar with a smile cracked in the corner of his mouth. Savar raised an eyebrow and muttered, “Impressive.” 

The last two opponents grabbed weapons, one had a knife while the other grabbed a staff, and both charged Tali at the same time. Redirecting the attacking energy of the knife wielding attacker, she landed two quick hits to his face and quickly threw him aside, then refocused all energy on the larger opponent with the staff. Grabbing the weapon as the man swung it at her, she performed a high kick and snapped the staff in half, then ran at the man, grabbing his head with her legs and throwing him to the ground, rendering him unconscious. Kosev looked back at Savar again, who only muttered, “Most impressive.”

“Computer, freeze program.” Kosev said as he and Savar approached the middle of the dojo. Tali turned around and immediately stood to attention. Kosev threw up his hands and said, “At ease, Lieutenant.”

“My apologies, Captain, I was not aware you were going to be back on board today or I would've greeted you at the airlock.” Tali said, attempting to control her heavy breathing, standing almost at attention, though a bit more relaxed.

“No apologies necessary, Lieutenant. I had the opportunity to get here a little quicker, and took advantage of it. I was on my way to sickbay and wanted to meet my new chief tactical officer, I hope you don't mind the intrusion." He said, extending his hand to shake hers. 

She grabbed his hand, “It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain. I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve with you.”

Kosev laughed and looked around at all the unconscious holographic bodies on the ground around them, “And I'm grateful to have you, I feel safer already, Lieutenant.” He laughed, causing Tali to form a small smile as well as she looked down shyly. Kosev jabbed Savar once more and said, “I think she might give you a run for your money, Commander.”

Kosev knew that Savar was a master martial artist himself, but that didn't stop him from poking some fun at his new first officer. Savar raised his eyebrow and said dryly, “Perhaps. Perhaps not." 

Kosev laughed again before looking back at Tali, “Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant. I'll leave you to it, don't want to keep the doctor waiting.” He nodded, then turned to leave the holodeck with his Vulcan friend. As the holodeck doors opened and they approached the turbolift, Kosev said, “Admit it, she's better than you are.”

“After all these years, you should know by now that Vulcans do not lie, Captain.” He said, stepping onto the turbolift. 


  • Okay, see, that last comment from Savar now makes me want to see a fight between these two. I want to see this matter sorted and resolved. Then again Vulcan's cheat, what with their biology and such. I'm loving Savar more and more. You've got the art of dry, sardonic Vulcan wit to a tee. And his interactions with Kosev are just so easy. Real Kirk/Spock vibes. Or Pike/Spock would be a better line up. Fantastic mate, just fantastic.

    July 3, 2023