Part of USS Valley Forge: Through a Mirror, Crack’d Darkly

The Raft

Mirror Universe / Antaari Nebula / The Raft / IKN Kh’Veng / Main Situation Room
Stardate: 2401.12.27 / 10:27hrs
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“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

John F. Kennedy


Outside the turmoil of the nebula raged eternal, as it had done for eons and likely would continue to do so for time immemorial.

A whirling, seething ballet of ionized, neutral, or molecular hydrogen, super-condensed with a Brownian motion of cosmic dust smashed together by treacherous and unpredictable gravimetric – shear, plasma – discharges and a veritable cocktail of lethal attendant radiation all made for an uncertain sanctuary.

It was a vista as awe-inspiringly beautiful to look upon, as it was breathtakingly deadly to brave.

Right now, that they represented the safest haven in this strange Mirror Universe, said much of the nature of the peril that faces the crew of the USS Valley Forge and their confusing amalgam of new (and unexpected) allies.

Daniel Talland sighed and rubbed his temples tiredly. The weight of command suddenly thrust upon him and the guilt and concern born of the loss of his Captain and friend weighed heavily upon his conscience and presented a burden that he was unsure he could lift alone.

The scars on the hull of the Excelsior II – class heavy cruiser stood as a stark testament to the tribulations undergone by the Starfleet crew over the last 24 hours. A mute codex of conflict, betrayal and flight scoured in the wounds in her hull plating and superstructure. It pained the Commander to see it so. She was a proud ship, and her pain was as keenly felt by her crew as it was for the loss of Captain Hyland.

Chief Engineer Tani Isono had let loose a stream of invective in her native Nipponese, when she had come back aboard to survey the damage wrought by Sam’s desperate plan to escape destruction by the ISS Albion, so much so that Daniel had been forced to temporarily take the Universal Translator offline and thank the Gods that he wasn’t fluent in Japanese himself.

He could hardly blame her. The ‘VF’ had surely seen better days and now she was (albeit temporarily) part of The Raft.

As Daniel stared out of the viewport of the Main Situation Room of the IKN Kh’Veng (the former Klingon Empire Negh’Var-class warship that formed the scuttled – heart of The Raft), he was able to take in and wonder at the sight before him.

Deep within the fury of the Nebula, the tattered remnants of Hundreds of alien races had fled the wrath of the genocidal Terran Empire. With their homelands incinerated, their martial capabilities left in tatters by the centuries – long eradication of their peoples and culture by the totalitarian human dictatorship, they had sought the uncertain protection of the small nebula (only some tens of lightyears in rough diameter) and formed the group of freedom – fighters known as the “New Marquis.”

A wry smile crossed Commander Talland’s lips. The supreme irony that the Terran Terrorist group from his own ‘Prime’ Universe, was conversely here a group of ostensibly pan – species Rebels fighting a desperate resistance against Terran despots.

Lacking any form of substantive base of operations, forced to constantly shift and form isolated cells to better evade the probing attacks by the Imperial Starfleet, establishing a permanent base had been an impossibility for the New Marquis. So instead, they had gathered what remaining craft that had survived their decades – long guerilla war and brought them together to form ‘The Raft’.

Daniel had to give it to Gul Yomat Ghallir, as a text-box stratagem of elastic – defence, The Raft was a work of inspired genius.

Before him, through the viewport, an ever – shifting amalgam of different craft lay connected by docking ports, clamps, umbilical’s, gently – glowing tractor beams, ersatz – walkways constructed from salvage, inflatable habitats, field enclosures and a hundred other myriad jury – rigged contrivances that linked those ships into a gigantic shanty – town in space.

Here at the core was the once proud IKN Kh’Veng. The mighty Negh’Var-class warship was the proud veteran that had led at the spearhead of a hundred great battles against the oppressing forces of the Terran Empire.

Now, with her keel broken, she would ride to battle no more with the sounds of “The Warriors Anthem” ringing in her halls – but rather she served as the central hub for both the structural elements of The Raft and as the primary Command & Communications Hub for the rag – tag leadership of the New Marquis.

