Part of Starbase Bravo: Asteroid City and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Rework the Hypothesis (Pt. 1)

October 2401
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Elias turned his head sideways and looked shocked with his eyes slightly open, “Woah. My initial hypothesis, actually everyone’s initial hypothesis was actually wrong. With the new reports coming in, it has implied that it isn’t a mere spatial anomaly which tears a hole in space-time. The apertures act as a nexus point where all known fundamental forces in physics are being replaced with new constants and variants. So far, the only risk is the potential damage it causes to a starship but I suspect it won’t stay like that anymore.” 

Zion in response to this major development begins to think rapidly for some answers that might possibly give some insight into the current situation as it unfolds. He recalls the earlier conversation discussing his time at Starfleet Academy, and his admission of attendance to a course titled "Delta Quadrant: Space Anomalies 101. He specifically remembers a conversation he had with his professor, a one prof Herbert Brown.

A genius when it came to matters of spacetime and was specialized in theoretical physics of multiple dimensions. Zion had attended not only his course, but some extracurricular classes on multidimensional theoretical physics, and so referring to these classes Zion conveyed his following assessment of the situation at hand.

"If the apertures act as a nexus point, there are several possibilities that we can defer", Zion began to theorize. "To first consider closing the nexus point, or more aptly remove it from our dimension. We must consider and answer the following questions. Is the nexus anchored to our dimension, through an alternate dimension as in a place of origin or is it a tear in the fabric of spacetime that constitutes our dimension. Without knowing these two fundamental facts about the nexus, we cannot begin to solve the problem appropriately. Which means we need some means of gathering data on it, to perform an analysis. Given the nature of the nexus, a probe would be out of the question. We'll need to most likely solve the problem from within the nexus itself. Therefore, a manned mission into the nexus with the ability to solve the problem of the nexus itself, must be considered. How we go about that, still needs to be elaborated on. We need more information, more insight and most importantly I'll need a second opinion on this. Tell me what you think my friend." Zion looked worried as he asked Elias for his thoughts.

Elias looked up from the screen and stopped what he was doing and responded to what Zion had said, “A doable action plan. Based on the several possibilities based on statistical analysis, the apertures don’t act as a gateway to another dimension but merely breaks the time continuum, meaning time moves a lot differently inside. It acts as a nexus point from one space in our universe to another part of our universe.“

Elias looked concerned when he saw the results from the computer screen that attracted his attention when it beeped repeatedly, “Look at this. The computer reports I did of the known elements and variables changing in the apertures are drastically higher than previous reports. I think we might need to go to the holodecks to simulate this in person and see the aperture and the effects of it.“

Zion hearing what Elias said recognized the wisdom in running some holodeck simulations. Then stated “We need to use these simulations to define the parameters for some form of subspace stabilizer. Something that can define the spacetime we're in to conform to our dimension's physical standards.”

Zion then sighed and looked at Elias with a smile “It's almost too Starfleet of us., imagine the possibilities for discovery!” He mentioned, as he explained "That closing the apertures will require us to be within the nexus, as any contact outside of it, is automatically incoherent. This further escalates the situation, because we cannot send probes into the nexus, due to cross dimensional interference. So we'll have to create some sort of subspace regulator and have it exert its force onto the nexus, from within. We'll need to run the calculations on the device before we activate it, or we could further amplify the problem. All these problems and more, we'll need to deliberate and solve through our time on the holodeck." Zion stated with Starfleet like zeal.

Elias scratched his head and look a bit worried, “I‘m not quite sure, while the variables in the apertures are different from what we know. There is still a possibility that it changes as time passes on inside, we dont have another report to confirm that suspicion yet but I am almost certain that it changes as long as you’re inside the aperture. The holodeck simulation should help prove the different possibilities that I hope to discover and make use of! Indeed, Starfleet’s mission. To discover!“ Elias smiled happily with the possibilities of new technologies and discoveries that they might discover along the way. “Anyways, I have my PADD with me, so let’s go.”