Part of Starbase Bravo: Artefacts of the Frontier

Another day another … explosion?

Main Entrance, Hospital Complex #1
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“Ah Doctor Tris, nice to see you this morning.” the Receptionist said. 

Take aback by this she looked around the room, it was circular with about 24 seats, 16 of them were full. She walked over to the desk and ran her fingers over it, she was Triage and Hospital 1. 

“I’ll be seeing a lot of you today hope to get to know you better.” she smiled as she made her way to the Nurses station, there was no one there, and no one in the beds. She sat down and put her feet up to relax. As she sipped her tea, the station shook ever so lightly. That was odd. she thought to herself. 

“Medical team to Sector H Turquoise.” Came over the PA. “Medical team to Sector H Turquoise Lab 2.”

“Computer Medical Report?” Tris tapped her combadge.

“10 Injured, unknown consciousness. 1 Severe to 7 mild 2 mediocre… Alerting other Triage staff.”  the computer said. 

The doors swooshed open, “Are you ready for site to site, 3 coming in hard, the rest are being stretchered.” asked the receptionist, “I have gone and pulled you from H1 and moved you to Triage Primary. Other Medical Personnel are on their way in Ma’am.”

As she was going to let out a smart quip she looked around there was no one around other than the receptionist Blue lights appeared on the floor, “Remember your medical training? Computer activate Supplement Holographic Medical Staff.”

The man appeared severely burnt and mangled, “What the hell happened down there? Alright folks Triage, priority are the severe. Stabilize and move on let the other doctors take over. Let’s get him onto the bed.”