Part of USS Rhyndacus: Blockaded Dilithium and Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

Fly it like you stole it and some unwelcome guests

USS Rhyndacus
June 2400
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Kr’Antren enters the ready room with a cup in one hand and his PADD in the other.  “So what do we have folks? Were we able to figure out how this program plain sight works?and how can we use it?. I e looked over the notes that Ruz, Tazzeth and Kaha sent me. So I’ve got the basics.”


First officer Talibah turns and faces the captain as he enters and swivels back towards the table and the rest of the command team.  “ We’ll sir as far as we can make out, that scientist team was up to something what? We may never know, but I believe their program is what we need right now.” She stands up and walks to the view screen. “We have found the identities for at least 4-5 ships in the data. Sir, these are not just a name and an ID; these are fully functional ship identifying files. Meaning these ships actually exist in the star fleet database and from what we can tell in several other databases also. And sir, they are all built either using the Rhyndacus as a template or built around another small craft meeting the Rhyndacus specifications.”


Kr’Antren nods and takes a long sip of the drink in his cup. “Understood number one, how far do these records go?” 


Talibah retakes her seat next to the captain and Chief Kaha takes her place at the view screen. “Sir from what we can see they go all the way back even creating files on when and where the ships were built. Sir, for all intensive purposes the Rhyndacus is those ships.”


Chief Ruzz looks at the captain. “Looking at the programming and the data, running diagnostics on that added module we can assume that all we would have to do is pick one of the ships stored in the memory of the program, turn on that module and we would effectively become that ship. Everything would be updated in the histories showing our crew as the crew and our cargo as the cargo, those scientists had some help from someone because these files and the data they contain are complete.” From what we can see “ motions around the table with an arm to include the complete staff “there are no faults with the data and no way for anyone to question the validity of the information.”


Kr’Antren stands up and walks towards the view screen cup in hand, takes a seat on the edge of the table and using his cup points at the screen. “So we could turn that module on and basically fly into that meeting area and join the convoy being escorted by at least two Romulan war ships and see ourselves through the front door. Interesting but I see a couple issues with the idea. Do we know if there are passwords or codes used to receive clearance and right of way throughout the planet’s area and we still don’t have any idea on those transporter signals and what is going on with that.” 


Talibah stands and joins the captain “Those are the hurdles we have been working on sir, but you have to admit it does make for what could be an easy way in.”


Kr’Antren stands and walks back to his seat and stands behind it “ the problem as I see it is that we don’t know about coding or clearances that are put in place beforehand. However, I think I have another idea” walks back to the view screen “computer bring up the holo map from the last meeting including the asteroid field” the map appears in the center of the table 


Chief Kaha, how long would it take for that program to initiate” looks at her PADD “ about a minute the computer would just need to sync the manifest up, looks like the crew manifest was synced as we checked in on the ship.” 


Kr’Antren looks at the information on the view screen and at the holo map. “ Helm do you think you can get us through that field without too much damage to the ship?”


Ensign Yivliv looks at the map and then up at the captain. “Yes sir I’ve run the holos at ¼ impulse and ½ impulse without too much damage to the old girl, but I’ll tell you all now better strap in and hold on to something tight as it will be a bumpy ride.”


“Ensign Tazzeth, anything new showing up on the sensor scans around us?”


Tazzeth looks at his PADD scrolls through some different items. “ Not at this time sir”


“Good, here’s the plan.. listen up. Going through the front door has too many unknown variables in it. So, what do we know? Two maybe more ships meet and escort the supply ships at this point” points at the beginning of the corridor “than they escort the supply ships through this path which changes but stay with in this corridor which I would surmise means that they are staying with in scanning and sensor range of at least one or two Romulus warships that are cloaked. We know at some point the Romulus receive or take a part of the cargo for themselves and that the convoy ships have roughly 12 hours to offload their remaining cargo, load up and leave and they are not escorted on the way out.” 


Kr’ Antron Looks over at Lt. Talibah “Number one with your experience what does that tell you or what would you think is going on?”


Lt Dalibah sits back in her chair and steeples her fingers as If remembering and thinking about the information in front of her “ Sir, I would guess that either we are dealing with a very young and inexperienced crew or they are severely short handed. I would have to guess besides the two ships we know about that meet the supply ships that one stays cloaked and follows them in and I’m guessing there is one that stays at the mouth of the corridor to block it from anyone trying to get through during that time. If we are right about the base in one of those asteroids I willing to bet that during those 12 hours they are off loading what they received, dividing it up amongst the various crews, stashing some in the base and I will also add that I bet we would find out out that one of those ships make a run to the higher ups to give them there share. That’s why the supply ships have that 12 hour window. The Romulan ships are too busy going through everything and splitting it up. They would also be a ship short if they send one out to go deliver a share to their higher ups. Sir basically the blockade is a charade, there probably is no continuous coverage, they probably run patrols of one or two ships throughout the day to make sure at least one ship is always out and about. Maybe every so often they raid a nearby traveling ship or something like that to keep everyone on their toes and make it look like there is a legitimate blockade of this planet.”


