Part of USS Osiris: To serve and protect and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

To serve and protect – 4

USS Osiris
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Kr’Antren sat in his chair reading something on his PADD, a look of concern deepened as he read. He looked to his left at the Doc sitting in her customary seat when she was on the bridge. 

“I know sir, its bad. That’s just from the research that we have on the effects of Blood Dilithium so far. The more we learn the worse it will get. What I find interesting is that whoever it is, is looking at the effects of small doses on telepaths, not just what happens if exposed to a large dose.”

“Speaking hypothetically Doc, can you think of a reason? If you were on a research team assigned to weaponize Blood Dilithium, which way would you lean?”

Doc M’Gok let out a long sigh as she looked at the view screen. “I’ve been wondering about that myself. I guess it would depend on the agenda, does it say outright kill those we do not understand or hate or does it say to sow fear amongst the populace?”

Kr’Antren sat back in his chair, running a hand through his beard. “I don’t think we need to say “who” when discussing that part. I’m pretty sure we are all thinking the same thing. Now we just have to prove it. why here? Why not on the systems they control or worse on the prisoners they have taken?”

He looked back at his PADD. “If you think your report was all doom and gloom try reading Skagaths. He not only knows his stuff from the tactical and strategic side but the old man has a thing for history also. Putting the two of your reports together doesn’t paint a pretty picture if that’s what they are trying to do.”

“Captain, we have an incoming transmission from one of the governors.”

“Which one?” 

He looked at his number one “I hope it’s not the Ferengi, that man is only concerned about one thing.”

She chuckles “Well he is a Ferengi, sir”

“It’s Governor Buoln’Drit, Captain.”

“Put it in the main screen chief.” as the video connection was made and the center of the bridge’s view screen showed the connection. 

“Hello Governor, let me introduce my executive officer. This is Lieutenant Talibah. How may we help you, sir?”

“Hello Captain and Lieutenant Talibah. It has come to my attention through a couple of our mining corporations that we have lost contact with several of our sites on a couple of the planets and one of the asteroids.”

Kr’Anyren and his number one both look at each other, then back at the governed. “Tell us more, governor?”

“Well you see my people specialise in creating and maintaining a holographic workforce, it is what we are known for. The corporations have set up various mining and manufacturing sites in pressurised domes where needed. These sites run on their own as the programming inherent in the holograms will keep them working. The problem is that we have lost communications with several sites. Without the communications we can’t schedule the pick up of materials or drop off the supplies that the manufacturing sites need to continue production.” 

“I could see how that would cause some concerns. So how can we help you?”

“Captain, please realise that we wouldn’t ask this if it wasn’t starting to affect things here within our great city or in our trade with the other cities and with Rharpaz, of course.” 

Number one looked at Kr’Antren. “5 points to you captain, you said you bet that Rharpaz would have a part in this.”

The Governor chuckled at this. “Ahhh you know Rharpaz then?”

Kr’Antren looked at the governor  “Well not Rharpaz, per se. But we have dealt with a few Ferengi in the past.”

“Ahhh yes, I understand they are a rather big business corporation on the other side of the wormhole.”

Kr’Antren and Talibah look at each and try to hold back the laughter. “You could say that.”

“We’ll captain. I would like to ask for your assistance in investigating this matter.”

“Could the corporations not handle this themselves?”

The governor looked around and then leaned closer to his console. “We could, but then it would let others know that we are having technical issues which they would offer to look into. But that always has a price, if you know what I mean.”

“Yes governor, we understand. It so happens that the Lieutenant and I were just discussing a mission for one of our shuttle craft. We can add your request into the plan for the mission. We plan on launching the shuttle craft later on tonight so that their arrival at some of the locations we want to research is during the Alpha shift on the Osiris so that we can have the most folks analysing the data as possible. Will this work for you? It’s probably the earliest we could look into your situation, right now.”

The governor looks at a console on his desk entered  something then waits a few minutes. “ Yes, yes that will work, captain. According to the corporations they still have 36 to 48 before they would need to resupply those stations or production would be halted.”

“Ok then. We will let you know tomorrow what we find.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

The transmission ended and the view screen went back to normal.

“Well number one, looks like you have a mission to plan for. Let’s go with the original mission plan from yesterday and add the governor’s request to it. Alert your crew.”

“Yes, sir.” She stood and made her way to the turbo lift making calls to the crew on her combadge.



  • Things got complicated for the Osiris quickly there! Hopefully, it's not too complicated. You've got a good understanding of weaving together many different plot points and threads and rooting for you to pull them together across the campaign. You've given yourself quite the playground and a number of objects and threads to work it. Now just to weave it all together. I like how in the breadth of BF we've got captains that are rough around the edges, some that are fresh-faced, others that are lackadaisical in their commands and then there is Kr'Antren who to me comes across as exacting and formal on duty and in view of junior officers. It's a different style and gives a good insight into how he commands. Can't wait to see more of Osiris and especially how some of the other crew get on when they have their adventures!

    November 8, 2022