Daniel recognized both martial and civilian vessels from just about every species imaginable, gathered and nestled all – together.

Radiating out from the centre, he could see Ferengi – Alliance Trading cruisers that had seen better days, there the lethal trapezoid of a warship of what once was the Tholian Assembly. The squat wedge – shaped hulls of six Talarian Republic Patrol Corvettes were arrayed Star – like nose to nose like a great wheel.

The curving Knife – like hull of a Plesh Brek – class frigate (formerly of the Breen Confederation) was just approaching the confusion of The Raft and gently nestling into its outer periphery – linking and merging to become part of the chaotic drift of ships as it joined its New Marquis comrades.

It was a tenuous structure of shifting priorities – able to reform as needed with multiple vessels sharing Warp – core power, computing assets, temporary shields and EPS distribution (not to mention weapons arcs) as well as people, culture and resources. At the sign of trouble – the entire structure could theoretically disband and disperse like seed – pods on the wind, if there was the real and imminent threat of discovery by the Terran Empire forces that tirelessly pursued them all.

The presence of the battle – scarred USS Valley Forge, tethered to the outliers of The Raft as it underwent urgent repairs, was the most incongruous sight in that it was the only craft present of a noticeably “Terran” design.

“A sad legacy really, considering what once was, what could have been”.

Spoke the tall and cadaverous Gul Yomat Ghallir as he entered the room with his entourage, taking Daniel by surprise and shaking him from his reverie.

Commander Daniel Talland turned from the fantastical view outside and spoke.

“I don’t think that it’s sad at all, all those different races coming together in defiance against adversity, somehow it gives me hope.”

The Starfleet officer smiled a small, sad smile as he stepped away from the viewport and approached the delegation filing into the situation room.

“I didn’t have you down for an optimist or a poet, Commander.” The Cardassian Gul smiled thinly as he took his place around the glowing holo – display board that dominated the centre of the situation room.

“Hope is something that we have been in such short supply of, for so very long, that we dare not give it wings lest it flees – taking with it our last resolve.”

“Well, let’s see if we can’t just do something about that shall we?” The Englishman said, with what he hoped sounded like firm resolve.

The Gul smiled and nodded to those assembled, making introductions by way of commencing the briefing and getting things underway.

“Commander Talland, welcome.” The Cardassian nodded perfunctorily. “We are glad to have your and your crew here as allies. You will find that the New Marquis is quite adept in the art of making allies from strange bedfellows, but you must accept that not all of our number find it easy to place their trust in humans, given the history between their races and your own.”

Keenly aware of his presence as the only Human in the room, Daniel Talland stood a little straighter and adjusted his uniform, as he did so – his warm brown eyes caught the deep – black Betazoid eyes of Lieutenant Commander Deassomi Dai from across the table.

Clad not in her Starfleet Uniform, but civilian clothes and with an unfathomable look on her face, the Valley Forge’s Chief Science Officer had seemingly been avoiding him for the past few hours – locked away in conference with Dr Gallian Makon – leaving Daniel to wonder what motivation lay behind this uncharacteristic behavior.

It was like the woman who had been abducted aboard Hull 3185 had not really returned.

Talland pushed aside these thoughts for now, the Gul’s words and the fact that a particularly fearsome Klingon warrior flanking the New Marquis Commander looked very much like he would enjoy absolutely nothing more than to rip Daniel’s throat our with his bare – teeth, prompted him to make reassurance.

A classist who read at Oxford, Daniel found that the words of those more learned than him were often the surest balm and so he looked to the 20th century American author, Gerald Morris, as he framed his response and quoted.

“There’s never a reason to trust someone. If there’s a reason, then it’s not trust.”

Yomat Ghallir regarded the Starfleet Commander for a long, pregnant moment and then the smallest smile creased his grey features, and he nodded.

“Just so.”

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief. The fate of his crew was anything but certain. He had to make an ally of the New Marquis if he wanted to rescue Captain Hyland and to do so, he would have to understand their motivations and ally himself to their cause.

