Part of Starbase Bravo: Sundered Wings and Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

No longer a cadet.. part 1

Starbase Bravo
4 June 2400
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Hard to believe that 24 hours ago I was a cadet and now I’m an Ensign.

 S’Atilen thinks to himself as he watches the approaching star base grow in size through the shuttles view screens. 48 Hours ago I left this very same star base as a cadet and today I return realizing that in truth, again, I’m starting over.

Nodding  his head and absently correcting the lay of his new yellow tunic across his shoulders and chest.. Looking down at his PADD again reading though his orders.

(Reading to himself in a slightly lower than normal tone) Hmmm operations officer, well gotta start somewhere I guess, though to tell the truth I would rather have this assignment than the linguist slot that was my number two choiceI’m hoping to get into intelligence or even communication roles where my linguistic skills would better fit the needs of the fleet than being some stuffed shirt assigned to protocol. (Shivers at the thought).

S’Atilen notices the blinking new message icon on his PADD.. What does Kr’Antren want now? He just saw me yesterday after the graduation. He could have waited another 20 minutes to rub it in that he is two years my senior and I have to call him sir now, even though technically I’m older than him even if it is by an hour.

Taps on the message to open it.

Ensign S’Atilen,

Make sure you report to the officer of the deck when your shuttle lands, don’t wander off thinking just because you were a cadet 48 hours ago on the station that you think you know where your going and what you are doing..

haaa, got that part out of the way .. Told mom and dad this morning I would get one in on you.

I am leaving this morning, probably about the time you are due to arrive for my new assignment. I’m hoping to get assigned  as a helmsman on something bigger than the Runabout though I gained a lot of experience flying that little ship.  As such I won’t be there to meet you upon your arrival as we had planned. Rest assured though I called in a favor or two and made sure your crates would be in your new quarters including that hunk of rock that mom and dad sent. Remember as dad always told us “find your senior Noncom and learn from them, they are the ones whom really run everything.” I have found this to be true and it greatly helped me with learning what it meant to be in the real star fleet versus being in the academy and learning it all from books and sims. Well gotta run.

Your brother,

Ensign Kr’Antren

S’Atilen reads through it quickly a second time , with a slight purring chuckle. Well so much for that morning cup of espresso he promised me..

“Ensigns (the helms man announces through the intercom) we will be finished docking in about 1 minute if you would like to proceed to the main door, let me be the first to welcome you to Star Base Bravo home of the Fourth Fleet. Live long and prosper.”

S’Atilen stands up give himself a quick once over, shoulders his duffel, grabs his PADD and makes his way to the main door.


  • I loved reading a present-tense piece like this, something I don't feel like I've seen often in online RPGs. It lends a nice intimacy to the character, and the way the physicalities of the scene were drawn out in italics and parenthesis reminded me of reading a screenplay or script. The benefits of using this style are obvious: you get to be right inside the character's experience! I liked the relationship between S'Atilen and Kr'Antren as seen through the letter, as well as the light character/world building fostered by it as well. We know a fair amount about S'Atilen's personality and family now, which is impressive for a shorter post. Can't wait to see where his story goes!

    June 4, 2022