Part of USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

First strides

USS Valkyrie Lower Decks
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Jaxom wasn’t sure he would ever get used to the feeling of being transported. He knew all of the protocols and safety measures, having learned about transporters during his rotation through the department with OPS. Still, it didn’t change the physical sensation and he knew life aboard a Space Station was not really one that exposed you to being transported here and there.

The Valkyrie, had been caught up in some kind of mission extension, and so his transfer had been accomplished by him hoping aboard a small resupply shuttle that had been enroute. He had beamed onto the ship, knowing the cargo would be next to the cargo bay and he would simple be in the way. Better to let the ship’s crew handle it, and present himself for duty. He would earn no favors if he went around stepping on toes, a lesson he had learned aboard the station. Some of the crew chiefs had been surprisingly territorial. 

The computer chirped in greeting, and when he acknowledged the message he was given instructions for reporting in. Thanking the teleporter crew, and resisting the mental itch to pat his body to feel if he was all there; Jaxom followed the markers on the wall. He had spent some of the time onboard the shuttle reading the ships specs and plans, trying to get a feel for it ahead of time. But the truth was, no blueprint was ever the same as the feeling of a ship, the way it became it’s own thing. Letting his hand brush the walls, he greeted the Valkyrie, knowing some would think it base superstitution. But Earth history had been full of great mariners, explorers and spacefarers who all seemed to afford the ships they served an almost mystic affection. 

The signal on the display panels, directed him along the corridors and when he got in the turbolift he took a moment to shift his bag on his shoulder. Luckily he had not yet gotten into the habit of gathering a lot of effects, his berth on the station had been small and shared; which had made packing an easy affair. The lift began to move, and Jaxom was looking forward to meeting the rest of the Ops department.