Part of Starbase Bravo: Asteroid City and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

The Office!

October 2401
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Zion, after having satisfied his thirst for a good drink with his newfound friend Elias, began to make his way towards StarBase Bravo's Primary Stellar Science Department. Walking into the science department always gave Zion a renewed spirit of interest for science.

He gestured towards his many new collogues a friendly hello with a wave of his hand and continued deeper into the department. Whereas until he reached the astrophysics lab.

He then asked Elias, "So where is your office in this wonderful arena of science that we share?" We can retire there for some well needed conversation. Zion stated with enthusiasm like that befitting a Starfleet science officer on the verge of discovery.

Elias turned his body and pointed towards a corner, “That little corner in the side belongs to me, quite spacious if you ask me especially for a lowly officer. Anyways, shall we. I’ll have the PADD in a while.” said Elias, then he started walking towards his office with the new science officer on his heels. “Apologies! My office is quite messy, especially with the random scribbles and writings all around.“ said Elias apologetically while fixing up his office corner.

Zion being used to a messy academic environment. As his personal quarters which serves as his home office aboard StarBase Bravo, is anything but organized. For it then stirs in Zion's mind, to say, of which he does, “It seems having a messy environment such as this is only indicative of good scientific practice. For when one is as busy as it seems you have been, with all the interesting research I can see scattered around the room. Order almost becomes an afterthought as you shuffle through the many topics of interest. Which perhaps a mess might find itself some use, as all is where you last left it.”

Zion then continued on, "Now about the report I mentioned. It happens to be related to the Underspace aperture phenomena, specifically that of which we are encountering in our own backyard, Mellstoxx III of course." Zion said as he sat in one of the chairs found across the office."

Zion then begin to elaborate "Of which I am sure you are aware. Now regarding awareness, I was just informed of this situation via this report, and as such, I would love to have more information on it, through any discussion with a more seasoned officer such as yourself." Zion said with clasped hands, of which he then separated only to point them in the direction of Elias, upon doing so, smiling in the process.

After which, Zion clarified "I've been assigned the task of solving the Mellstox III situation. According to the research I've seen across your office, it seems so are you. Now if you'd be interested, I believe working together on this matter, we can tackle the problem, with greater efficiency." Zion proposed with fervent enthusiasm. Zion then put his hands to his lap, feeling satisfied with his proposal, a smile still grinning across his face.

Elias looked at Zion and said, “Yes yes, we are also investigating the apertures and I have to tell you those are a pain especially as we are just receiving reports away from the aperture and no where near it. Also please have a seat!” Elias turned his body and opened his computer, “Authorization, Comescu Zulu 34 Beta.“ 

Elias then continued and asked Zion, “Well I have the reports on my monitor now, but first what do you actually know about the apertures and how it is formed and where it leads to?” 

Zion anticipating Elias's question, responded with a brief statement "I don't know a lot about the current apertures, but I am somewhat familiar with the Underspace that sustains them." Zion then recalling a certain but brief course at the Academy titled 'Delta Quadrant: Space Anomalies 101'.  One of the many courses he attended, at the academy during his training to become a Starfleet science officer.

Recalling the material from said course, Zion readied a reply and stated to Elias "According to what I remember from the Academy, the Underspace is a network of subspace corridors in the Delta Quadrant that allows for rapid travel across vast distances. Although the Underspace is considered dangerous. As we clearly see from the effecting apertures, they are indeed dangerous. I however must admit you probably know more than I. Especially in relation to the apertures themselves." Zion said with self-humbling intentions.

Elias looked at Zion and said, “Well, Starfleet hasn’t exactly been mapping out the entire Underspace so we don’t know how far it actually reaches or goes but recent reports have indicated that the apertures leading into the Underspace have been showing up in everything corner of the galaxy. Apertures themselves, are quite the anomaly while this isn’t the first time we’ve encountered them, that being said rips in space are never normal. Quite similar to wormholes but smaller in size but destructive, now the real problem is that it can disguise it self as mere gravitational distortions or tachyon participles being detected. The full extent of the apertures isn’t exactly known, but from my research the aperture can bend the physics known to use quite a bit. Such as the variables of speed of light and the gravitational constants might change rather drastically. We’ve sent some of the most skilled pilots into the aperture to discover and report how this is, but thus far we have yet to hear back from them. Communication and the travel through Underspace might make that harder than possible.“ 

Scratching his head, Elias looked at his screen with confusion, “Well, this is interesting. Our first report on this matter, I might have to rework my hypothesis on how much more complex this is.”