Part of USS Mercy: Mission 3 – “Lost in Space”

Doctor’s Orders

USS Mercy
10.13.2400 @ 0700
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Leopold stepped onto the bridge and gave a cursory nod to the chief communications officer.  He’s been alerted to a message from Starfleet Command and made his way from his quarters, curious.  They’d assisted with task force medical work the last few weeks with success.  They’d been preparing to move on to a nearby planet to assist with some vaccine work that had been requested.  Something must have come up, he theorized.

“Wellington, open the channel.”  The screen was then filled with an admiral, his face exhibiting a level of concern that gave Halsey concerns.  “Admiral, what can we do for you?”

The man tapped at his console, =^=We’re sending you to SB1094, a planet under observation and evaluation by a team in a concealed research facility.  The crew is due for a yearly physical, which is part of why we’re sending you.  The other piece is that this study is nearing the end of its second year.  Your additional task will be to evaluate their data, observations, photos, video, and various collected artifacts.=^=  

He paused, and Leopold felt a frown itching at his brows as he worked out what might be coming next.  It didn’t take him long.  He let out a small sigh, “You’re concerned about our ability to do this without assistance, sir.”

The admiral didn’t physically react to Halsey, =^=It is your first experience in this operational theater.  We are sending you someone who has completed this kind of activity before.  She’s waiting for you at Starbase 11.  You can learn a lot from Captain Pottinger.  Your orders have been transmitted.  Godspeed, Mercy.=^=

The screen flicked to the Starfleet Logo and then returned to the forward view.  Halsey stared at the screen before he turned to his communications officer, “Have Commander Sorek meet me in Cargo Bay 1.”  He moved quickly to the turbolift and waited until the door closed before he let out a long sigh.  He tapped the console and was on his way.

Sorek had finished his early morning meditations and was on his way to the bridge, when he received a call to meet the captain in a cargo bay.  Having never done that since becoming the XO, he was curious about what needed to be discussed so covertly.

Halsey looked up as he paced around the large cargo bay, “Thanks for joining me, Sorek.”

“Of course, sir.”  Sorek stood with his hands clasped behind his back.

He stopped pacing for a moment before he resumed again, “We’ve been ordered to do a check-up on a planet observation operation.  Planet is in the midst of an industrial revolution, and it’s reached its two-year milestone.”  He explained the physical exams.

The assignment appeared to be routine, but Sorek could tell something was bothering the captain.

“There is more.  We’re being tasked with reviewing the data.  Only we’re not doing it alone.”  He explained the reasoning from the admiral.

“Reading the data should be interesting, but you seem to be apprehensive,” said Sorek.

“That’s the part I wanted to talk to you about…and in a place where I’m not crammed in by the walls.” He resumed pacing, “They’ve assigned an old friend to our case—an old friend of mine.  Her name is Grace Pottinger, and she’s a captain now.”  He turned to the commander, “I knew her as a lieutenant on the USS Littleton.  Five years ago – I was a new first officer, and she was the second officer.  She had been passed over for promotion and was unhappy with my arrival.”  He chuckled, “Obviously, we did not get along.”  He mused, “It is rather impressive she’s gone from lieutenant to captain in five years.”

To Sorek, it was illogical for Halsey to be nervous about working with Pottinger, but he learned long ago what emotions and presumptions could do to people.

“Is there anything you need me to do?”  Sorek would help as best as he could.

Halsey paced for a moment, “Pottinger is a master at appearances.  Our issues were never documented – partially due to my own desire to continue down the path of command.  She was interested in preserving her reputation according to her file.”  He came to a stop and turned to Sorek, “We’ve only known each other a short time, Sorek…but you’re going to have to keep me honest in my dealings with her.  She’s a result-at-any-cost kind of officer…and I’m not.  You’ll also need to keep your eyes and ears on her – she doesn’t outrank me, but she outranks everyone else on the Mercy.  Caution and awareness will win the day with her.”

Sorek took a moment to consider his response.  “I will keep you honest, sir.  My duty is to the ship and the crew.  If Captain Pottinger’s at-all-costs approach crosses a line, I will… push her back.  Figuratively speaking.”

Leopold chuckled and smiled, “Pottinger is a pugilist figuratively and literally – her reputation in the academy was brash and unafraid of throwing hands in the mix.  She never got physical, but that part of her is still there.”  He let out a long sigh, “We’re going to have to keep this between us for now.  I’ll get a staff briefing together for later this morning.  For our sake and our crew – check in with department heads to get an up-to-date status.  Pottinger likes to exploit weaknesses in officers to her benefit.”

Sorek raised an eyebrow.  From what he was hearing, Captain Pottinger’s behavior was illogical.  Why would she choose to be adversarial when everyone was working together?  There had to be more Halsey wasn’t saying.

“I will inform the department heads.”

Leopold glanced around the room, “I’m going to walk around the room a little – shake loose any of those remaining feelings from back in the day.”

“I will leave you to your private time, sir.”  Sorek left the bay, still pondering what was ahead for them.  Halsey watched the commander leave.  The Vulcan had proven himself repeatedly capable, and Leopold was quietly thankful he had Sorek as his second in command – Pottinger’s talents would be mostly wasted on the man.