Part of USS Eagle: Mission 8 – Looking for Love

Bad News

USS Eagle
October 2401
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After several hours of crawling through Jefferies tubes and conduits, Nick Saunders stepped into his quarters for a quick bite to eat and to change into a clean uniform.  Before ordering from the replicator, he noticed a light blinking on his computer console, indicating he had received a message through subspace communications.  Before playing it, he wanted to see who it was from.

“Computer, show me who sent the comm.”

When the file opened, Saunders gasped, his eyes wide in surprise.


Captain’s Ready Room

“Let me get this straight,” said Captain Kirby.  “You want to go to Delvis IV to rescue a woman you knew for only three days when it’s not even certain she was taken or kidnapped.”

“Mara was seen by a lot of people that day.  No one has seen her since,” said Saunders.  “Tork, the Ferengi shopkeeper was assaulted outside her cabin.  He has a skull fracture, a concussion, and is in and out of consciousness.  Kurtox contacted me for help.”  Saunders paused, hoping the captain would understand.  “I’d like to take Doctor Weaver and Izi, Lieutenant Iziraa, and try to help.”

“Doesn’t Delvis have a doctor?” said Kirby.

“Yes, but he doesn’t have the resources needed.”  Or enough days not drunk, thought Saunders.

Kirby leaned back in his chair.  “I can’t let you go.”

“Sir?”  Saunders didn’t expect that.  They helped solve a murder the first time the Eagle went to Delvis.  Why not help now?

“The situation in our sector, all over the quadrant, is volatile at best,” said Kirby.  “With the Cardassians collapsing Underspace, tensions are high.  Everyone had plans to use the corridors.  Some ships didn’t make it back home.  The slightest encounter or misunderstanding could escalate into fighting, even more now with Toral leading the Klingon Empire.  I can’t afford to have half the senior staff off somewhere else when they’re needed here.”

“But, Captain.”

“That will be all, Lieutenant.”

Saunders balled his fists in anger.  “Let me go by myself.”

“I need you here,” said Kirby.

“Sir, I still have leave time.”

Kirby sighed, his expression clearly showing he wasn’t pleased with Nick.

“Sir, I don’t mean to disrespect you, but one way or another, I’m going to Delvis.”  That was it.  Saunders just defied his commanding officer.  There was no going back.

“Excuse me, Lieutenant?”

Saunders couldn’t help noticing the verbal emphasis on his rank.  “Sir, put me on a leave of absence.  Find some loophole in the regulations, but I need to do this.  I’ve got to do this.”

“I told you I need you here.”

Saunders was backed into a corner a place he put himself.  Seeing no other way, he reached for his comm badge, removing it and placing it on Kirby’s desk.

The captain stared at the badge, long and uncomfortable seconds ticking by.  “Is this how you want it to go?”

No, it wasn’t, but Saunders had no other recourse.  “I’m sorry, sir.”

“All right, Mister Saunders.  You can go only if Weaver and Iziraa agree to go with you.”

Saunders noticed the captain addressed him as mister and not by his rank.

Saunders sighed in relief.  “Thank you, sir.  You don’t know how much this means to me.”

“No, I don’t,” said Kirby, “but I hope it’s worth it.”