Part of Starbase Bravo: Artefacts of the Frontier

La’an Creates Holodeck Story

Star Base Bravo
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La’an walked into the Holodeck, Only to create a story with all NPCs. “Let’s see how this goes….” She begins to type into panel……

Mission: Baptism By Fire

Location: Gorn Homeworld

As the Resolute would exit Warp, a stolen Federation vessel was drifting and destroyed in space. All comm channels cut off as the Gorn moved to intercept supposed hostile reinforcements. After one of their ships perished they have instantly turned their guns on the Federation.

Disruptors and Torpedoes fired at the Resolute. Unprepared it took a hard blow to it’s shielding the moment it arrived.

Performing evasive maneuvers the Resolute began to fire a spread of phasers in return fire. Only denting shields of their enemy. The Resolute would nose dive diverting shields to back and sides of it’s haul.

Phaser beams and disruptor cannons crossed and intertwined in the space between them. The shields on each would flash with each impact of the disruptors. On the bridge, things were hectic as they had went to red alert, unprepared for an instant fire fight. The ship engaged boldly none the less, instead of turning to retreat.

The lightning storm in space gradually getting more violent around the two different vessels. As the phasers and disruptors crossed one another hitting each other’s shields, both took critical shield hits. The battle had begun, and it was going to be awhile longer before their escort to reach them. Leaving the Centaur Class outmatched in firepower.


Gorn Battleship

The Gorn continued firing at the Resolute, matching their ship projectory. Keeping their disruptor cannons aimed towards the front of the ship. As the shields were being pushed toward the back it left this area more vulnerable.

USS Resolute

The ship continued the dive and attempt a horse shoe Manuever in it’s firing strategy. But as their guns hammered the Gorn ship, so too was the Resolute torn into. Causing a massive explosion close to the bridge area. Causing pieces of the Resolute to go drifting into space along with more Crew. Phasers still firing rapidly, acting as point defenses to stop torpedoes mid travel.

Narada: Nero’s Flagship

As the Gorn ship was destroyed by the Resolute by near sheer luck. A huge black ship exited a massive lightning storm, having come back in time to the TNG era. It came out shooting as it saw a Federation vessel. Tearing the Resolute to shreds with multiple torpedoes and disruptors.

USS Resolute

The USS Resolute lost all power and was drifting towards the planet. Whatever power it had left was being used to manually target torpedoes aiming for life pods and shuttles. Eris however had to stay aboard or her crew would perish. Leaving her to be soon stranded on the Gorn Homeworld.

USS Enterprise

The USS Enterprise finally arrived. Though unprepared it had to immediately evade ship debris, getting the left side of its saucers paint and platting scratched badly. Before torpedoes fired across it’s decks blowing holes in her and her rear left warp coil. The ship began to fire back but power was knocked out toward it’s shielding. Leaving it almost a sitting duck as it was shot up and struggling to avoid incoming debris. Getting knocked into a drift as it took a massive explosion in it’s broadside. USS Resolute debris was all around it, but it fired what guns it hard to protect life pods it could see. Despite the fact they too were drifting and bleeding.

“Part 1 End” Beeped the Computer 

Task Force Guardian, outmatched and outgunned had Resolute and Enterprise drifting and bleeding in the water. Explosions rippled across Enterprise and Resolute crashed down into the Planet. Life pods were fired out along with shuttles. Eris went down with her ship. Only ejecting once she was in atmosphere and crashing through clouds. Stranded.

La’an stood there watching the Holo them movie, So far good. “Lets continue” she begun to type more into system.

The battle seems lost as Enterprise and Resolute have been critically hit. Resolute has crashed into the planet. Enterprise drifting into space debris as small explosions go off on it’s decks. Voyager is seemingly their only hope. a distress beacon was launched from Enterprise before it was fully losing power . But just as things were getting dicey, the Resolute as it was drifting into orbit saw a glimpse of hope.


USS Voyager

Voyager dropped out of orbit on arriving instantly and into the space battle. Commences,
Janeway engages the red alert,to the rescue, shooting and targeting all enemy fire. Janeway continues barking out orders, commanding tactical, and working on sensors, wild dodging sparks of explosions from other consoles surrounding the stations to perform rescue operations to retrieve escape pods. “ everyone let’s save the day by the savior the federation.”

