Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 2: Wayward Sons and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

5 – One Last Hurdle

USS Mackenzie - Sickbay
11.1.2400 @ 1245
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“He’s perfectly healthy.  Given what we know about his species, there’s nothing different that can’t be explained through his statements that they broke from the original group a long time ago and went about forming their own civilization.”  Jordan Reid handed the PADD with her report on it to the XO, Okada Katsumi who read through it as Jordan explained further, “I know we have to check the boxes to make sure we’re not dealing with some kind of double agent or something…but every indication of him being who he says he is coming up good.  Juliet gave him a clear report.  It’s just down to you and me.”

Katsumi looked over the PADD and then to the Voth laying on the biobed as the computer continued its scanning process at various levels and intensities, “There are moments where I wish I’d studied harder for command.  Sometimes I just know what to do as an XO and there are moments where I just pants my way through it all.”  She stifled a laugh when Reid gave her a look of concern and confusion, “It’s an expression based on ‘flying by the seat of your pants’ but instead of saying the whole thing you just say…”

Reid groaned, “Pants.  You were definitely an engineer on Bravo for too long, Okada.” An impish smile was the answer as Reid continued to read the results as they came into the PADD.  “For being 100 years old, he’s pretty healthy by Voth standards…although we don’t know enough about them to know how long they live.”  She shook her head, “He could easily live another hundred with this kind of health.”

The XO marveled, “He’ll outlive me, probably.  They say the universe is full of strange new worlds.  The Delta Quadrant does not disappoint.  I’ll chat with him…see if I can find anything else to add to my report.”  She stepped out of the office and waltzed over to the bed and jumped up on the bed next to Cardamon.  

He blinked.  “The Doctor told me not to move. So I must stare at the ceiling.  What can I answer, Commander?”

“You live a long time.”

He resisted the urge to frown as it would have been excessive movement together with looking like he wanted to eat someone.  “Our group of Voth lives to two hundred or so.  I’ve been away for so long…maybe the practices they practice are what keep them living longer.  Maybe my separation will bring me to the end sooner.”

Okada was curious, “Do you fear death, Cardamon?”

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke, “I’ve studied some of what others in the Delta Quadrant believe about death.  I know what the Voth believe…but I’ve started to wonder if we’re wrong…or if we’re right.  It is a difficult thing to try and examine in such a modern age.  The faiths and religions of old are often able to be explained away by discoveries and more.”  He grunted, “The truth about the Voth – that much I do know.  We came from your dinosaurs on Earth.  Caused quite a stir with my cousins in space.  Perhaps that is why I cannot answer your question clearly.  Because I do not know if I fear it.  Maybe that’s the way to live longer – thinking less about death and more about life and living as long as you can each day.”

The XO chuckled dryly, “You’re a very philosophical guy, Cardamon.”

His thought about the word, “It means my brain is big, yes?”

She actually chuckled, “Well, that debate has been raging for centuries and galaxies, so we’ll just say sure for now.”

Jordan stepped out of the office and walked up to the other side of the Voth, “You can it up now.  Your scans show nothing unusual.  Your labs came back clear.  Neurological tests showed you are well within acceptable response and capacity requirements. As far as I can tell, you’re perfectly healthy.”

He sat on the biobed facing Okada, “Do you fear death, Commander?”

She winced at the question but decided to try and answer it, “Fair is fair.  I have found so much joy in living my life and discovering things about myself, the world, space, people, aliens…I never want this journey to end.  I always want to be able to seek out, search for, and learn from everything that exists out there.  The sadness is in the reality that death comes for us all – no matter how long we live or find ways to extend our lives.  we eventually will take the next step in the process.”  She sighed, “I don’t fear it…as much as I don’t want it.  I’d prefer to just go on living.  But I’m not in control of it.  Nobody chooses when.”

Cardamon nodded quietly, “You have given me…what do you humans say…some ‘heady’ things to think about.  Thank you for your kindness.  These men are going take me back to my quarters.  I’ve tried half of the food menu so far…looking forward to finding out more of my favorites.”

Soon it was just Reid and the XO.  Reid spoke first, “You have to wonder…if Cardamon is such a big difference from his people…they must be a terrifying group of warriors.  As nice as he is…swing that pendulum the other way and that picture scares me a little.”

Katsumi was still resting her mind in their conversation.  She resolved, “We’re going to have to keep him secret if we ever run into his original group of Voth.  I don’t think they’d allow him to call us home for very long.”

Reid tapped at her PADD, “I’ll include that in my report to Captain Harris.  For what it’s worth, I agree with you.  He’s signed up to help us…and we need to make sure we hold up our end of the bargain.”  Okada gave her farewells as she headed back to the bridge.  Jordan returned to her office, reviewing the records of the Voth.  She hoped they could avoid any of them as they flung themselves deeper into the Delta Quadrant.


  • Cardamon the Philosopher. That has a ring to it, even if that wasn't the word that was used in this part of the story. I do agree with what Reid said about how different Cardamon is from the rest of his species, and how he could be totally different had the tables been tuned the other way around. It does give one a reason to think outside the box about your Delta Guide. Looking forward to seeing more. Thank you.

    November 2, 2022
  • It is nice to see Cardamon is looking beyond his own culture, the ways, and traditions of his people are making him question things. Does that make him a philosopher or a traitor to his people? It is not seen the character development from this character. But at the same time, I also applaud the xo awareness of what they are actually dealing with. Is this Voth different, is he really there to help or what will he do when his old blood comes boiling? Keep it up!

    November 2, 2022
  • I'm really intrigued by this choice to introduce a Voth to your crew, be it temporary or for the long term. Cardamon offers a complex tether between the Delta Quadrant and his ancient origins on Earth. Makes so much sense he would be curious about the Federation and I'm sure he'll offer a valuable storytelling perspective through this mission at least. He also made me laugh with the dinosaur dad joke "it means my brain is big." Meanwhile, wowowow, Okada isn't here for the party small talk. No starting with name and serial number, she is going in deep with "do you fear death?" It certainly gives us an in depth look at one who seems to be an important new character to the crew.

    November 3, 2022