Part of USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Its a beauty.

Incomming unnammed shuttle
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Sil couldn’t resist and he leaned in, looking closer through the viewscreen.
The Ensign piloting the shuttle smiled.

“She is a beauty isn’t she?”

Sil turned with a smile and nodded to the young Ensign. It was such a shift from what he was used to. The sight of his new posting was really impressive.
The Sovereign class starship wasn’t exactly state of the art now, but it still packed an impressive punch. And Sil was eager to be in the throwing end of that punch.

He had been reading up on the specs for the ship, to familiarize with it’s weapons systems, but he didn’t snoop around on it’s recent activities.
Also, just being a Jay Gee only got him so far in terms of record access.

“I agree. I always considered this as one of the prettiest ship classes around. I think I will enjoy my time here”

The pilot nodded “Have you served in one before Sir?”

Sil shook his head. The Adelaide was a Prometheus and the Lexington he served on was an Intrepid. This was the biggest ship he would serve on.

“No, it’s a big upgrade for me. Do you serve there, Ensign?”

The pilot shook his head as he started to correct their course. 
Sil kept his eyes on the shifting shape of the Valkyrie. It was quite the sight. 
The sleek features and size, with the stars in the background, almost looked like a painting.

“No Sir, I am just a delivery boy.”

Sil nodded, catching one last glance before looking at the pilot.

“Well we better not be late than. This package need’s a bathroom break before reporting in.”

The pilot couldn’t resist laughing at his joke and Sil simply shrugged.

His new adventure was about to start.