Part of Starbase Bravo: Artefacts of the Frontier

I’m going to get in trouble for that…

Deck 67 Entry Point Zeta
First day on the job
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The loud huffle and puffle of the crowds didn’t phase her, the shouting, the everyone has urgency, she crossed into the Medical Booth to relieve the other Physician there. A stout man, who’se eyes bugged out on either side, slightly balding. He reminded her of a college professor. 

He began the debrief, and she nodded along, as he put it, tag shake let’em pass. We don’t Check Credentials or anything like that. 

She wasn’t too sure what was going on, all she knew was she was to check for security measures. Something a cadet could do, but she could use the break. 

After the debrief Meila went right to work, “Why?” The man objected. “I am not Starfleet, I am a Federation Citizen, and I demand to know why I am being treated this way.”

“What way?” Meila inquired.

“Like a petty changeling.” he said.

“Because, the security of this Starfleet and Federation Facility demands it. We want to ensure that the majority of the station is secured and that the populace is not in trouble.”

“Well if I was a changeling…”

“I’d be very careful, you see that shiny thing?” she said motioning to the Security Officers gun, “It hurts… and I don’t have time to revive you. So Give me your arm. Or go back where you came from, it is pretty simple.”

She could hear a nurse laugh in the background, and the man murmur when he gave his arm, she did the test and reached under the counter, “Now, this is usually reserved for special patients, like celebrities if you will, but I will share it with you…” she gave him a lollipop and walked away.

Did he get what she was trying to say? Probably insulted a dignitary again, but at least she held back and didn’t shoot him. 

“Doctor you are needed over here.” the nurse said to her. 

Meila, excused herself as someone took over, and proceeded to the Nurse. “Yes?”

“There have been no cases of Changelings, I think we got it down here, if you want, you can take the rest of the day off, or go tend to something else.” the Nurse seemed matronly. 

“You just don’t want me shooting anyone do you?” Meila smirked. 

“Yeah lets not make more work for the Medical Department.” the Nurse smiled. 

“Alright I will be in Chemistry analyzing the samples. Good Luck.” Meila moved away from the Chaos and to the jammed turbolift, how this was different from Iroquois, there was 34 at max on the Iro, now she is with a lot more than that. Moments later she got an Elbow to the chest. “Hey!”

“Got a problem?” a burly voice said from a Nausicaan who stood at least seven foot. 

“Yeah, that flipping hurt.” the 5 foot 4 bottle of attitude said. 

“Oh I am sorry…” the mockingly bowed “Princess….” he waited for a name. 

“What’s with the disrespect? You are on a Federation Installation, I am assuming with a Klingon Counterpart? How about you settle down before you end up in the brig.” She tried to be polite.

He turned around backhanding her in the process. 

She tapped him on the shoulder. 
“Yes, Princess?” the Nausicaan replied, she could smell the bloodwine on him.

“The name is Ben…” she decked him, “and this is Jerry. Learn how to treat a lady.”

The man’s blood alcohol level must’ve been high, because he crumbled like a house of cards. Everyone else just minded their own business. “I’m going to get in trouble for that…”