“So, Commander, Lieutenant Commander Dai you are of course acquainted with. The Commander has been invaluable in assisting us in the preliminary planning of the operation that we shall now discuss.”

The Gul gestured to Deassomi and Daniel again had a pang of consternation that the CSO seemed to be more invested with her new companions than she did in her duties as a Starfleet officer but now was certainly not the appropriate time to press her on her supposed loyalties.

“This is Marshal Kém Pok, leader of our Naval forces.” Gul Ghallir indicated the Klingon, who just glared in response.

“Centurion Velar, formerly of the Tal Shiar and now serving as our Chief of Intelligence.”

A sinewy female Romulan gave a curt not from across the table, but did not exude any warmth.

Gul Ghallir indicated a Hulking Nausicaan, who stood defiantly with his massive arms crossed.

“Brimar – our Head of Security aboard The Raft.”

He nodded his head reluctantly to an obsequious smiling Ferengi, who was torn between eyeing up Centurion Velar’s svelte frame from behind and greedily (and more obviously) appraising what advantage may be gained or lost from befriending or betraying the Starfleet newcomers.

“Oh, and this is V’lurk…..apparently he’s our quartermaster, but you wouldn’t know it from the price he exacts.” Yomat commented acerbically.

“An honor Commander!” Wheedled V’lurk, “Should you or your crew require anything – anything at all – please do not hesitate to reach out and but ask. I exist only to serve…for a modest commission of course!”

“Greed is eternal.” Daniel remarked dryly.

V’lurk’s eyes lit up in amusement and he clapped stubby hands together.

The 10th Rule of Acquisition! Bless my lobes, Commander! No one told me that you were an educated man!”

Gul Ghallir frowned. He had often found that the best course of action was normally to pointedly ignore V’lurk and he didn’t see any reason to change course now.

“And lastly, Commander, I believe that you have already met my Lieutenant – Dr Gallian Makon?” The Cardassian Commander asked rhetorically.

And into the dim circle of light, stepped the very reason that the crew of the USS Valley Forge found themselves stranded in this strange and terrible Universe.

“Commander Talland.” The scientist nodded her iron-grey head.

“Dr Makon.” Daniel replied stiffly.

“I hope you haven’t come seeking an apology, for I have none to give.” Gallian challenged defensively, a defiant set to her hips.

Commander Talland raised a dismissive eyebrow and countered coldly.

“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”

There may have been a Benjamin Frankin in this Dr Makon’s Universe but screw her – let her ponder that one, Daniel thought.

“Well now that the introductions are out of the way,” Gul Yomat Ghallir spoke, to alleviate the tension that had grown over the situation room table, “Let us to business.”

He keyed the holodisplay and a wonderous three – dimensional, highly detailed representation of the Antaari Nebula sprang into being and filled the void between the inhabitants of the room.

As he spoke, the Cardassian highlighted certain icons on the holo, that flared bright as he referenced them.

“As we all now know, Gallian encountered this “Alien” craft and was lost to us, presumed dead, some three months ago.”

A hologram of the “USS Artemis” /Hull – 3185 drifted up from the Nebula and rotated slowly before them.

“Rather than killing my beloved, this craft somehow tore a hole between realities and entered an alternate universe, one peopled by Commander Talland here and his “United Federation of Planets”, which if things are to be believed – represented an analogous version of the Terran Empire whose ideals are founded on peace, exploration and diplomacy.” Ghallir sounded more than a little dubious at this concept – but pressed on.

“Realizing the potential of this technology in our struggle against the Terran Empire, Gallian made all efforts to return it to us – but in doing so drew the USS Valley Forge here with her, attracting the attention of the Imperial Starfleet vessel ISS Albion, that is currently holding station outside the Nebula.”

The holo shifted and zoomed to a red – icon, that rapidly grew in size and detail until it seemed that the shovel – prowed Terran Empire vessel was making way around the southern portion of the table.

“Why haven’t they attempted to follow into the Nebula?” rumbled the Nausicaan, Brimar.

Marshal Kém Pok shook his greying dreadlocked – head and snorted disdainfully.

