Part of USS Valhalla: Mission 2: Ragnarök and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

(11) Light the Signal Fires

Observation Lounge, USS Valhalla
MD 11
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Aoife,  Órlaith and Ethan were sitting around the conference table aboard the USS Valhalla.  Aoife nervously drummed the table with her finger tips.  “So, we’re all in agreement?”

“Yes,” Órlaith said simply.

Ethan sat back in his chair, “If the Dominion takes this planet it would be catastrophic.”

Aoife nodded and opened a channel to Captain Theo Barrington on Starbase 86. A moment later the Task Force chief appeared on screen. “Captain,” Aoife greeted.

Theo lifted his head, looking up from the reports he was reading.

“Captain McKenzie,” he said. “A pleasure to finally ‘meet’ you, so to speak. A pity it’s not under better circumstances.”

“The feeling is mutual,” Aoife responded.  “May I introduce Captain Órlaith Murphy of the Andromeda and Commander Ethan Talon. The Commander was visiting Arkan II when it was attacked and stranded him there.”

Theo offered a polite smile. 

“Captain. Commander,” he said, then returned his attention to Aoife. “Not to put too fine a point on it, Captain… You contacted me for a reason, so out with it.”

Aoife nodded, “Yes sir. Captain as you know Arkan II contains the raw materials to manufacture and produce the drug Ketracel White.  A Changeling replaced one of our officers and was posing as said officer until we discovered it. Unfortunately it escaped. We tracked it to the Drakus system where we encountered a fleet of thirty-five Breen and Dominion ships. I don’t think it needs to be said that it would be a very bad thing for the Dominion to obtain a source of white right here in the Alpha Quadrant.  Especially considering they have a solid and uncontested foothold in Breen territory.”

Theo sat back in his chair, his expression serious. 

“Indeed it would not,” he replied, letting the silence stretch out in expectation. This was an unusual call, and he had a feeling something else was going on here.

“We need any and all reinforcements you can send our way,” Aoife concluded.

“This planet cannot fall into their hands and we cannot hold it with just two ships,” Órlaith added.

He took a breath, and rubbed his chin. There was more than a five o’clock shadow there, testament to how long he’d been awake today.

“Captain, I’ll be perfectly honest with you… while I’d love to send you all the back up you need, and then some, unfortunately I literally don’t have them. The taskforce, and by extension, Fourth Fleet, are stretched to the limit. We have every ship out there in this fight, so you are going to need to get inventive. You’re going to have to beg, borrow or requisition whatever you can to achieve your objective. Hell… I’ve even got a ship out there using a livestock transport to help evacuate a planet.” 

He paused for a moment, to look at Aoife directly. “As soon as I have something free, rest assured I will send them your way. But for the moment, Captain, I am afraid you are on your own. And if you cannot hold that planet, then make damned sure the Dominion can’t use it. Do you understand?”

Aoife stared at the others in disbelief.  That fungus not only grew abundantly on the planet but everywhere. She was being asked to destroy an entire ecosystem not to mention she could never evacuate the entire planet if and when the Dominion made their move on it. Especially with just shuttles and the very limited transporter capacity that they had due to the ionization. 

“Sir, I don’t know that I can follow that order. There are twenty thousand Federation citizens down there.”

Theo kept his expression level. “I know, Captain. Believe me, I know. There are no good calls at the moment. There are just bad calls and worse calls. Do your best and limit the damage wherever you can. I’ll get help to you as soon as possible.”

Aoife let out a defeated sigh, and rested her head in her hand. The stress was eating at her, and the gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach just intensified, “Understood sir.”

“I’m afraid I have other calls,” Theo excused himself. “But keep me updated, Captain. And good luck.”

With that, he closed the connection.

Ethan let out a long sigh,  “That didn’t go as planned.”

“Understatement of the century Commander,” Aoife replied ruefully. “Now what?”

There was a long silence and the three thought on their options. Ethan broke the silence “Peter.”

“Peter Crawford?” Aoife asked.

Ethan nodded, “Yeah. He’s part of the Mackenzie Squadron now aboard the Olympic.”

