Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 6 – Uneasy Alliance and USS Mackenzie: The Mackenzie Squadron – The Uneasy Alliance

16 – The Uneasy Countdown

USS Mackenzie
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“We’ve been able to deploy Cardassian and Starfleet combination teams to every city aside from the capitol without too much trouble.  Tests on the planetary defense weapons are complete, and they are also crewed with a mix of Cardassian and Starfleet.”  Kondo stood in the Mackenzie’s briefing room, running down the last of the reports.  He pointed at the map where Polaris was highlighted, “The capitol, however…is our problem.  The Justice for Janoor group has come out of hiding as a protest group holding sit-ins across the city…and they are gaining members.  Most of the crowd is a part of the upper middle class, but some of the latest activity has been traced to the lower socioeconomic population.”  He tapped at his PADD, and the image on the screen shifted to a map of Polaris and areas of protests over the last few days.  “We’re keeping an eye on it, and the Janoor security forces seem to be handling it well enough.”

Wren picked up on his wording, “Mr. Kondo, you’re not quite confident they can manage it?”  She wasn’t entirely sure herself.  The updates from Charlie hadn’t been optimistic, even with the handheld weapon upgrades they had facilitated.

De La Fontaine considered the question and didn’t immediately reply, garnering a curious look from the captain.  “They haven’t been at war for twenty-five years.  There’s not any real opposition out here to fight.  They’ve been put through every training we have available to us, but a week’s worth isn’t going to make a long-term difference.  As easy as it’s been getting every other town onboard, the possibility of Polaris following along is a near impossibility.  Their refusal to allow Cardassian guards in the city is going to stretch our security teams as it is.  If they have to fight colonists in the middle of this…confidence isn’t going to be the issue…the safety and protection of the city is a basic need.  Take that away, and the Dominion will have the run of the capitol.”

Walton understood.  “They don’t have to capture it…they just have to kick the shit out of it, phaser it on fire, rinse with liquid antimatter and repeat.” She frowned, “Victory is life can mean a lotta different things when you’re trying to spread the pain anyway you can.”

Gul Hasara had been silently listening from the far end of the table, “I might have an idea.” He smiled at the heads swiveling on to stare at him, wondering just what kind of plan the Cardassian was going to propose.  He explained, “The people in the capitol view me as a kind of…hero.  I’ve been working with their security forces, and the respect they have for me is…unusual.”

Wren cracked, “Some of ‘em might be flirting with you, Gul.  Grey fox and all.”

Hasara laughed, giving the crew some relief.  Walton was still a wildcard – she was more of a shoot from the hip than Harris ever was…and it could lead to amusement or an interspecies incident at the top of Starfleet’s list.  He blinked his eyes as if admiring his beauty, “It is entirely possible.  There are humanoids who find the Cardassian physique attractive.”  The Gul moved on but made note of the growing smiles among the crew.  “I think I could use my status as a hero to work with them to accept Cardassian assistance.  I cannot help you with the colonists.  The Union’s methods would violate several layers of protection.”

Hargraves shook his head, “I can’t believe I’m agreeing with the Gul, but it’s about the only leverage we have.”  Hasara gave him a nod of thanks.  “We’ll need to mix in some security officers from Olympic as well.”

Wren stood, and the crew followed suit.  “Make it so.  We’re monitoring the Dominion fleet – we’re estimating at this point we have four or so hours before they start coming our way.  That’s six hours until arrival.  Olympic will disembark as much support staff as she can and then depart for safety.  You have your orders, and you have your final briefings to complete.  Then it’s a waiting game.  Dismissed.” 


  • Do these bloody colonists not realise fighting those trying to help save you is detrimental. In this case, detrimental to their very existence... I'm still enjoying Wren and Hasara's interaction 🤣 They both would be fun to meet, it seems.

    June 3, 2023