Part of Starbase Bravo: Artefacts of the Frontier

Out of the darkness into the light.

USS Iroquois/USS Nye
First quarter 2401
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The Iroquois dropped out of warp, the XO was coughing up blood as Tris was working the CONN vigorously, “Andrew stay with me, look on the second screen of the tricorder, to the left, what does it say….”

The Iroquois, a Raven class recon ship was attacked by the Breen, severely attacked.

“78 over 104… 102…” he began a coughing fit and then went silent.

It was just Meila and Andrew left, the engines were tethering on death and so was her XO, “Computer, 70CC’s of Diuretics, 20MG’s of Aspirin. We need to calm you down. Right Andrew…” she paused for his sarcastic response nothing… “Andrew?” She turned from the CONN and noticed he was unconcious, “COMPUTER AUTO PILOT, Starbase Bravo. Emergency Warp.”

“The engines are only capable of one hour of Emergency warp, At which point they will not be able to complete your request. Should we proceed at warp 2 we will be closer to completing your request.” The computer replied.

“How long?” she said as she was monitoring Andrew.

“Three days seven hours.” The computer computed.

“Unacceptable. Send out a Distress Call, all bands. Transfer all remaining life support to the shields, and weapons, activate Emergency Holo-Crews, and Keep the bridge sealed off and the only breathable area.”

Moments later several holographic components appeared. “What are your orders?”

“Defend the ship and repair the engines. EMH With me.” Meila commanded. This was beyond her scope, she was a M.D. not a Commander.

As the holocrew began to follow her orders, she and the EMH were working in tandem, it was like the EMH was an extension of her hands.

“Doctor I am detecting low vital signs, sinus rhythm below threshold.” the EMH stated.

“Andrew!” she yelled at him, and punched him in the chest, as he gasped for air.


“C’mon, jump off the cliff with me, it will be fun!” Andrew said to her, trying to coax her into a mission.

“I am not sure. I am happy here, and was offered a position on the Farragut.” Meila replied.

“It is not often someone would be able to have REDACTED on their resumĂ©, let alone right out of the academy.” Andrew smirked.  

“I am a medical officer…” she said reluctantly.

“You are a Doctor, a Pilot, and you have the experience from your previous hosts…. plus everyone looks good in black.” Andrew smirked.


“C’mon, please, I don’t want some stiff from Starfleet Medical, I want you we will have fun…” Andrew pleaded.

***Current Day***

“That worked. I must include that in the medical database.” The EMH Said.

With that the console beeped… “Doctor, keep him alive.” she said as she turned her attention to the science console, that was buried under rubble.

The sensors were damaged, but it picked up a ship warping in… Right ontop of them.

Over the bridge speakers she could hear the static, than it cleared up “This is This is Captain Alan Driverson of the USS Nye, you look badly damaged, can we be of assistance.”

“Hello Captain, I am Doctor Meila Tris of the Iroquois, we got ransacked by the Breen on our way back to Starbase Bravo, the crew except myself and the XO didn’t make it. Currently the XO is severely injured and requires a level 2 medical facility.”

“I am Nova Class Miss Tris, we will do what we can and I will leave that up to you and our Doctor to discuss, is the patient capable of transport?” the Captain asked.

She turned to the EMH who gave a nod. “Yes.”

“Very well, we will transport you both to Nye, you should leave the holocrew on, to enact repairs of what they can.” Captain Driverson suggested.

“Will do.” Dr. Tris complied.

She turned to the Emergency Command Hologram, “You got this.”

“Aye Ma’am.” the ECH replied.

As she opened the tricorder to monitor Andrew, his heartbeat dropped. She rested her hand on his chest and they were transported. The blue shroud showered them, as they arrive in a prestine transporter pad. “Beam us right to sick bay he is coding.” she shouted without even looking up. She dropped the tricorder and began chest compressions.

They rematerialized on an emergency bed. She looked around for the CMO, “I’m here, I’m here! What’s going on?” he asked in an upward inflection. The shocked of seeing CMO being beamed in while doing CPR is shocked and crude, but sometimes your hands gotta get dirty.

“We have no sinus rhythm and no heartbeat, he has been in and out of consciousness for 2 hours and has lost a lot of blood, Blood Type O+ Human, severe lacerations and shrapnel inside. We need to get him to a type 2 facility, which the captain knows.” Tris reported to the LCDR. As the doors shut. It was the Commanding officer who stood back while they worked.


Andrew, dressed as a Breen wasn’t paying attention and walked into a brute. Atleast 8 feet tall, and 2 feet wide.

“Brr brr br brrr brr brr brr” the Breen said.

“He he oopsie?” Andrew said as he went to take a swing and missed horribly, the Breen grabbed Andrew by the throat and lifted him from the ground.

Meila backed up and crouched, she thinks she wasn’t seen, and fired her weapon, as the green plasmoid escaped the weapon, it injected itself into the soldier. Both fell to the ground. She than stormed to Andrew and threw him against the wall. “You better tell me what is going on here. I’ve been attacked on all ends here.”

“Fine. Fine. This is a Security Check up on the Breen if you will. This is a newly discovered facility and we want to make sure there is nothing sinister going on here…”

“Oh but there is…”a voice came from around the corner.

Both Andrew and Meila took off their helmets and peaked around the corner.

***Present Day***

She was washing her hands after getting out of the Surgical bay.

“Doctor Tris, we are arriving at Starbase Bravo.” The CO Said, from the galley “You worked well in there. What were you doing on the Iroquois?”

“It’s a Ship right? That was my assignment?” she replied. She was still shell shocked from the attack. Why are the Breen still attacking them and chasing them after all these years. She should try and reach out to Miller maybe he would know more.

“You should be at a medical facility like Starbase Bravo, field medicine at it’s best, infact, I am recommending you to be a physician there. You have some real talent Doctor.” he said as he left the room.