“I met Captain Harris when… well, he saved our butts after I lost the Crazy Horse,” Órlaith added. “There’s also Captain Tarken of the Sojourner. Met her on that same mission.”

“Well, three starships isn’t exactly a fleet,  but it’s better than nothing,” Aoife said. She was already opening a sub-space channel to the two captains. “No response from the Olympic,” Aoife said, “but looks like we got the Sojourner.”

After a moment the left display was filled with the image of an Orion woman as she sat down in her chair. “Captain Mckenzie and Murphy,” she said with a nod of greeting though her features clearly show puzzlement as to the call. She smiled letting the question leave her face before she glanced at Órlaith. “How is the Andromeda treating you?

“At this rate it’s looking to be short lived,” Órlaith responded. 

Kirin’s mouth twisted into a bit of a grimace and she grunted in acknowledgement, “I take it that is why you have called? I am not sure how much help the Sojourner could be.”

“Listen, I wish this was a social call, but we need help.”  Aoife went on to explain the tactical situation as concisely and as detailed as possible.

Kirin listened intently before she leaned back in her chair and sighed, “Well damn, that is a tricky situation you have yourself there. I am not sure how much we can be of assistance as we need to get to you mission right away.” She paused and shook her head for a moment, “That said, we will be passing your location soon, we can provide some assistance before we make our rendezvous.”

“Any help you can provide will be welcomed.  Right now it’s looking like it will be helping evacuate the inhabitants before we obliterate the surface so it’s useless to the Dominion. Which your added firepower will help there too,” she added.

Kirin paused for a moment as the colour left her face, “An orbital bombardment? Fleet cannot be seriously considering such a measure?”

“Orders from Captain Barrington of Task Force Command.  If we can’t stop them from taking the planet we give them a source of white. Arkan II will be nothing compared to the destruction wrought by a second Dominion war.”

Kirin nodded at that, “I understand that they cannot be allowed access to materials for the manufacture of white but it is a hard pill to swallow. As for the evacuation we can provide support though the Sojourner is a small ship, we cannot accommodate many people but we will take who we can.”

“It 400 more than otherwise,” Órlaith observed.

Kirin nodded, “That is true, and we will make space for as many as we can.” Kirin glanced over to her side and the chimes of a computer could be heard. “We can be at your location in one day. Does that work?”

“See you then,” Aoife said. “Valhalla out.”

Aoife closed the channel and the three officers stared at each other.  Aoife frowned tapping the table with the tip of her finger.  “Suggestions?”

“I know our orders are to only trust the 4th Fleet,” Órlaith started, but I think we’re out of options within the fleet route.”

Aoife sighed,  “Yeah, looks like it. Anyone have favors floating around?”

Ethan ruefully chuckled,  “I spent a career burning bridges.”

“Well, I haven’t.  It’s outside of Starfleet though,” Órlaith replied. 

“Do it,” Aoife said. “I’ll talk to Admiral Talon,” Aoife announced. 

“Mom?” Ethan frowned,  “She’s retired and wants nothing to do with Starfleet.”

“Yeah,” Aoife said considering, “but she had a forty some year career. Surely she acquired some contacts that might help.”

Ethan sat back and crossed his arms, “Maybe, but she didn’t make a lot of friends there at the end. But, I can talk to her.”

“No, no I better do that.” Aoife said with a sigh of resignation. “It’s my mess. In the meantime Mr. Talon I want you to get the colony prepared for evacuation. I would hate to give the Dominion this system but we may have no choice.”

Ethan nodded respecting Captain McKenzie. Órlaith acted as if she was about to say something,  but fell silent. “Okay people we have a lot of work to do. Let’s get to it,” Aoife ordered.

Ethan and Órlaith nodded in unison and they both stood and walked out of the observation lounge leaving Aoife to her thoughts.  


  • FrameProfile Photo

    I see Aoife is dragging everything out of the cabin to get the support she needs to finish this mission. But the JP does give a nice realistic view of the situation being anything lighter then a FUBAR situation. Great job to all participate!

    June 16, 2023