Kr’Antren puts his cup down on the table and looks at everyone “I would also guess that since the planet over threw them that they don’t have that easy job anymore they don’t have everyone whimpering and cowering at their feet so they came up with this plan to try and still have some sort of control over the planet that they lost control of on the ground, which maybe why they, as number one just stated in her thoughts, are short handed. They lost folks in the uprising and with everything else going on in the area the other commands can’t get them extra personnel but as usual they still expect their cut.” 


Ensign Tazzeth looks around the table and takes a deep breath thru his breathing adapter “Well, since no one else is going to say it then I guess I’ll be the one. Then why the corridor to bring the supply ships in?”


Number one tilts her head and gives a slight chuckle “I was waiting for that question ensign, figured it would come up. It’s to keep up the charade that there is a full blockade up and running and that this is a cleared path through it for this specific reason. I would bet that is the reason why they change the path each time to make it look and seem like they are going around flight paths or stationary orbits of other ships.” 


Ensign Tazzeth shakes his head in response as he starts to realize like everyone else that the blockade is a charade, but that a very real enemy is still out there.


Kr’Antren turns and looks at the view screen and than back to the map in the center of the table as he makes his way to his seat. “Helm, how close can we get to that asteroid field coming out of warp?”


“Sir, on the dangerous side it would be a few kilometers, but that’s putting us pretty close to the safety threshold and I think I know what your next question will be. At full impulse and a steep dive we can close that distance within a minute or so, maybe less.” 


Kr’Antren nods “Ensign Tazzeth I want as much data and information you can pull from the sensors coming in over the next 24hours while we are in warp, also with that asteroid field located near this planet I would think that there would be some sort of navigational buoy out there, see if we can pull data from it.. Anything that would help us with knowing what we are facing especially if it shows a ship leaving with in that 12 hour window, if we can get a direction that would be even better.”


“Unfortunately we can’t reach out to our contact on the ground as I’m sure the Romulan sre listening to everything coming and going from that planet, which means as soon as we enter the atmosphere we need to start broadcasting fast and heavy that we are inbound, Chief Kaha that will be your lane when we get to that point.”


“Yes, sir”


Kr’Antren pulls at his braided mane, sits forward in his chair and puts his clasped hands on the table. “Ok, here is the plan. Helm bring us out of warp as close to that field as possible, we will use the fields properties much like we think the romulans are doing to hide our signature, Tazzeth I want as much power going into the short range sensors as possible as we know that the long range won’t be very useful till we are past that field, if you can find anything and I do mean anything that would hint at a possible base I want to know about it ASAP. As we go into warp we will activate the plan sight program, I have an idea for a story if we get stopped but hopefully we won’t need it. Once we reach the field’s top layer I want to ride it to the edge than dive over the edge and get into that atmosphere as quickly as possible. Chief Kaha as soon as we get into the atmosphere start reaching out, from the info we have we should start getting a signal leading us to meeting point somewhere close to the capital city the briefing stated that when they overthrew the star empire leadership that was in control they installed a council of sorts” looks at his PADD  “councilman N’Tash, councilwoman Sienna, Guardian commander Vexiesh and councilmen Naes are the points of contact. We will need coordinates as soon as we can get them. We will leave the program running as long as we can, Chief Ruz, we will have something broken during that entry that only allows for voice comms.”


“Yes sir, I believe we can handle that”


“Helm, as soon as we touch down I want you working on the quickest way out of there. Number one and chief Kaha will lead the offload and load up anything we can take to help them out. We will need to find out if there is anything else they need that we can provide now or in the future. I’ll meet with the council while the off loads are going on and find out how else  the federation can help. Number one, anything to add?”


“No sir, I think you pretty much covered it all, sounds like a good plan to me. Remember folks this will be quick speed will be the thing once we drop out of warp so be ready for anything and be ready to provide updates as soon as you get them, don’t wait for us to ask just call out that bit of information maybe what makes or breaks the mission.”


Kr’Antren looks around the table making eye contact with each member. “ I know we are new at this and as of yet untried but this is our first mission together and I know you all can do it. Have faith and trust in your training and most importantly have faith and trust in each other. Only way we get through this mission and every mission after this one is by working as a team and trusting each other. Any questions or thoughts”


Looks around the table one final time “No, ok then we all know what we have to do so let’s get to it. Computer activate Plain Sight.”


“Affirmative program plain sight has been enacted, which choice of ship would you like to use?”


Kr’Antren looks at the list on the view screen. “Computer enact the Risian Sapphire program.” Looks at his number one “Seemed like a good choice since it’s another raven class easier for us to remember.”




