Part of Starbase Bravo: Q2 2400

Surprise Meeting

Security Office
March 18, 2400
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Sonja had been very busy with the many responsibilities that had been given to her. The past month and a half had been crazy with refugees coming into the station and the many events that had happened regarding it. She had been working closely with the newer arrivals trying to give them a helping hand so to speak. The station was big and even for her she hadn’t seen it all, in fact she would be surprised if she ever did, especially the command sections. She pushed the thought out of her head and was explaining some of the ins and outs of the Security department to the newbies, when she heard a chirp on her commbadge.

“Vaughn to Thompson. Report to my office. Now,” came the gruff voice of the Director of Promenade Security, as per usual lacking any of his regard for niceties, or giving any indication if he was angry or if this was perfectly routine.

Sonja’s heart dropped slightly it wasn’t everyday she was called into the Director of Promenade Securities office. She took a deep breath and made the short walk to his office. She activated the chime and the doors slid open she quickly entered and stood straight “Ensign Thompson, reporting as ordered, Sir.” She said trying to remain calm yet every fiber of her being didn’t know what to expect. The Director wasn’t known for his nice streak and  she always smiled when seeing him, which followed by a grunt or huff, but right now as she was asked to report she figured she shouldn’t be smiling.

Vaughn didn’t look up as she came in, shifting PADDs about on his desk. “Sit,” he grunted, not even gesturing as he sorted through paperwork with an impatient air. Even when she sat down, he did not immediately speak, pausing to take a gulp of tepid tea from the mug on his desk, before at last he said, still not looking at her: “Are you sick of your job as a patrol officer or something, Thompson?”

Sonja took the seat and waited as the pause of the Director sipping tea made things even more tense. When he asked the question she titled her head slightly as she didn’t understand the question. “No, Sir I have been doing my absolute best in the job and plan to do it until something else happens.” She said still confused as to what the Director was getting at. 

“Something else,” Vaughn repeated with a level, expressionless look. Another slow sip of tea. “Like what? And don’t try to give me a gormless or innocent reaction, Thompson, like ‘whatever else crosses my path.’ Unless you want me to think you’re either dim-witted or completely bereft of ambition. What would be the ‘something else’ you’d want to see happen?”

Sonja still could not try to gauge the Director and the emotionless comments didn’t help things. She thought for a minute on what she should say, but she figured the best thing to do was not dwell on the question and just to answer it. “Like eventually moving up in rank, changing into a more responsible position. I am wanting to progress my career in Security. I try to go above and beyond so that it shows I like what I do.” She concluded trying to keep eye contact with the Director.

“Why?” Vaughn asked bluntly. “Why do you like what you do? Why Security? And don’t give me some textbook, cookie-cutter, soulless generic answer, Thompson, I swear.”

Sonja shifted “I like what I do because when I was a child I lived somewhere that crimes still occurred even with the implementation of Security. I took it upon myself to help others even if they were someone I didn’t know. The fact of being able to make others safe is why I do what I do. Security is the best way for me to do that and what better place than in Starfleet to fulfill that goal.” She said still not sure why she was in the Directors office.

Vaughn watched her for a few more moments, mouth a thin, grumpy line. Then he grunted. “Seems like you’ve been doing that. ‘cos you’ve definitely impressed someone. Not me yet, because I’ve not seen you in action, but your shift leader speaks highly of you. Says you’ve pulled long hours. Got yourself stuck in wherever you can. Says you’re an asset to Promenade Security – and now, I’ll be the judge of that, but if people who’ve earned my trust say I should give you a chance, then maybe I give you a chance.” He leaned forward, and possibly, very possibly, there was a softening at his lips. Not a smile, by any stretch. “So what do you say, Thompson. You’ve tried taking everything the department throws at you. Do you want more? Or are you going to burn out ‘cos you don’t know how to handle yourself and your life and your work?”

Sonja had no idea she had been the talk of the superiors “I want to do the most I can. I don’t have plans for any other profession. I am good at balancing between work and life, though I may stay after I still do all the things I need to that are important for a healthy life.” She said still trying to figure out what exactly was about to happen.

“Hm. It’ll be on someone’s head and not yours if it turns out you’ve been pushed to do too much, too soon. Remember that: you’re not letting people down if you set limits. You’re letting people down if you ignore limits and push yourself to collapse.” Vaughn shrugged, then picked up a PADD and said, in a matter-of-fact way: “I need another Patrol Shift Leader. This is fast, but if you think you’re up to it, based on the reports I’ve had from your current shift supervisor, the position’s yours.”

Sonja took a mental not of the Director’s words. It was wise advice and she wanted to make sure she never forgot it. She would set limits if needed and that was a fact she would now live by. “I would be honored, Sir.” It was all she could say due to the shock.

Another grunt. “Depends who you think’s doing you the honour,” he murmured, before patting down a few piles of paperwork, and eventually opening a drawer on his desk. “Oh, yeah. Comes with a little jewellery.” He tossed her a small box. Nestled inside it was the small, round pip for a lieutenant junior grade. Vaughn scratched his chin. “Congratulations, and all that. It gets harder from here.”

Sonja nodded “I will do my best to make sure that I uphold what you want of your Security officers. When does the position officially go into effect?”

“Induction and training’s tomorrow. Then you’re in at the deep end.” Vaughn raised an eyebrow very slightly. “That all?”

Sonja nodded “That is all unless there is anything else you need?”


  • Congratulations, Sonja! It’s not every day a promotion meeting starts out like it’s going to be a telling off. I really enjoyed following the arc of Sonja’s discomfort at going to see the director. It’s like I was right there with her, sweating it out over what was about to happen. And apparently her discomfort was for good reason! Vaughn’s faint praise and backhanded compliments made me laugh (especially “Congratulations, and all that. It gets harder from here.”). I loved learning more about Sonja’s backstory on the crime-ridden streets of Toronto. I’m so curious to learn more about those childhood moments that motivated her to serve and protect and how they stay with her!

    April 13, 2022