Part of USS Paramount: S1E6 | Watch Your Back and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Act Four: Greater Good

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), trailing rimward edge of the Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0731 hours
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“It would seem the Calgary wasn’t transporting one piece of stolen technology but three,” Lieutenant Commander Hill declared as he stood from his chair and went to the display that was against one of the walls in the observation lounge. Shortly after conferring with Starfleet Intelligence, Hill asked Nitus to assemble the staff because he and Chief zh’Rilnil had found something. Soon after the entire senior staff was gathered in the observation lounge listening intently to the chief of operations.

“Three?!” Lieutenant Commander Blix said surprised. The chief medical officer had barely recovered from the troubles endured during the Underspace crisis and now they were being thrust unto a crisis with the Orion Syndicate.

“Yes doctor three. Starfleet Intelligence in conjunction with Fourth Fleet Intelligence has managed to identify two of the three items,” Lieutenant Commander Hill told them. He hated working with intelligence but when it came down too it was a nessidary evil in his job and he had ro such it up for the greater good. “One is a highly experimental torpedo capable of disabling a ship’s warp field rendering fit immobile for who knows how long.”

“What do you mean by who knows how long?” Lieutenant Junior Grade Alessa Reno questioned. The chief counselor always asked the questions most would be afraid or unwilling to ask. “Wouldn’t Starfleet Intelligence know how long it’s weapon could last?”

“As I said earlier it is highly experimental. They haven’t had time to test it but simulation how it’s able to cause a Negh’Var-class cruiser to be immobile for three days,” Lieutenant Commander Hill stated. He then pressed a button on the side of the display that started showing simulation. It depicted a Galaxy-class ship facing off against a Negh’Var-class ship as the ship is preparing to warp away the Galaxy-class fires a magenta colored torpedo as he fast approached the Negh’Var-class the ship stopped moving and began to drift.

“That can’t be possible,” Lieutenant D’Antonio said as he looked at the display astonished. He wasn’t sure what to believe anymore finding out that challengings had infiltrated Starfleet had been a major wake up call. “Could it?” he asked ss he looked to Nitus fearful.

“The other is a graviton shield capable of absorbing the energy from an incoming attack and redirecting it,” Lieutenant Commander Hill said as he pressed another button on the side of the display that showed another simulation.

This time it showed a D’deridex and a Galaxy-class ship. The D’deridex fired on the Galaxy-class causing the shields to flare then in an instant the blast was sent back with greater force. Then another simulation played right after this time it showed a Negh’Var-class firing its torpedo at a Galaxy-class as the torpedo met the shields it just bounced back heading straight to the Negh’Var-class hitting the ship leading to it going critical.

“Woah,” Lieutenant Zolath said as he looked at the display.

“Did intelligence have any idea of where we may find these weapons?” Nitus asked as she leaned forward. The implication of these weapons in the hands of the criminal underworld was dire.

“With that I’ll hand this meeting over to Chief Petty Officer Ashia zh’Rilnil our new computer systems specialist,” Lieutenant Commander Hill stated as he sat down.

Chief zh’Rilnil stood and walked over to the display. “Fourth Fleet Intelligence didn’t have much but they did say was bishop is a pawn.”

Upon hearing this Lieutenant Zolath sighed. He didn’t want this to happen but it would seem Admiral Becktt needed all the Intel on the table. But what would it cost him? His friends? This crew had become his family and now he was going to lose it all. Orders were orders and whether he liked it or not he had to follow them. For the greater good.

“What does that mean?” Lieutenant Reno asked. The chief counselor almost never spoke during staff meetings unless she had to but this time was an exception.

“I know,” Lieutenant Zolath sighed as he looked to Nitus. “I know what it means.”