Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 7 – Harris Transport Chronicles Chapter 2 (HTC2) and USS Mackenzie: The Mackenzie Squadron – The Uneasy Alliance

HTC2 001 – There’s Something Out There

Earth - Harris Transport - Montana
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“I’m hearing a lot of heat from our customers and suppliers about this ‘border skirmish’ going on.” Rachel Harris sat in her office, the screen filled with the various Harris Transport locations in the galaxy.  One of the station’s operators had just finished speaking, suggesting that the reality of what was happening was very different from what they were seeing on the wires from FNN.  “We’ve seen a load of Fourth Fleet movement out there…like the entire fleet is in the middle of this thing.  Doesn’t seem to line up with what we’re getting told.”

Harris didn’t mince words, “Our business isn’t military; it’s transport.  Let’s keep an eye on it anyway – some of our contracts have us skirting that section of space.  I don’t want to be surprised by something that isn’t supposed to exist.”  The meeting continued for another hour before each screen went black.

Natalie Harris spoke up from the couch, “They sound worried.”  She sipped at her coffee.  She felt the emptiness left by her brother.  Work was helping her process and find time to focus her energy in valuable ways.

The older Harris was getting the same feeling, “In all our years, I’ve never had them this nervous.  Being out there far from safety is always a risk, but they’ve been strong year after year…and suddenly, it’s as if the universe could very well end tomorrow.”  She wondered, “Do you think they’re right?”

Natalie downed the rest of her coffee, feeling the welcome warmth spreading in her body.  “I know you don’t ignore people in the field when they start sounding like the same.  If it walks like a Galaxy Class, if it sounds like a Galaxy Class…it’s probably a Galaxy Class.  Plus, they’re fat.  They tend to waddle anyway.”  She cackled at her joke, but her mother ignored it, her mind already moving.

Her daughter wasn’t wrong, but it was leading Rachel to make a decision.  They would need to know for sure…and there weren’t a lot of ways to find out the truth beyond getting out there and finding out.  “We’ll need to find out what is going on out there, Nat.”

She stood, her typical smile spread wide, “You know I’m always ready for something.”

Rachel was still thinking as she chuckled, “You’d need a team.  I’m stuck here…”

“I could get McKee…and I’m sure Jordan could use some space to spread her wings.  She’s been talking about taking a trip back to space.”

The Harris Transport CEO tapped at her console, “I’ll find a ship for you….you get your crew…and we’ll get some answers.”