“They dare not! The spineless bIHnuch fear what they would find if they delved here where their sensors are as blind as their own! So, they skulk outside like a whipped Targ, content to wait and prey upon whoever comes out!”

At this point, Daniel interjected with something that had been troubling ever since their fateful encounter with the maniacal Captain Hyland and her ship.

“Excuse me?” Daniel spoke and Marshal Kém Pok resumed his glowering at being so interrupted.

Commander Talland indicted the tiny ISS Albion and frowned.

“Why is there just a single ship?  If the Terran Empire placed such importance on the capture of Dr Makon and Hull – 3185, then surely, they would have committed more assets to the task?”

Centurion Velar nodded and spoke directly to Daniel’s concerns.

“Whilst the Terran Empire still represents a credible and very real danger, their strength in recent years has been hampered by a period of détente and retrospection when they rescinded their repressive and xenophobia policies during a period of reforms.”

The former Tal Shiar intelligence specialist indicated both Gul Yomat Ghallir and Marshal Kém Pok.

“This left the Empire unprepared to defend itself against the emerging threat of a united Klingon-Cardassian Alliance which briefly managed to conquer the Empire – but following the success of the Terran Rebellion, the Empire would return to power once again. The Empire we face today is a shadow of its former might and now it has this to contend with….”

With that, the Centurion manipulated the display and a large tetrahedral – vessel came into being, depicted in glowing amber. It was massive.

“The Hive Collective.”

Commander Talland peered at the alien – seeming vessel, but somehow (although the lines looked all wrong) it looked hauntingly familiar.

“It looks a bit like …. a Borg – Cube?” Daniel hazarded, uncomfortable of the implicit similarities.

It was his own Lieutenant Commander Dai, that interjected at this point with clarification.

“It’s not the Borg, Daniel, but they might as well be and they represent an equal, if not more deadly threat.”

Talland frowned in consternation, both at this unwelcome development and Deassomi obvious lack of respect for his rank and casual informality. Undeterred, she pressed home her point.

“The Hive is an insectoid hegemonistic swarm – species. Unable to create technological advances of their own, they seek to assimilate those with the necessary sophistication into their collective by means of a powerful biological mutagenic strain. The parallels to the Borg are inescapable Daniel. I don’t have to spell out how disastrous it would be if the Hive were able to gain control of the Stutterwarp – technology aboard Hull – 3185 and effect a transit to our Universe. Together the Borg and the Hive would dominate and subjugate all sentient life in either reality.”

Centurion Velar took up the lead once more.

“With the Terran Empire engaged with the Hive throughout the known Quadrant’s, it’s not remarkable that the Captain of the ISS Albion is pursuing this prize on her own (her people thrive on self- interest)– although her motivations for doing so remain oblique.”

“But she plaintively does seek to acquire Hull – 3185 and with that comes our advantage.” Gul Ghallir concluded knowingly.

“To do what?” Commander Talland protested with exasperation.

“That’s an Inquiry – class cruiser out there! If it’s even half as capable as the same vessels from my reality, even on its own it’s more than a match for any of the ships here. It almost tore my ship apart in mere minutes! What chance do you really think that you have going up against the ‘Albion’, with this collection of museum relics, Gul Ghallir?!”

Gul Yomat Ghallir smiled thinly and replied.

“If I sought direct confrontation, in the manner you allude to Commander Talland, absolutely none.”

The New Marquis Commander went on to then prove that he was every bit as wiley and ruthless as his True Way counterpart in Daniels own Universe’, as he gave Dr Makon the floor.

Ignoring the glare from Daniel, Gallian keyed the Holo and this time a shimmering symbol in green shimmered into being.

A stylized representation of a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature, composed of different animal parts. It had two heads a lion with a goat’s head protruding from its back and a tail ending with a snake’s head. It was framed by mantling dragon’s wings.

“Chimera**.” Dr Makon stated simply.

“From Greek Mythology, a symbol of destruction – a hybrid merging of warring forms to create a cipher for chaos.” Gallian explained.

