
Profile Overview

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Daniel Talland

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Talland


Daniel Michael Talland

2369 AD

Marlow, England, Earth


Daniel Talland is a well – spoken, educated Englishman with a passion for literature and an insightful nature.

In addition to graduating Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, Talland also completed a post – grad doctorate in 19th & 20th Century Literature at the prestigious Magdalen College, Oxford.

A confident & capable Starfleet officer that is capable of decisive action, Dan Talland is more likely to lead with his mind than his fists.


Of Carribean heritage, Daniel Talland stands 5ft 10ins tall and has a bald head and an immaculately kempt – beard. He has strong features and thoughtful brown eyes.

During his university days Talland represented his college as a member of the rowing club and resultantly has a fit and athletic physique. Daniel continues to keep his oar in the water – by practicing his sculling on the USS Valley Forge’s Holodeck.


Daniel Talland is well spoken, with a rich and sonorous voice and exudes a dry patience that is legacy to his academic roots.

An officer that creates a collegiate working environment, Commander Talland believes that every situation contains the implicit potential for a learning experience and seeks to ensure that those serving under him realize that potential and continually improve as officers, NCOs and Ratings. This would make Talland a demanding taskmaster, but for his ready smile and sense of teamsmanship.

He would never ask anybody below him to attempt any task that he himself was not willing to tackle. He leads from the front.

Dan Talland enjoys entertaining his fellow crewmembers during his off-duty hours. An accomplished amateur chef, his dinner – parties are not to be missed.


Born in the town of Marlow, in the county of Buckinghamshire in England – Daniel Talland is the only son of Micheal Talland (a famed civilian Cultural Anthropologist) and Helena Talland (a noted equestrian).

Daniel was raised in a loving family environment where academic excellence and physical pursuits were highly encouraged values and as a young man, he developed a great passion for historical literature and the water. Also highly adventurous, Daniel enrolled into Starfleet Academy – much to his family’s chagrin – proving an able candidate and focusing on the Command track.

Upon graduating Starfleet Academy, Daniel deferred his service and took a sabbatical to study & completed a post – grad doctorate in 19th & 20th Century Literature at the prestigious Magdalen College, Oxford.

Taking up his commission, Daniel served with distinction as a Bridge Officer aboard the Reliant – class frigate USS Ni’Var, attaining the rank of Lieutenant (Sg), before transferring to service aboard the Echelon – class Light Cruiser, USS Princeton and attaining the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Newly promoted to the rank of Commander and assigned to serve as the Executive Officer aboard the Excelsior II – class Heavy Cruiser, USS Valley Forge – Daniel Talland faces the challenge of bringing together a new young – crew to heal the wounds dealt to Starfleet by the events of Frontier Day and to support his new CO – herself recently promoted and elevated to command.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2392 - 2396 Bridge Officer USS Ni’Var (NCC - 90237)
2396 - 2401 Bridge Officer USS Princeton (NCC - 97403)
Lieutenant Commander
2401 - Present Executive Officer USS Valley Forge (NCC - 43305)