Part of Starbase Bravo: Artefacts of the Frontier


Holodeck 7
August 2401
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Meila ran over, “Are you okay Sylvain?”

“I am fine Doctor, stay behind me, this Gorn means business.” He said standing back up, looking around there was nothing he could fashion into a rudimentary weapon. The Gorn suddenly charged, this time it looked like a freight train rushing towards him. Pushing the young doctor out of the way, he braced. Than he noted the gape between the Gorn’s legs. He ducked and quickly zipped through, “AHA!” he said outloud, realizing he had said it outloud… “Hey Doc, I may have a concussion.”

“Here…” Meila said throwing a rock at him,

“That hurt!” he said as it bent his finger back.

“Aww you want me to kiss it better, fight with it!” Meila’s sarcasm dripped from her mouth, like a faucet.

“You should work on your bedside Doctor. Especially if you want to be Chief Medical One Day on this Starbase.” he advised.

“Oh look a bigger one.” she threw it at him, hoping it would connect. “Why’d you pick this for our reunion?”

“Coz you don’t handle… oh no… help.. help.. HELP!” He was being picked up by the Gorn who came from behind during their banter.

“Computer Pause Program.” Meila ordered. “So this can end two ways, it depends on your answer. It’s up to you…” she smiled. 

“…your hair well in battle.” he smirked. 

“Computer delete Gorn.” she ordered and watched as Sylvain rushed to the ground and bounced. “That was a lie.”

“You never used to be so crass.” Sylvain said.

“You’re right, a lot has changed, it is mostly my defense mechanisms. Most develop a thick skin, I developped my sarcasm, it is a talent.”

He grabbed her by the shoulders, “You gotta stop Meila, you want to be a Lieutenant forever? You graduated 7th in the class, you should have your own medical labs, not Tracey Hermnes. C’mon kiddo.”

“Don’t call me kiddo. I’m older than you are, atleast with the Wurm in me.”

Leaving the holodeck she looked at the Chronometer, “I have a lot to do tomorrow including hunting down a doctor… let me know if you get the assignment!” she said hugging her friend.