Vivienne was excited – it wasn’t a date, but was going to a party at the same time. And not any party – she had been invited to an event celebrating the recent promotions, and as a civilian, that was kind of a big deal. She had chosen something nice to wear, then discarded it, and picked something even nicer.
Now she was waiting for Silveira, who had promised to pick her up.
Sil was stepping up his pace, worried he was late. He had to replicate a proper pair of formal pants to complete the uniform. Last time he put on the “dress whites” was years ago, but he wanted to look good for Vivienne.
He stopped at the door of her quarters and hit the chime. Sil smiled when she opened the door and stood slightly straighter.
“You look stunning”
Vivienne blushed. “Thank you.” She looked Silveira up and down appraisingly, and then gave a nod. “You look amazing.”
He tipped his head with that mischievous grin of his. “Well, I thought you deserved a properly dressed partner.” He wrinkled his forehead “You don’t think its too much, do you?”
“I’ve never been at an event like that.”, Vivienne admitted as she stepped out of the door and onto the corridor. “But if I don’t think it’s too much. It’s… professional. And fancy.”
Together, they made their way towards the nearest turbolift.
“Have you ever been in Odin’s Palace before? I hear it’s only for the most senior of officers.”, she asked eventually.
Sil shook his head.
“No, I usually just hang out at the Valhalla. It’s my first time going there. I didn’t realize it was there until I read the invitation a second time”
“Wow… that’s very special of Captain Nassar to do.”, there was a pause. “She seems really nice. The Captain, I mean.”
He smiled and as the turbolift doors open, gestured for her to enter first.
“I agree. I have a very good impression of her, although I don’t know her all that well.” He followed inside and
waited for the doors to close before directing the turbolift.
“Deck 5. I am sure there will be some of the crew there”
“Have you made many friends since you arrived here?”, Vivienne wanted to know.
He smiled and shook his head. Aside from Lieutenants Martel, Frisco and Th´tholler he hadn’t really interacted with much of the senior crew.
“Not many, but I am sure we can mingle around.” He gave her a mischievous grin. “If worse comes to worse, we always have each other”
That had Vivienne blush once more, and she lowered her gaze before giving a shy nod. The ride to Deck 5 was unspectacular as such, and they passed no one who seemed particularly interested as to why they were all dressed up.
Once they arrived at Odin’s palace, the place was already filled with music and the laugher of the other attendees.
“Wow.”, Vivienne smiled. “This sure is a step up from Valhalla.”
Sil was admittedly stunned as he looked around. It was his first time there and he know appreciated the fact he was wearing his dress uniform.
“It sure is” He offered his arm to Vivienne. “Shall we? I don’t want people to think we are just casually arriving. We should make a good entrance.”
Vivienne gave a nod and took his arm, though she wasn’t entirely sure what that grand entrance was supposed to convey. If anything, it would definitely spark rumours that they were dating. Then again, they were, weren’t they? This was a date after all.
To her relief, as they entered, only a few heads turned.
They stepped inside discreetly, all things considered. Sil had a wide smile and in truth they didn’t caught too much attention.
“See, we made a discreet entrance.”
“Very discrete.”
He winked at Vivienne before tilting his head to the bar.
“Well I don’t know about you, but honestly the only person I want the attention off is you. Shall we get a drink?”
“Sure.”, Vivienne nodded as they headed towards the bar. She allowed Silveira to order a drink for her, before pondering how to continue the conversation. She had a tendency to get awkward.
“I’m going to do another try at my Academy entry exam.”, Vivienne said eventually. “I’ve failed a few times, but now at least I know why.”
Sil had ordered them a couple of Risian Mai Tais and they were being served as Vivienne spoke.
He smiled and nodded. “Really? And may I ask why is that?”
“Uh…”, she said and blushed. “Turns out I am not as telepathically dead as my family thought. I thought I just get distracted easily, but apparently it’s a telepathy thing. I’m still trying to figure it out.”
“It’s good that you found out the problem. If that is something you see in your future I am glad that your trying again”
“What made you join Starfleet?”
Sil tilted his head as he smiled.
“I wanted to travel and serve. A little cheesy reason I know, but I always found it cool that ideal of Starfleet.” He took a sip from his drink. “Of course I am not that naive anymore, but I still think… I think we still make a difference.”
“You think so?”
He shrugged. “I have seen some things over time, but honestly I still think it’s worth it.”
“I think so too.”, Vivienne said, and made a commitment to herself – she would succeed her next attempt at the entry exam for Academy, and join Starfleet.