Part of USS Rhyndacus: Blockaded Dilithium and Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

Let’s make this stop quick

USS Rhyndacus - bridge
June 2400
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Doc K’Gok looks at the screen and slams her hand down on the helm console “wanI’vammo’ ghu’vam.( what have those idiots done), yes Captain this is bad very bad.” Looks down at Chief Kaha “Chief can you zoom in on those ships let’s see if we can tell what is going on or better yet who is behind it.” 

“Sure thing doc” Looks up at the captain and receives a very subtle head nod.

“Sir, I was never really part of the political games that are played in Klingon culture but having spent some time on a Klingon ship as a medical officer I was allowed access to some of the goings on. Always as an outsider, being from star fleet, they grudgingly let me in due to my being half Klingon and my father being a ship captain but they never fully trusted me with all of the information. However, being female and a doctor does have its advantages.” Watches as the view screen zooms in on the Klingon ships.

“Sir, one thing I would say though, if you plan on meeting with the council and delivering these supplies you may want to make it as fast of a meeting as possible, if they did that” nods at the view screen “ to the romulans than there is no telling what they would do when they find us down here, which I would say will probably be sooner than you think.” 

Kr’Antren looks over at his number one “ Any reply from the council yet. Let them know this will have to be quick and we won’t have much time.”

Chief Kaha looks up from her console. “Sir, we are getting updates from all over the sector of the same types of attacks on romulan ships and personnelAlso Bravo command is asking for any information to be immediately sent to them and are instructing all ships in the region to finish anything they have going on at the moment and to pull back. I dont think this needs to be said sir but that are instructing all federation vessels to not engage with the Klingon vessels unless it is in self defense.”

Kr’Antren turns around and makes his way to his chair “I want reports coming in folks what and who are we facing here”

Doc K’Gok turns from the view screen, anger and frustration plainly visible on her face. “Sir, I can tell you part of that answer. That ship belongs to the House of Wov’Sech. Though I have only met the house leader in passing I do not understand why she would condone such actions.” Looks at the view screen again and notices that the other ships are from other Klingon houses. “Sir, this may have gone from bad to worse. That is not just one house being represented but a few houses.” Looks down at Chief Kaha again “Chief is there anything coming through from star fleet from the Klingon high command.”

“No ma’am”

Doc slams her hand down again on the console and death grips the edge “Sir, with your permission, I will send my father (her face turns a dark red, the red of anger) a message.” 

Kr’Antren looks at the screen, looks at the doc, notices the anger flash across her face as she said that “Permission granted, and doc we will need your insight and experience during this so anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated. You can use the ready room if you wish.

Doc quickly turns around and heads towards the ready room pulling out her PADD 

“Yes that will work, you may not want to hear what I’m about to say to my father. Especially if I find out he knew anything about this and said nothing to anyone.”

Lt. Talibah turns and watches the Doc leave “I don’t think I would want to be on the receiving end of that message.”

“Nor do I, number one”

Lt Talibah shakes her head “Ok sir just got a reply from the council members they will be waiting for us at landing area alpha 35 in the capital. I told them we needed to make this quick. They acknowledged the situation and said they will meet with us on the site and will bring as many workers as they can get to help with the off load. Sending the coordinates to the helm now.”

“Got them, should be there in a couple hours. We were going in the opposite direction towards the prime mining area.”

“Number one, Let them know we will be there in a couple hours and to please have everybody standing by.”