Part of USS Callisto: Shore Leave

Hope for the Better

Ready Room, USS Callisto
December 2401
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Sol’s transport over to the Callisto had been routine. She had with her a set of PADDs detailing all of Arys’ work for her, with time frames. It should have been enough to clear her of whatever charges she was facing. She also had a stuffed mugato plushy, which was maybe less dignified than she wanted to look when meeting another Captain, it did clash with her uniform after all.

She thanked the young ensign that had escorted her to the observation lounge and entered, unsure what to expect. She sized up the captain as she approached the table.

“Captain… Thank you for meeting with me and under such circumstances.” she said, remaining standing.Captain

Ceix was experienced, and despite all that happened, didn’t have any emotional involvement in the matter at hand. Of course, he wanted things to be cleared up, but he was a lot less invested in the outcome – which was why he was alone, and had neither taken Trova nor Keller with him. 

“Of course.”, he nodded, and gestured for Solaris to take a seat. “I wish the circumstances were better, but it intrigues me that you changed your plans to come here and speak to me – and the patient. It says a lot about you.”

Sol moved to a chair and sat placing the PADDs on the table, the mugato in her lap. She stared at the PADDs for a moment.

“It’s not often that someone you thought was dead turns up alive.” she said. She still held shame of the position she had put Arys in. “Not often someone presents you the opportunity to fix a mistake long since made…” she added.

She slid the PADDs across the table toward Ceix.

“Those PADDs contain my notes and logs, unclassified, unredacted versions. Detailing the information I shared with your Doctor.” she said.

Ceix gave a nod, and then reached for the PADD. He carefully assayed the information held within, but his face remained unreadable. 

Eventually, he looked at Solaris. “Thank you for sharing this with me.”, he said softly. “I think this answers many of the open questions. It does, however, not absolve your friend of any guilt she might carry. I am wondering… do you believe it impossible that she left willingly?”

Sol knew all too well the feeling of guilt.

“Willingly left with whomever took her in the first place?” she asked. She shook her head. “No, I don’t believe she would have gone with them willingly.” she continued. “Further I fully believe that the only reason you found them was due to her actions… though I have no way of proving that.” she added.

“Having read this service record and the information you provided, I am not surprised you think that.”, Ceix said neutrally. “There are… claims that she had been the Captain of the vessel, and the instigator of this whole operation. Your records prove that the logs we found on the ship were manipulated.”

“I’m glad they prove that at least…” 

“At the same time, one thing added up in the testimonies given by crew and prisoners – she was the head surgeon leading the extraction procedures.”

Solaris nodded. She was quiet for a few more moments. Searching for the right thing to say.

“I can not dispute that she did do such things.” she said.

“Perhaps she was coerced..”, he mused. 

“She is a brilliant surgeon… she never would have caused harm willingly.” she explained.

“It would… help… if she were willing to communicate her side of the story. But so far, she hasn’t spoken to anyone.”, Ceix explained and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Perhaps Captain McLaren could make her talk. 

“I’ve seen others like that… after long assignments undercover… It is not easy.” she acknowledged, while being acutely aware this wasn’t, exactly, the same.

“She has been given quarters – guarded quarters. There was the fear that she would do something to herself, but so far, she hasn’t tried. Doctor Trova tells me she prefers to sit in a corner and does not interact with anyone.”

More than anything else, that pained her to hear. She didn’t know what would happen.

“I hope I can help her.” she said. “I never should have put her in that situation in the first place…” she added quietly. She let a hand drop to her lap, checking that the plushy was still there. Of course it was, it couldn’t just walk off, but it was still reassuring.

“I think you made the choice you deemed best.”, said Ceix. “And sometimes that still doesn’t end well. But…”, he paused, considering for a moment. “It hasn’t… ended yet, I suppose. She might not be doing well, but she is alive. As long as she is, there is the hope that she will get better. Perhaps that is what we should focus on.”

She nodded.

“It might be all we can focus on now…” she said.

“I will ask Doctor Trova to take you and see her.”

Sol nodded, holding the mugato plushy. It roared quietly as she squeezed it a bit too hard. She looked just a little sheepish.

“Thank you, Captain.”