USS Enterprise D Galaxy Class

Captain Data had jumped into orbit of the planet awhile after the beacon. The ancient ship moved into intercept the Narada. Showing up like a battleship pulled from retirement. A familiar voice over the comms. “We heard you might be needing a little reinforcements. As one might say, let’s send this monster back to hell.” Enterprise D flew like it did against the Borg doing some fancy flying as it flew itself over the massive ship. Firing everything it had. Causing a big explosion on the Narada, as Data called aloud. “Janeway I’ve given you an opening, hit them in the jaws of the ship.”

USS Voyager

Meanwhile Janeway paid attention the comcommunication from the other ship, the enterprise D class and /\= acknowledge /\=
Janeway walks over towards the tactical officers’ command station singles to the helm control. “ Get us into position, tactical officer. Blitz out of the four full torpedoes proton with three phasers, two towards Gorn’s flagship as on screen. ” Yes, ma’am, said the officer as the tactical officer began firing up the weapons and marking the mark.


Nero’s ship took a critical blow and explosion across his decks. They managed to damage the Class D Enterprise and fired everything they had toward the Voyager. Trying to breach it’s haul before it jumped away before warp power was lost. The battle was over, but the road to recovery was just beginning.

“Part 2 Ended.” Beeped the Computer 


“Not bad, Lets add more” La’an then started another string events……


USS Resolute

Everything had gone to hell as they exited warp. Their shields were collapsing from the constant impact of Disruptors. Making the ship lights flicker and the room to shake. Eris held onto her chair as she barked out orders in a tone of haste. “Fire photon torpedoes! Divert the shields to the warp core, we’re diving! D-damn it!” She ducked her head as sparks flew from a nearby console. Having had some of the front haul pierced as they would divert shield power in the dive.

Moo, being CTAC or chief Tactical Officer; Was just doing his standard check everything as the ship came out of warp when all hell broke loose… “Aye Aye, Captian, Firing Full spread of torpedoes.” Hitting the commands he executed the standard spread orders in the direction of the only available targets. So much for making peace today. They hit first… He was used to that. He would hit back and hit back hard. “Helm, start the horseshoe maneuver. Captian, firing at their shield generators as we develop a targeting solution.” As the ship would roll to the port, the Phaser arrays on top of the Saucer section would have close to 80% coverage of the target. Moo focused the Phaser array’s fire on the Gorn’s starboard nacelle shield generator. The phaser hit their target, but their shielding still held. As the bow rotated to the starboard, they would only have 60 % coverage. It was better than nothing. “Firing Lower Dorsal Phaser arrays.” They hit and the Green Glow that resisted them was almost gone. This seemed to make the rest of the gorn ships mad because the sheer volume of fire became almost a constant stream of energy from their fleet.

Commander Selk had sat there feeling all the hits that was coming onto the Resolute. Not knowing if they were going to survive. As the Resolute was taking heavy fire, he felt jolts of the firepower hitting the hull of the vessel and it didn’t sound good. The Commander sat there next to his captain and looked at her. Nodding to her that he’s with her all the way. No matter what.

Sommers was in the frontal decks of the ship. But the piercing of the haul blew her out into space. Instantly killing the medical officer along with other crew in that section of the ship.

“Captain. We gotta do something. Seems like the vessel is about to blow. I’ve been getting reports all over the ship. Medical officer has been killed and structural integrity has failed all over the ship except here captain.” He said. “Never thought it would be like this but we might need to evacuate the ship.” The Commander looked over at the captain. “But again it’s your call ma’am.” He added.

Due to the recent massive explosion near the bridge, their shield power was critical. Consoles exploded into sparks and flames, and Eris was thrown from the Captain chair. Rolling across the deck as wires and flames engulfed the left side of the bridge. “Aghh! E-evasive..M-manuevers! W-we need cover damn it!” She crawled toward the barely functioning flight control panel. Pushing off the dead body of their flight crewmember. Trying to manually roll the ship and stop them from blowing the bridge out.

“Captain!” Commander Selk yelled as Eris got thrown out of her chair. Commander Selk then got up and headed to the helms position, however the console started to burn. Commander Selk then got out the area of it and looked at the captain. “Captain. We have got to leave soon. This ship is about to fall apart and we need to go some where that is safe. As a suggestion we must abandon ship captain.” He suggested to Eris.

