Part of USS Denver: Mission 5: A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Pop quiz in fighter design

Starfleet Academy Flight school
Oct 3, 2369 (backpost)
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Arin spent much of her formative years in Ireland. There was the 18 month span after she turned 6 where her father had been selected to assist in the upgrading of the Federation Air and Space Museum into holographic format. At the time she thought she was just being cute and helping out, her dad checking her work as she went. Looking back she realized it was at once a mutual love she shared with her father as well as one she now had an impressive basic understanding of most forms of flight.

Later when they relocated to Solarion IV near the Federation – Cardassian border was a far different education. The Federation musuem became a refuge to get away from reality when she needed it. It also spurred her to engage in more flight simulations. At first it was the easier gaming versions. No real flight controls. Within a year she had replicated her own gaming cockpit with realistic controls for her favorite World War One fighter planes, the SE5A. Soon she added a few more and within month had collected several dozen ww fighter plane files and could fly them competently.

By age 12 Arin had actually started her private pilot’s license. By 15 she was crop-dusting in various aircraft including aircars, single and twin-engine motors and turboprops.

After joining Starfleet she started to have discipline problems in Transatmospheric Flight 101. Arin’s former teacher adding a note that she was too arrogant to do homework. At one point she was surprised by several of the flight instructors and asked her to complete a flight plant, aircraft preflight checklist as we as a short flight with 4 waypoint and landing. She had thought the matter closed when she had seen right through the quiz and aced it.

Soon after that she was surprised again when they had asked her to report to the Holodeck for special testing. Upon entering the holodeck, the same instructors were there as was the Mako class fighter she had submitted when she had finish a recent report. “How to better utilize resources of modular design.”

“Cadet Jones. You were so kind to not only submit your paper with actual data but to submit it to Starfleet Design Review without approval, we would congratulate you. Arin walked around the ship, taking it all in. She started to shake her head. One of the proctors said, “Is there a problem with the design, Cadet?”  The ship was wrong just as Arin ran her eyes over the ship. “Who imported the data. That’s not my ship.”

The proctor seemed to take umbrage. “I had to correct the design according to regulations.”

“Then you changed it, so THAT is NOT my design.” The proctor was going to cut her off, but Arin didn’t let him. “The RCS thrusters were changed as the MASS of the vehicle is far different than the type 2 shuttle it was designed around. The heavier armor, increased weapons weight, larger fusion reactor, and you down-rated not only the RCS, but changed the impulse drive AND nacelles. If, I am going to be damned, let it be for the one I actually submitted.”

“That would be a fair point if you hadn’t said that the basic parts came from a type 2 shuttle but you’ve modified everything.” The proctor objected.

“The parts lists to do the modifications could be applied in reverse so that it would amount to a refit of the Type 2 and the same time. Should make warp 6 with only a 10% increase in fuel. ” Arin paused. “Look, I know I am young, but I have spent the last 13 years in, under, around, or buried in parts for many aircraft, aircars, and even some simple shuttle maintenance. I built two airplanes from replicated parts. You know I am instrument rating and qualified in single/twin engine, turboprop, jet and impulse drive. 7000+ hours in my logbook. “

The proctor relaxed. “Cadet Jones, the design is actually quite inspired right up until you screwed up the warp drive. It’s a nice design, reminds me of the old F-5 tiger. Let me help you fix the warp drive and we can still submit it. AFTER you apologize.” He was grim but then stifled a snicker. “You aren’t the first cadet to do what you do nor will you be the last. Tell you what. Help me with some of the students that have a problem with the areas you already are solid on and then learn warp theory and application the correct way. Extra credit and all that.”

Arin said. “I do apologize for the rule break. Rule breaking is not something I normally do but their are obvious exceptions, she said, patting the SF insignia on the nose.

The proctor ended with, “the reason I fixed the nacelles is that she’ll fly this way. Though I am eager to test the RCS and impulse reactions. I’ve flown many a type 2. “Computer, copy the Test1 Warp specs only to the Test2 and make no other changes.” The ship changed. “Now delete the other ship.” Turning to Arin, he said, “take her out. Why not?”tha He said smiling.

Arin’s eyes widened. “I’ve always found it’s better to fly in pairs. Especially in fighters.”

“This is your baby. I shouldn’t intrude.” He offered.

“I would appreciate more input after the flight, but one thing at a time. I insist you be my wingman.” Arin said. They both grinned. “Well okay, I’d like that Cadet.”

Arin said, “computer create copy of the original craft and call one Lucky and the other Charms”(END)