Part of USS Triton: The Veil

The Veil – 5

USS Triton (NCC-80106), The Veil, Swallow Nebula Region, Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 78774.2
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“Welcome aboard the Triton,” Banfield said with her hands on her hips, her gaze fixed on the Klingon guests. This sight sent a wave of tension and intrigue through the air, heightening the suspense.

In the heart of sickbay, Jen, Jisarra, and Solis stood with Banfield, their faces etched with tension as Nicus urgently treated the unexpected visitors. The discovery of only six surviving Klingon warriors from the broken Bird-of-Prey had intensified the already palpable tension in the air. After Westerham managed to lock onto them, he beamed them directly to sickbay.

“I am Lieutenant Dreth, son of Kartoth of the House of Lorkoth,” said the tallest Klingon. Dreth stepped forward, attempting to appear imposing. He was two meters from Banfield before continuing his speech with his deep, booming voice. I was the second officer of the I-K-S Romart. You are the captain of this vessel?

Banfield remained resolute, her defiance clear in her eyes as she faced Dreth. “I am Captain Corella Banfield, daughter of Lynkarisa of the House of Lorkoth.”

“General Lynkarisa?” Dreth asked. 

Banfield bobbed her head in affirmation. Yes, but her title is also Ambassador.”

Dreth considered Banfield for a moment. e sneered slightly. Your mother is well respected within the House of Lorkoth. Why have I not heard of you?” he asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and disdain, a fact that did not escape the crew’s notice.

Banfield chuckled and looked at Jen before she instantly used her right palm to knock Dreth in the chin. She then smacked him into his chest and watched as he fell to the ground. The others around them all stepped back, their faces a mix of shock and surprise. The other Klingons stood there in astonishment at how strong Banfield was. The others with Banfield stood there still, too. 

Slowly, Dreth got up, his eyes never leaving Banfield, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. You’re Klingon half is strong,” he grunted, a mixture of respect and challenge in his voice.

“And my other half is stronger,” Banfield sneered at Dreth. “Now, you may not know this, but I am an officer of the Klingon Defence Force.”

“You are?” Jen asked.

“I am,” Banfield replied, keeping her focus on Dreth. “And my rank of HoD is still applicable.”

“You were a child’s uniform,” Dreth grumbled back.

Once again, Banfield took no prisoners as she clinched both her fists together and clobbered Dreth around the face. e stumbled backwards, this time to be caught by his fellow warriors. Now, last time I checked, we’re still allies.”

“Not for much longer if Toral and his supporters have anything to say about it,” Dreth spat back.

“Fine, but by Klingon custom and tradition, as a member of the House of Lorkoth and a captain of the Klingon Defence Force, I assume leadership over you,” Banfield snarled. 

“You can’t do that,” Dreth protested. 

“You want another round against me?” Banfield threatened. 

Dreth stood there and checked Banfield up and down a few times before he wielded to her. My crew and I submit ourselves to you, Captain Banfield.”

“Good,” Banfield replied. Now that’s out of the way, how did you end up here in the Delta Quadrant?”

Dreth looked at his comrades before he answered. “We were sent to scout an underspace corridor whose aperture was discovered near the Gorath system.”

“And got pulled into this region?” Banfield guessed. “No, the aperture opened here. We’ve spent the last few days trying to find a way out before we were attacked by that Ha’DIbaH and disabled.”

“That Ha’DIbaH is still nibbling on your ship,” Jen said as he stood closer to Banfield. “Did you attack it?”

“You question my honour?” Dreth said, offended by Jen’s accusation.

“I question your motives,” Jen remarked in a firmer tone. Banf eld had to suppress her smirk. She knew that one of Jen’s previous hosts had plenty of experience dealing with the Klingons. 

“Question this region instead, commander,” Dreth countered. “It does not make any sense.”

“We shall, and you shall help us,” Banfield told Dreth. 

“We wish to return to our vessel,” Dreth said, calmer looking back at Banfield.

“That’s going to be a bit hard with it split in half and barely operational,” Solis said. “I’m sure that must be frustrating to hear, but you must trust us.”

“It can be fixed,” Dreth remar ed.

“It can’t,” Banfield said. “And there’s only a handful of you. Your ship is long on its way on the Barge of the Dead, and if you want to follow it to Gre’thor, go ahead, be my guest.”

“You wouldn’t save your fellow warriors?” Dreth challenged.

“I am, but you will do so as members of my crew.” Banfield retorted.

“Your crew?” Dreth echoed. 

“Yes,” Banfield said with conviction. “You will honour the pledge you have made to the House of Lorkoth, who I know is a strong supporter of the Khitomer Accords.”

Dreth looked at the others b fore glaring back at Banfield. “Fine.”

“Doctor Nicus will ensure you all receive the medical treatment you require, and then Lieutenant Jisaraa will assign you to guest quarters,” Banfield instructed Dreth. “Then we will discuss how yo  will contribute to this crew. Do I make myself clear, lieutenant?”

“You do, captain,” Dreth s id through more gritted teeth. “On behalf of my comrades, I pledge our lives to you and ask that you lead us.”

“I accept your lives into my hands,” Banfield acknowledged. “Qapla’!”

“Qapla’!” the Klingons all said in unison.

After a moment of silence, Doctor Nicus interrupted the standoff between the Starfleet officers and Klingons. “Now that’s over and done with. Can I please have my sickbay back to treat my patients?”

Banfield nodded. “It’s all yours, doct r.” She looked at the Klingon officers. “Once you’re  ettled in, join me tonight for a feast.   have a barrel of bloodwine in storage. The vintage is twenty-three-oh-nine.”

A different side of his surprise re ction now appeared across Dreth’s face. “You honour us with a fine vintage, captain.”

“Honour me by showing up,” She smirked.

Dreth nodded. “chah-koH.”

After exiting sickbay with Jen and Solis on either side of her, Banfield felt confident she had dealt well with Dreth and his comrades. 

“Lukiz, I want you and Thamars to take a team over to the remains of the Klingon ship and download their database,”  he ordered as they entered a turbolift. “I want you to see if we can see if their sensor logs can give us anything more than what we don’t already know.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Jen nod ed. 

“Bobby,” Banfield looked at Solis. “Keep a close eye on our guests; make sure they feel like they’re part of the crew while we’re here.”

“You want us to give them jobs here on the Triton?” Solis  hecked.

“Yes,” She replied confidently. “If we want to get out of here, we need as much help as possible.”

“Understood, ma’am,” Solis said, sounding a bit nervous. 

“Problem, co nsellor?” Banfield asked.

Solis sighed. “Permission to speak freely, captain?”

“Sure,” Banfield said after she ordered the turbolift to take them to the bridge.

“I’m not sure I’m the one the Kli gons would respond to,” Solis remarked. He looked at her,  esturing towards her.

Banfield chuckle. “Bobby, if we’re going to assert our dominance over the Klingons, it’s gonna require more than just me giving them a bloody nose. Get to know the Klingon database and find a way to get them on side, counsellor.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Solis replied, sounding nervously at his new task. 

Jen leant into Solis. “Bobby, please make sure you read the bit about how they initiate their mating rituals and how their superiors assert their authority. We don’t want any misconceptions.”

Solis sighed, causing Jen and Banfield to chuckle.