“In figurative use, derived from the mythological meaning, “chimera” refers to an unrealistic, or unrealizable, wild, foolish or vain dream, notion or objective.” The classically – trained Daniel Talland countered, his dislike for Dr Makon and the chaos she had inflicted upon his own fate leaving him feeling particularly adversarial.

Dr Makon regarded the Commander with withering derision.

“Whereas, in your own universe Commander, your version of myself managed to persevere with her experimentation in Stutter – warp drive technology but was a programmer of middling rank; here my successes in the creation of heuristics led me to succeed in the field of Artificial Intelligence and my ultimate success is fully realized here in ‘Chimera’.”

“Chimera is the ultimate learning – machine and has been raised & programmed with one purpose only and that is to bring around the complete and utter defeat of the Terran Empire, once and for all.” Dr Makon proclaimed proudly, with fervor glowing bright in her eyes.

“We don’t seek to destroy the ISS Albion, Commander Talland.” Gul Ghallir nodded, “We seek to lure Captain Hyland into a false sense of security by presenting her with the prize she covets the most and then to introduce Chimera to the ship’s computer. Once networked to the entire Imperial Fleet, Chimera will take over every system and effectively cripple the Imperial Starfleet – paving the way to their destruction.”

The audacity of the plan was breathtaking in its scope and audacity, but Daniel shook his head and objected.

“But you can’t let Captain Hyland, their Captain Hyland, get her hands on the Stutterwarp Drive!”

“For once, we are in agreement.”

Astonished, Commander Talland turned to face Dr Makon.

“The effect created by the Stutter-Warp drive’s malfunction was unintentional and in doing so – it’s very existence threatens stability in our universe and your own.” Gallian said firmly.

“Unlike the Empire, we do not seek hegemony, we look only towards survival. We also will have to face the Hive Collective, in time, and the Stutterwarp is too alluring a prize to harbor. For the good of all peoples everywhere, it must be destroyed.”

Daniel’s eyes went wide.

“But we’ll be stranded here!”

“In return for your help in keeping the ISS Albion occupied whilst we attempt to implant Chimera into their systems, we promise to return you and the Valley Forge to your own sphere of existence Commander.” Gul Ghallir countered. “We have to risk initiating the Stutter – Warp drive to draw Captain Hyland into pursuit, before we destroy Hull – 3185, you should have time to overtake and enter the spatial rift before it collapses forever.

It was almost too much to take in, but Daniel could see the logic of the stratagem (as risk – laden as it was) and was frankly low on alternative choices.

“Very well but were not going anywhere without rescuing our Captain Hyland first.”

Centurion Velar sighed dejectedly, “Commander Talland, you have to be reasonable, the likelihood of your Captain being alive are…”

“She IS alive, and we are GOING to get her back!” Daniel stated firmly.

“As you will Commander.” Gul Ghallir smiled pityingly, “We still have to breach the security of the ISS Albion to achieve either goal, but this far our plans on how to do so with any reasonable factor of success have drawn up depressingly short. We can’t beam a team aboard whilst their shields are up, and the chances are that the away team wouldn’t achieve the necessary surprise needed to survive long enough to achieve their mission objectives.”

This sent a wave of consternation flowing around the C&C space as those assembled pondered and remonstrated on this seemingly insurmountable stumbling block.

Inspiration hit Daniel like a promethean – bolt from above.

“Computer!” He called out, causing all assembled to turn to stare at him.

“Activate the Tactical Training Hologram.”

The computer aboard the IKN Kh’Veng, interfaced with that of the USS Valley Forge, via the shared data acrography of The Raft and the holoemitter shifted once more and suddenly there was a squat, bald – headed, barrel – chested old Japanese – man, dressed in 23rd Century Starfleet Maroon’s – who stood impatiently on the deck and his moustaches quivered as he reported gruffly.

“Please state the parameters of the Tactical Training Simulation.”

Commander Talland grinned to the assembled New Marquis leaders and proclaimed.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present Master – Chief Petty Officer, Isagi Saroga?”


((**See the USS Albion mission “The Devil to Pay”))