Part of SS Viridian Expanse: The 34th Rule and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

#5 – Who Invited Them?

No Man's Land near the Vadlox Nebula
March 19, 2401
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==Viridian Expanse – Bridge ==


No matter what the circumstances, it was rather difficult not to be on edge when there were several warships bearing down on you. It was harder still not to be on edge when those warships were manned by some of the most fearsome warriors in the galaxy. Still, Keren seemed calm on the outside as the Expanse held position and waited. In the meantime, Timek calmly walked to the weapons locker at the rear of the bridge and started distributing disruptors to the bridge crew and instructed the below decks crew to arm themselves as well. 

As the Reman handed Keren his weapon, he just matter-of-factly said,” Just in case”.

Keren nodded. “Never hurts to be ready with the Jem’hadar around.”

“Boss, transmission coming in from the Dominion battlecruiser,” Shiren indicated. “Matches the security call we were told to expect by the Lissepian.”

Keren nodded and then looked to Timek. “Send the response on a tightbeam to the cruiser.”

Timek didn’t verbally respond, but his fingers tapped out the necessary commands. A moment later, he spoke up with a reply. “Response from the cruiser, text only. They’re instructing us to decloak and prepare to be boarded for inspection.”

Keren’s left eye perked up a moment. It was rather unusual for a client in a meeting such as this to want to board to inspect the merchandise. Even on the couple of occasions that he’d delivered to an active conflict zone the buyers just wanted their merchandise and vacate the area with minimal chance to trace. Still, this was the Dominion and when it came to them, the usual protocols could be thrown out an airlock. He could also faintly hear Timek still tapping at his console, though the hybrid didn’t react.

“Do as instructed.” Keren responded. The familiar shimmering of the cloak disengaging could be heard. Grokka, Timek, and Shiren all assumed defensive, but not aggressive postures as they all had a pretty good idea what was going to happen next. The Jem’hadar had a nasty habit of just popping on to your bridge as soon as they got a chance. A moment after the cloak disengaged, five figures materialized on the bridge, four Jem’hadar and a Vorta. A quick glance at a nearby console told Keren another four had beamed to the cargo bay. Both Grokka and the Jem’hadar instinctively leveled their weapons at each other, but the female Vorta spoke quickly thereafter.

“Settle down First. We’re here on business and violence should not be necessary.” The Vorta turned to Keren and gave a slight, but curt smile. “I assume you agree.”

Keren nodded and replied. “Of course. Grokka, stand down.” The Nausicaan and the Jem’hadar glared at each other for a moment before lowering their weapons. Keren then gave a slight bow to the Vorta and said, “I’m Keren tr’Serov, master of this vessel.”

The Vorta returned the gesture. “I am Narris, of the Dominion. I must say, the Breen said to expect a Romulan vessel, but I didn’t expect one of this type.”

“It’s a fairly common design,” Keren answered. “And before you ask, we’re not affiliated with any government.”

The Vorta seemed a bit skeptical but her demeanor remained pleasant. “We figured the Lissepian would use an independent ship, just not one of a type used by the military.”

Keren was a bit surprised by the statement as this particular class was already going out of use before the supernova, but he paid it little mind. “She’s served me well so far. So, I assume you’re not just here to chat.”

“Indeed not,” the Vorta answered. “We just wanted to verify the seals on the cargo and retrieve the manifest before transport.”

Timek, for his part, had anticipated the request and had already downloaded the encrypted manifest that Nasir had provided onto a PADD. The Reman promptly offered it to the Vorta who, after keying some commands on her own device returned it to the Reman. After keying a few more commands she nodded in satisfaction.  

“Well, this seems to be in order,” Narris said with a smile.  “I’m still quite curious where the Lissepian got all this.”

Keren just shrugged. “I was just paid to deliver it, no questions asked.”

Narris’ head twitched a bit at the answer. “That would explain why a Romulan vessel would make such a delivery. You’re just in it for the money.”

“War is good for business.” The 34th Rule of Acquisition was probably one of the most universally true statements of the lot. People fighting makes people like Keren a lot of money.

“Works for me,” the Vorta answered before keying a communicator. “Third, report.”

A distinctly Jem’hadar voice could be heard over the communicator. “Still verifying the seals. The Nausicaan down here has been getting in the way.”

Keren smiled as he knew Throk could be quite protective. Still, the Vorta didn’t seem too concerned.

“Make it quick, Third. We can’t afford to be here too long.”

A couple of moments passed silently. Keren and Narris exchanged pleasant, if a bit curious looks. Timek and Shirren simply returned the stoic looks from the Jem’hadar on the bridge. Grokka gave the Jem’hadar nearest her a slight growl but got no reaction from the Jem’hadar.

Eventually, the silence was broken by a beeping of the Vorta’s communicator. She lowered the eyepiece of her headwear and scowled.

“Third, we need to go. Signal the ship to transport the cargo aboard now.”

“At once.” The Jem’hadar in the hold replied.

The Vorta gave a slight nod. “Well, it’s been lovely meeting you Keren, but I’m afraid we must be going.”

A few seconds later, the Vorta and all the the Jem’hadar dematerialized. Before Keren could react, Throk’s voice came through the comm.

“We’re empty boss.”

“Acknowledged.” Keren answered before looking back to Livanna. “What the heck spooked them like that?”

A moment later, the young Romulan responded. “Additional warships headed this way.”

“Starfleet?” Keren asked.

“Negative.” Livanna answered. “Cardassian. Transponders read Third Order.”

“Cardassians! Here?” Shirren exclaimed.

“Their timing is impeccable.” Grokka half growled.

Keren took a deep breath and then started giving orders. “Shirren, plot a course towards Ferengi space. They’ll ask fewer questions.  Livanna, keep an eye on the Dominion ships as well. Timek, you have some explaining to do.”

“Boss?” The Reman seemed a bit annoyed with his captain’s question.

Keren simply turned around and glared. “As Grokka said, while Cardassians are known for their punctuality, their timing was a bit too good in this case.”

Timek sighed. “It’s not what it seems Boss.”

Keren’s look was still quite stern. “I hope not.”