Part of Eos Station: Mission 1: Rule 34 War is Good for Business

Agreements made ?

EOS Station
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Lieutenant Yatokii welcomed the Romulan lieutenant into his office.

“Sorry about the mess out front, engineering is just finishing up with the remodel and updates to the security office. I asked you to join me so that we can come to some sort of understanding on how we are going to work together.”

“That’s easy Lieutenant, you will stay out of embassy business and you will turn over all of your security protocols to us.”

“I’m not sure you understand how agreeing works, that is not an agreement, those are demands. While we are willing to work with you on certain things we will not be giving up all of our protocols to the embassy. Remember this is a federation station, not a Romulan-controlled one therefore certain things must remain as they are.”

“Then we have nothing further to discuss here and I will file my report with the ambassador.” the Romulan lieutenant said as he started to get up.

“Now hold on lieutenant, just hold it right there.” as he slapped his desk “We can either work this out right here and now or we draw both of our bosses into this, I know that I have the backing of mine as I’m sure you have the same.” 

The Romulan looked at Lieutenant Yatokii, raised an eyebrow, and remained standing. “They are not demands, it is what the ambassador wants. I’m sure you understand that if that is what the ambassador wants then it is what I want.” he placed his hands on top of the chair’s back. “So, Lieutenant. I guess we are at a proverbial split in the road. I have my orders as you have yours. Which path do we take?”

Yatokii reached down behind his desk, opened a drawer, and came back up holding a blue bottle and putting it down on the desk. “Well, we could continue as we are or ..” he looked side-eyed at the bottle on the desk. “We could sit here with this bottle and discuss it like two like-minded individuals who are following the orders of their respective bosses.”

“Is that Romulan ale? Or that Synthol stuff you federation types drink.” He took a couple of steps around the chair looking at the Lieutenant.

“Well, that’s what the smuggler said it was when we impounded his ship and the goods. He thought that the old security chief was still here. He found out the hard way that he isn’t.”

The Romulan lieutenant let out a chuckle and returned to his seat. “Do you have glasses to drink this from?”

Yatokii reached back down and pulled out two tumbler-style glasses and placed them on the table. “This is all I have, hope it’ll work.”

“Those will do.” As he grabbed the bottle and filled the two cups. “So where do we start?”

“Let’s start here, what will make your boss happy besides giving him the keys to the station.”

Lieutenant Ninsai took a sip of the ale and sat back in the chair. “That’s a good question. I’m not privy to all of his plans but I know enough. He won’t be very happy unless he gets what he wants.”

Yatokki sat in his chair with the glass in his hand, gave it a slight swirl, and took a sip. “Hmmmmm, that is good.” He looked across the desk at the Lieutenant. “One security officer to another, we both know that he is trying to see what he can get away with, probably wanting to test the captain as well.”

“This is true.” He leaned forward in the chair “the question is what sort of agreement can we reach that will make both our bosses happy.”

For the next couple of hours, the two lieutenants sit in the office and hammer out a security agreement that both sides would be happy with.

Yatokiii made his way into the security operations office. “Chief, we are going to need to make some changes to the patrols and some of our operations.” he handed her the newly agreed upon security agreement between the Romulan embassy and the Eos Station.

Looking it over the chief started to nod and shake her head as she read through the agreement. “Sir, are you sure about some of these? A combined Hazard response team? They have full security control over the embassy and the ambassadorial quarters? Only thirty-six-hour notice for any embassies coming to deal with the Romulan ambassador? Outside security during Romulan embassy events unless it’s dealing with federation members.”

“Yes, yes, yes… I know I know. Captain Abernathy will probably have the same issues with it. But believe me that Romulan didn’t even want to give us that much. “ He nodded towards the main door. 

“Oh that reminds me, Chief Krajj will be sending us some bodies to help with crowd control and promenade security over the next few days as we go through these station grand Reopening  events.”

“Great, great. Now I’ll have to deal with those buffons as well as the Romulans.” she shook her head.

“Be nice, chief. They’re on our side, you know.” He chuckled. “Besides, isn’t your fiance one of those so-called buffons as you put it.”

“Yes, he is. That’s why I can get away with calling them that. You know they are going to try and push things as far as they can, meaning the Romulans.”

He looked at her, blinked several times, and let out a sigh. “Yes, I know. Going to be interesting the first time they leave the embassy with their sidearms and we have to round them up. I wouldn’t want to be in the Captain’s shoes when that happens and believe me it will happen.”

“So who will be your plus one for the dinner, Lieutenant?”

“I’ll be working chief, no plus one for me. Tell you what, you can take my place at the dinner table. I’m sure you two will enjoy yourselves far more than I would.”

“Plus it will give you two extra bodies in the dinner plus an extra set of eyes and ears. I wasn’t born yesterday, Lieutenant. We will gladly accept. Besides, It’ll let me know if I need to take the buff on to the tailor for a new dress uniform before we get married.” 

“Well I’m going to go and hand deliver a copy of this report to the Captain, plus check in on the tactical side of the house.” He showed her another PADD in his hand and made his way out of the main security office and onto the promenade.