“Let’s get to work folks”


Kr’Antren follows the rest of his staff out of the ready room and watches as they take their spots. “Helm, I want this timed to match the convoy timeline preferably when those romulan ships are busy dealing with those supply ships.”


“Course and speed are already laid in sir, ready when you are”


Kr’Antren sits back in the chair “Helm, let’s roll.”


23 hours and 45 mins later


Kr’Antren takes his seat in the chair and goes over the overnight reports while receiving the latest from Rhyn the ECH. 


“ I see everything is showing green as of right now.” Looks at the count down timer on the view screen, “15 minutes folks let’s start getting ourselves ready, Rhynn you are good to go, be ready in case we need you.”


“ Yes captain, and good luck”


“Thanks I think we are going to need it”


Ensign Tazzeth looks up from his screens. “Sir, short range sensors are not showing anything in our path, I did a quick long range sweep and wrote confirmation that the supply ships are forming up and there are two romulan warbirds at the location. Also unjust went through the data pulled from the navigational beacon and our guesses are confirmed one romulan warbird does leave the asteroid field from roughly this point” a version of the holo map appears on the view screen “it departs going towards sector alpha 1005, in this area of the region.” The map shifts slightly to show the departing ship course “ and returns in roughly 24 hours.”


“Anything on comms?”


Chief kaha turns to face the captain “Only thing I’m picking up sir is chatter between the supply ships and I’m also picking up directional beacons on the planet’s surface.”


“Hold on tight folks here we go, coming out from of warp in 3,2,1”


The view screen shows a planet’s horizon and than sharply and quickly veers down and the ship starts to dive towards the approaching asteroid field.


“Remember I said skim the top helm. Increase the power to the forward and side deflectors, chief.”


“Yes sir, giving her what we can spare we don’t want to get by one of them larger rocks.”


“Got it sir” as the view screen takes a very abrupt  slide to a more level flight which we can now see is only a few meters from being in the densest layer of the field


Lt Talibah looks over at the captain “ sir if it wasn’t for the inertia dampeners I wonder if this would feel like one of those old earth roller coasters from before the war. As we see the view screen veer to left and than the right and back to the left as suddenly we ship lurches up and everyone can hear a loud screech sound coming from underneath the ship.


“Sorry sir I think that one might have scratched the paint a bit”


“Chief Ruz, check and make sure we didn’t take anything more than a paint scratch on that one. “


“Sending Stimeck to go take a look, ensign if you scratched more than the paint I’ll have you cleaning the jeffries tubes with the smallest brush I can find.”


The bridge crew breaks in a loud roar of laughter “ helm, you heard the man.”


After several minutes of skimming the asteroid field. Ensign Tazzeth looks at his screens “ There, I think we got them sir.” “ LT. Talibah I’m sending you the scans now, it doesn’t look like one base it looks like they maybe using two asteroids to house in.”


Lt. Talibah looks at her screens “ I agree it looks like the base is split amongst two of the larger asteroids that are in a loop with each other.”


Kr’Antren look over at Tazzeth with a smile on his face and than looks over at his number one “Good job Tazzeth, mark the location worse case we at least let bravo command know where the base is.” 


“Already done sir, watching the corridor now, I’m counting the two romulan war birds and 12 -14 supply ships of various makes, most are registered with star fleet and being contractors, a couple are not though.”


“Let’s keep an eye on those couple, shall we”


The view screen takes a quick dive down and we see the planet quickly approaching. “Chief this is helm, give me all you can into them impulse engines and be ready to feed that power into them directional thrusters we will be coming in hot folks.”


“Helm i’ve diverted all the power we can give into the impulse engines, and just say the word on those thrusters”


The view screen suddenly shows several large blasts of light from the upper edge.


Kr’Antren quickly looks at  ensign Tazzeth, “what was that?” “Chief did we lose something.”


No sir, we are showing everything green on my side


Ensign Yivliv “now Chief now”as the tops of mountains along a coast quickly comes into view


Ensign Tazzeth looks over at the captain and then at LT. Talibah “Sir, ma,am there gone and I’m reading, oh this can’t be right”


“Who is gone? and what is not right” as LT. Talibah runs over to look over Tazzeths shoulder. “Captain you may want to look at this,” the view screen changes to show 5 Klingon ships blocking the supply ships path while in front of them is the debris of what once must have been the romulan warbirds.


“What the hell is going on? Number one, send this feed to Bravo command asap including all the data we can. Let them know what just happened and that we may have a bigger problem than the star empire crumbling apart. “


“Already sending it.”


“Computer deactivate program plain sight now, Chief Kaha start sending out for those coordinate requests.”


“Number one open a channel on all frequencies I want to know what is going on”


“Doc report to the bridge, we may need your insight on an issue that just made this mission take a turn.”


“On my way”

A few seconds later the bridge doors open. “What’s the problem? Whose hurt?” 


“No one is hurt doc. But that, that is a major problem” Kr’Antren points at the view screen.