Moo was still standing, his combat grav boots held him in place. The toque that was generated by his body on his, knees and legs, hips, back, and shoulders would make him feel just peachy tomorrow. Just how does a peach feel? Just who was it that successfully found out what the aforementioned peach was feeling at the time. Humans and their dammed sayings. He would worry about it tomorrow if he lived. Right now nothing mattered except that dammed Gorn Heavy cruiser. He had hit the Starboard nacelle and it was not going into warp anytime soon, if he could hit its containment field, the resulting explosion might just save them… but the other Gorn ships were using their full shields to try to Save the Heavy cruiser. The Gorn Respected strength that was used judiciously, if you held back in any way, they judged you week in their eyes, and therefore worthy of being food. The only thing that kept them alive so far, was the constant weaving of their ships to try to protect their heavy cruiser. Had they stayed in formation, we would be dead already. Wait the only reason the Gorn would do that is if their captain was female. or there were royals onboard.

Moo decided to try PSYOpps as well… “Captian!” He shouted, “If we have Comms, send to Gorn Heavy Cruiser, Gorbeth, [I come for your eggs.]. It might throw them off because that ship has a female captain. That’s why the rest of the ships are protecting it. We just might get it to back off a bit.” Moo still was shooting every few seconds and enough shots were getting through that he was keeping their shields offline and blowing the hell out of their armor. He just needed one good piercing shot in their core or containment fields, and the USS Resolute would be ok.”

Eris slowly was getting back up she looked to Selk and everyone around her. “All hands prepare for evacuation! I’ll have to remain, buy you time. Auto pilots dead, and someone has to..Has….to…T-the hell is that? Life pods! Now!” She watched in horror as from the view screen a massive Romulan ship exited what looked to he a massive lightning storm in space. It was Nero.

Moo saw the lightning storm in space, and was not impressed. He was too busy trying to play offense and defense at the same time to bother with it. Once it turned hostile or we could use it to our advantage, then he would worry about it. Targeting incoming torpedoes kept his left hand busy, and his right hand was still trying to punch a hole in that heavy cruiser. It was a daunting task but he was having fun. Or the left half of his brain was at least. He was getting a sore neck from trying to ignore impacts and focus on the task at hand… He would relax afterwards, and find a duty medical person to fix him up if they survived. He was even considering having Helm use the tractor beams to place debris in front of the incoming torpedoes. That was an excellent idea. He turned left to order that, when the console exploded, killing the Helmsman. Moo hit the com button on his panel, “Relief Helmsman, report to a backup Nav station” Moo yelled.

“Ignore that, get off this ship now! This ship is without power and we are being caught in gravity. I’m staying behind to make sure you make it out of here..I have no choice. We aren’t saving this ship, we can only save what crew we have left.” Eris ordered before taking the Captain’s chair and bracing for atmosphere burn in.

Moo was having a hard time standing. His left leg was hit by something, and he could not feel anything from the knee down. It was easy to ignore something that you didn’t feel. Trying to use the lateral thrusters to control there spiraling course was hard to do with one hand. but while they were still in range to protect transports, he had half of the upper saucer section, the Captain had a third and someone else was making dam fine shots using the rest, he didn’t have time to look to see who it was, but the results were spectacular. His nudging of the course muyst have been going right, because the computer no longer said that there was a 100% chance of total destruction of the ship. It was down to 97%. He would take those odds, but the crew deserved better. Moo kept guessing and taking long shots, it had worked so far. Maybe he was insane after all. Moo started laughing as the computer said the chances of total system destruction were down to 66%.

USS Enterprise

Seven Of Nine was thrown into a roll aa the bridge had explosions and fire engulf some of it. Causing her to fly into a control console. Collapsing on her torso as some rubble landed atop of her. Blood leaking from her bottom lip as the ship was torn into by Nero.

Shaw was flung hard agasint the floor. “Damn it!” Shaw quickly stood up. “ Red Alert! Shields up! Damage report!”

“Captain.” Said Ensign Sidney La Forge said. “Captain. Should I do evasive maneuvers or no?” She asked Captain Shaw as things didn’t go so well.

Seven was slowly pushing off the piece of metal. Using a nearby console for leverage as she looked to the old Enterprise D. Given a smidge of hope she went to check the damage, holding her left side. “Captain we’ve lost all power to shields. One of our warp coils are leaking, decks through fourteen are compromised. We’re dead in the water.”

USS Voyager

Vanessa was sitting in the XO’s chair next to the captain with her legs crossed in an feminine manner. Looking to her captain as they were still in Warp. “Should we raise to yellow alert? I don’t trust the Gorn, you know what they did to me and my fellow cadets all those years ago. I’m one of the few who wasn’t eaten alive..”

