Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 5 – Answering the Call (ATC)

ATC 010 – The Valley of 72 Part 2

Starbase 72 / USS Mackenzie
02.04.2401 @ 1230
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“You’ve got some serious balls showing up here, Okada.”  The lumbering figure of former Crew Chief Hosea Haskins stood as Katsumi walked into Engineering Operations, PADD in hand.  Back on Bravo, they had clashed.  She’d nearly punched his lights and his ticket.  She’d shown grace and was now questioning that decision.

“I’m not here about the past, Lieutenant Haskins.  I’m here to turn in my latest updates on the Mackenzie and our status.”

He stared at her and the proffered PADD.  “You think you can walk in here…and ignore what happened?  I got sent her because of you!”

She raised her eyebrows and kept her voice even, “You are responsible for you, Lieutenant, just as I am responsible for me.  You broke a shipload of rules and regs…what did you expect to happen?”

He moved to speak, but a door opened, and Commander Vane stepped into the lobby, her eyes searching for the sounds that had disturbed her focus.  She landed on Haskins and Katsumi.  “Lieutenant Haskins.  What is the issue?”  Opening his mouth and shutting it several times was the best answer he could give.  Vane stared at him, “I’ve tolerated you long enough.  I’m moving you back to the pool for reassignment.  You are dismissed.”  His mouth repeated the previous performance, but eventually, his feet got the message as he packed up his things and skittered away, glaring at his former colleague.  The Head of Shipyard Operations turned around, “Commander Okada Katsumi, USS Mackenzie.  She’s a beautiful ship.”

Okada tried to regain control seeing one of her engineering heroes in person but wasn’t acquitting herself well.  “Uh, thank you, Commander Vane.  I’ve only been on two ships as Chief, and she’s my favorite…so far.”

Vane’s face swirled with quiet mirth as she nodded approvingly, “I read your file.  Captain Harris got lucky with you.  I know he doesn’t believe in luck…but it was a good day when he found you.  I’d have had you here at Starbase 72 had I known where you were languishing.”  She accepted the PADD and glanced over it, “Good report, Commander.  I’ll log it immediately.  We’re just finishing with the Mackenzie – she’ll be ready at 1330.”  She returned the PADD, “Anything else you need?”

Katsumi chuckled, “It’s enough to have met you, Commander Vane.  I’m going to remember this for a long time.”

Vane extended her hand, “We’ll see each other again soon enough, Commander Okada.  You’re part of the task force…and we take care of our ships and people.”  Okada shook the woman’s hand and nearly squealed with delight.

Okada’s badge beeped, =^=All Crew of the USS Mackenzie to report back to stations by 1330=^=

Vane gave her a knowing look, “You’ve got work to do, Commander.  Good luck, and take care of the Mackenzie.” The Chief Engineer shook loose her starry eyes and took off searching for a transporter. Something had happened.