Part of USS Valkyrie: Subspace Rhapsody

Back Again and Forward

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Lieutenant Sienna Frisco sat in her office.  The morning was starting, and her requisite coffee was on the desk as she worked through the messages, notices, and updates crossing her desk as both XO and CMO.  She tapped at her console, “Chief Frisco to Lieutenant Commander t’Rehu – can I see you in my office, please?”

“Aye Commander. I will be there shortly.”  Getting up, she advised the staff she needed to step out to see Chief Frisco. Walking out she hit the turbo lift, Padd in hand. 

Frisco waited, tapping through several notes that had come in at night.  Two departments needed to be followed up on their reports, and another needed to be reminded to do them.  She glanced up as the door opened.

Hilea stood the requisite number of steps from the desk; old Romulan habits die hard. She relaxed a bit, “How can I help you, Lieutenant?”

Sienna relaxed. “I wanted to check in with you, Lieutenant Commander. I was here and then reassigned…and now I’m back. I’ve also been tasked with the XO role.  It’s not ideal having to manage two positions at once.”  She asked, “I wanted to gauge your interest in eventually stepping into the role of Deputy Chief of Medical…and eventually earning the chief position.”

Backing up to the chair, she sat down as she thought about the offer. The Captain had said it was a possibility. “I would welcome the opportunity. Logistics in Medical is only slightly less irritating than Operations.” Hilea said with a tiny smile. 

“The move is welcome. I do miss the patient interactions. Something my younger self never could have said. However, with the recent accreditation of my former Medical license, there is a small mountain of catch-up on medical procedures.”  Hilea offered. Then added, “It occurs to me with the recent personnel shuffle, that we will need to share files. We each have things the other needs.”

Frisco kept her smile thin but conciliatory, “For the moment, you’ll have the access of a ranked medical officer within the scope of a medical officer’s duties.  As we work through bringing you up to date on procedures and processes, we’ll evaluate your standing for the Deputy Chief position.”  She paused.  The next question was one that she’d had since returning to the Valkyrie.  “One small matter.  At the moment, you outrank me within the system – a lieutenant commander to my lieutenant.”

“Following lawful orders presents no issues, Lieutenant. Also having been Ops Officer, and this shuffle, our thoughts are one, so to speak.” Hilea said. “I believe you should ask for a promotion, brevet or otherwise, considering your newfound responsibilities.” 

Sienna chuckled, “They weren’t newfound as much as newtold.  As for asking for a promotion, that’ll come with time.  I ask because it’s unusual, and I know little about you beyond your dossier.  Given time, we’ll figure each other out.  Until then, expect me to be asking a lot of questions.”

Hilea managed to hide her surprise, but said honestly, “That was not the direction I thought that question was going to take considering the rapid rise of your career.” She got up and used the replicator after asking. Sipping her chai tea, she offered, “Helping you would be an honor, Sienna.” Pausing to take a sip, she added, “Of course, the reciprocal will be true about the medical side of this deal.” 

Frisco held up her cup in agreement, “Welcome to sickbay, land of the questions.  As advanced as we are in 2401, there’s still plenty of mystery and unknowns to understand – human, alien, and otherwise. ”  She leaned back in her chair, “It makes you think about the age of frontier medicine – those first encounters with the unknown.  An entire understanding of how medicine works…blown apart by the discovery that the universe was much bigger than we could have imagined.”  She downed the last of her drink, “Still plenty out there to discover, I suppose.”

“Agreed,” Hilea said. “I do miss dabbling with organic chemistry. Though sometimes being on the frontier means riding the knife edge.” She said, thinking of her time in the Declared Dead during the Dominion War. He comm badge chirped.

“Hilea, Chief K’Mosin is going into labor, not a drill this time. We could use the muscle. She’s a big Caitian.” Sylvanna’s voice was calm but had an edge of concentrated focus Hilea detected.

“On my way. Hilea out.” Tapping her comm badge to close the connection, she drained most of the tea and recycled the mug. Turning to Sienna, she said, “Life waits for no one.” Hilea said with a smile, her face showing the slightest hint of concentration as her forehead wrinkled.

 “Remind me when we are both off duty what humans do to unwind. Something that takes energy to do. I find myself wanting a challenge.” Hilea said, then added, “Thank you, Sienna.” 

Frisco smiled slyly, “Careful what you wish for, Hilea.  Good luck with Chief K’Mosin.”  As the door closed behind the new medical officer, Sienna sighed.  Life waited for no one, indeed.


  • I like how even in Starfleet, you sometimes have to work two jobs. And as if that isn't enough work, you also have to train up your replacement before you can ditch one of them! Well done, both of you!

    October 6, 2024