Damage control Technician Larry Lamontagne was stuck. Physically, Emotionally, and metaphorically. He was stuck well and good. Larry was using his Hyper spanner to align the coils in the EPI conduit. His Tricorder showed the Alignment to be off by more than 10 millimeters. He could not get leverage to move it once he removed the tension on the adjusting plate. His spanner was great for moving it in and out of where it was supposed to be. His only problem was he could either get it in the center of where it was supposed to be… or tighten it down. No matter how hard he tried, he just could not do both at the same time. This was just not a one-man job. Frustrated he let the spanner fall to the floor. Hitting his comm badge, he asked the computer. +taps+ Computer, Lamontagne, Are there any engineer repair personnel in my vicinity? The computer replied yes one.

Larry blew a raspberry to the computer. He would swear that while in warp, the computer was out to mess with anyone it could. They were annoying sometimes. +taps+ Computer, Lamontagne, Just who is in the vicinity, that is a qualified engineering repair Crewman. You had to be specific because if not you just might have to listen through a list of hundreds of names and try to guess which crewman was the one you need. The computer replied. Engineering Crewman Laforge is in your vicinity and is repair-qualified. Larry said, “Thanks computer!” Larry then hit his comm badge. +taps+ Laforge, Lamontagne, If you are not busy, I am on Deck 7 in Jefferies tube, at the 22A&22D Intersection. I could use a hand with a phase coil alignment. Doing it while at war was the shear volume of energy going through the phase coil did most of the hard work. You still had to contribute a bit of sweat, blood, tears, and sometimes a sacrificial trainee… Brute force, on the other hand, tended to have more documentable results.

Lamontage was still trying to use his weight, what little he had, to get the phase coil unit in the right position. Not that he was a lightweight, which he was, but with the leverage he was using, he should have been ok. He heard the echo of footsteps of someone coming to help him… Hopefully.

La Forge didn’t respond, but she shift her course to come to where her assistance was requested. It didn’t take her long to arrive to where the man was working on the phase coil in question.

Lamontage was still trying to use his weight, what little he had, to get the phase coil unit in the right position. Not that he was a lightweight, which he was, but with the leverage he was using, he should have been ok. He heard the echo of footsteps of someone coming to help him… Hopefully.

“I am La Forge, you have asked for my assistance with that Phase Coil. What is wrong with it?” She asked as her optic sensors started their scan.

Larry said, “YES, thanks, I can adjust it to the correct spot to put it in phase or lock it down, but not both. If you can tighten the bolts once I get it in the correct postion, I would greatly appreatiate it.

Once the second pair of hands arrived, it was quickly put in the correct spot, and then locked down. “Great! Thanks again. That went a lot better with your help. Let me just double-check with my trusty tricorder.” Larry said. After a quick pass with the tricorder, it showed the main coil was in place, and looking good, but now the coupling was two degrees out of phase with the Phase coil. Larry said, “Ok the Phase coil is aligned but now the problem is the coupling. It is two degrees out of phase and causes power loss due to hysteresis which is eddy currents. That amount of power falloff is definitely not efficient. IF you would not mind helping out once more… “

Commodore Janeway was seated in her command chair, observing her brigade of senior officers on the command control deck. Vanessa and Janeway mapped out crucial strategies for their latest central mission, which received the highest assignment from the Admiralty at headquarters.

Janeway briefly checked the mission statuses, current intelligence department reports, and the ship’s control systems.

Then Janeway stood up from their chair and began to address everyone in the room, “Your commander and I have agreed on our plan of action. We will immediately activate Yellow Alert for all ship-wide systems, the entire crew will be ready for any situation. We must remain vigilant, stand by, and keep our wits about us. The decisions we make today could be important in life or death. We’re walking into a hornet’s nest. We don’t know what could happen once we reach our destination coordinates. We must be ready for action. We must act upon instinct. We must get ready to aid and render any support to our comrades among our entire Starfleet comrades of constituents and fellow fleet members.”

“Commander Vanessa, I agree with you. I hope nothing happens to my crew. I vow to protect my crew and their fellow officers on board other ships involved in this fight against the Gorn alien species. The safety of every member of my crew and our lives will not be jeopardized on this mission because I won’t stress this lately. We must work together in order to save the ships that are assigned with us during this mission,” said Janeway.

La’an then stopped and saved her work. “That’s enough for today” She then walked out of Holodeck