Part of USS Denver: Mission 5: A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Getting to work

Tactical Chief's Office
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Finally all the inprocessing was done. It was ironic how difficult it was to move within the origanization, at least permanently. 

Now he had to look the part. Give his time in service, he learned long ago how to project the demeanor needed for people to follow him. A crisp battle dress jumpsuit with subdued red collar and now two pips instead of the far more familiar shield, chevrons, and pips his LT JG rank had replaced.  

A padd to make notes, not that he needed them but it was easier to compile the reports from later if he did them. Walking by the replicator, he consumed a double shot of red leaf tea, water, and a breath mint. Since he was going on duty, he retrieved the type II phaser and crossdraw holster, making sure it was correct, secured, and on stun per regulations. 

Getting to the Tactical Recon CO’s office. Soon he announced himself and stood in front of his boss’s desk. 

“Good Morning Sir.”

Collins stood and offered his hand to the new officer. “Happy to have you on board.”

“Happy to be here Sir. Almost feels like old home week. This will be the third Excelsior I have served on.” Gus offered, though no hint of a smile, he seemed jovial. “Before we even start, I will answer one of the obvious questions. Why a Vulcan with two decades in Starfleet only an O-2.” When he saw Collins nod, Gus continued. “I was eager to explore and didn’t want to wait four years to finish the Academy. So I enlisted. Then a whirlwhind of activity and a few requests for OSC (officer’s candidate school) than always seemed to be denied. So when my family started, I took a leave of absence and raised my children. 

“When I went to re-enlist, still no consideration for OSC. When I Odyssesy blew up, I went back and at least received my choice of assignments. Back to the Berlin. I say back as there was a small 3 month training detail that I served on the Berlin back in 2349. Then I was decorated and the opinions suddenly changed.” Gus finished with an uncharacteristically emotional response. His response clearly dripping in sarcasm.

Collins nodded as the man spoke. He was also jotting down notes for later review. “So, you know what the mission is. We are going into possibly hostile territory where anything may and probably will happen. How do you feel about this?” 

“Life sucks. Don’t forget your helmet?” Gus quipped and even chuckled once as he said that in a sarcastic tone. “Sir, I’ve been Senior Enlisted for over a decade. Combat and I are old friends.”  

“You’re not a prototypical Vulcan, are you?’ Collins looked at him. ”You say things in a sarcastic tone. You are unlike many of the Vulcans I have come into contact with. May I ask, why is this?”

“I could say you’re a bit more formal than most humans, but infinite diversity in infinite combination.  I don’t believe that all emotions should be purged. That’s not to say I am completely overcome by them either. My wife Cia who is a Trill and I have become more in tune with each other over the decades. I suppose we take the best of the other.“Also my people and I differ on a great many things. Do you believe what all humans do?” Gus asked. 

Collins looked at him. “If I stepped over the line, I apologize. Your private life is yours.” He paused. “I don’t agree, at times, with everyone. But I try to find a way to compromise to get the job done. It’s sounds like you and wife have found a way to be happy together. That is something to admire.” 

Gus smiled slightly. “I think we can chalk alot of this up to the just learning to interact. Not everyone clicks and we are learning each other’s area of expertise. Plus Officer country is new to me. Senior Enlisted tend to be very…boisterous and the energy can be a bit different. No apologies needed.” Gus got up and extended his hand. “Protocol and familiarity do not have to be strangers.”

Collins shook the offered hand. “Well, I’ve decided to assign you as my assistant tactical chief. I think we will work good together.” 

Gus smiled a bit. “I see no reason to disagree. Most of this is very familiar and I tend to think of that human biblical proverb. ”As iron sharpens iron, so does man sharpen man.” Gus paused, then added, ‘while I am not religious, I take wisdom where I find it.”“Perhaps we can share a salute in the lounge after duty. In honor of the former Captain and my friend Micha Fitzpatrick. A time has not been set but we can work out the details.” Gus offered. 

Collins nodded his head. “I’d be honored to attend. But now I have more work to attend to, so let me know when and where, and I’ll be there.”

“Understood Sir. You’ll get an invite. I think it’s time to terrorize the troops as it were so there are more scared to disappoint us than die.” A sly smile crossed the soldier’s face. “Don’t worry Sir, I won’t fold, spindle or otherwise mutilate. You’ll find I have some very unconventional conventional tools in my inventory and it’s time to teach the Jem’Hadar that war in the Alpha quadrant has created terror they’ve never seen.”

“I just want our people to be prepared for what they may face. Don’t terrorize them, sets a bad example. I want them ready, I just don’t want them so beaten, they’d be of no use to us.” Collins looked at him. “I may drop by during the training.” 

“Sir, I know how to lead troops in training and in battle. They will be strong, fast, and lethal. Drop in any time.” Gus offered. 

“Lethal only at a last resort.” Collins commented. “Otherwise count on seeing me.”

“Hooah, Lieutenant. Just understand that while you are the leader of the party and I will obey any lawful orders as always, I was brought in because I know when it’s time to not play well with others. My job to get you and them up to my speed.” Gus paused. “I find the taking of life repugnant. War and death are wasteful things. Better to be so good that it gives the enemies pause when thinking of a rematch

“I understand why you were brought here, lieutenant, but I have received training at Starfleet, as well as my previous posting. So I am ready to go when needed. But thank you anyway.” Collins replied.

“Of course Sir. If there is nothing else, I will get started.” Gus said plainly. 

“Carry on, Mr. Viat.”

“Yes Sir.” Gus turned smartly. Decades of reporting to officers was ingrained.