Part of Starbase Bravo: Asteroid City and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Getting to Know!

October 2401
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Elias walked down the star-base with his newly found friend, Zion. Elias thought to himself and said, “Hmm, Starbase Bravo is not bad at all. New friends, interesting research, unlimited coffee. Even my own little quarters which is still bigger than those on a starship.” Elias turned to face Zion and asked, “So, when did you arrive? Is this your first assignment?”

Smiling warmly, Zion replied, “I arrived about a week ago, this my first assignment away from the academy. It’s been quite an adjustment, but I am enjoying the challenge.” Zion then thought to himself “The report I got, makes this quite the challenging assignment indeed. The research opportunities are vast, and the problems indeed dire, I can’t help but feel excited to tackle and potentially solve such an important and complex situations”.

Zion appeared to have been lost in thought for a moment after replying to Elias, nevertheless a few short moments later, Zion emerged from this state of deep concentration, only to follow up on his reply to Elias, with a question.

“Elias, what is your current assignment on Starbase bravo?” Asked Zion, with hopeful curiosity.

Elias looked at the new comer and said, “Well, I’m technically still a science officer though I do hope to see my position rise up to staff astrophysicist soon, I’ve been here for more than 3 months already. My first assignment out of the academy being stationed aboard a starship, a Luna-class if I remember correctly.“

Elias thought, “Well, I don’t blame them if I don’t get promotion into a higher position for now as these past months have been wild. Command got tons of things to do and promoting me isn‘t important anyways, as I’ve said before, a lowly science officer.“ Elias shook his head out of his deep thought and asked, “What do you want? Food, drinks? I‘m quite hungry so pardon me.“ having already arrived at the cafeteria of the StarBase.

Zion looked around the cafeteria, seeing the many people enjoying themselves and their meals, and thought to himself. “These are my peers, and I am happy to be among them.” Turning his attention to what he feels is his new friend, Zion looked at Elias, and said, “I think drinks will do nicely”.

Stating afterwards “So, a Luna-Class starship?, My parents served aboard such a vessel for some time during their service in Starfleet, however they were scientists who did most of their research in xenoanthropology. Specifically on the remote colony where I grew up, New Hesperides. Hearing your ambitions in astrophysics, just further solidifies my own ambitious spirit.”

Zion then felt the need to clarify, and with added energy explained “However while I may be in the astrophysics department. It’s only a temporary assignment. I want to transfer to xenobiology for my next posting. I am versed in both the stellar sciences, and xenobiology.”

Zion then attempted to raise the ego of his new friend and said, “I am sure you’ll receive a promotion in due time, sooner than you think. I’ve just met you, and I like you already”, Zion chuckled to himself.”  Having said this, Zion felt an interest in inquiring “How’s has your time here been, specifically working at the astrophysics department?” he said while obtaining a drink from a nearby replicator.

Elias laughed a bit then said, “Well, thank you my friend. I‘ve come to enjoy my time here at starbase bravo, a lot of interesting people and work isn’t boring also. The astrophysics department has some privileges like the before mentioned unlimited coffee and tea and the more work you do and the higher you rise up, your quarters and office increase also! Customizable offices also, I keep my awards, certificates and my previous ensign pip.” 

Elias thought and said, “I’m quite well versed in stellar science but more so with astrophysics as I majored it in the academy then got my masters in astrophysics. I hope to get more degrees in the future though.“ Going to the replicator, Elias asked for a glass of prune juice and a slice of pizza, which was quite a weird combination if he said so himself. Sitting down with Zion, Elias asked, “Well, what made you take astrophysics in the academy? It’s quite the course, especially fractal calculus which was a pain.”

Zion took a brief moment of pause, and then considering Elias’s words with great interest replied, “I took up astrophysics, for several reasons. For one, I’ve always been fascinated with the nature of our universe. I consider physics, more so astrophysics a step in the right direction towards understanding the fundamental cause and function of said nature. And being, that today’s final frontier rests amongst the stars. I thought to myself, where better to focus my efforts than on the subject most relevant to our modern paradigm. The study and research of the stellar sciences, is in it of itself a great cause for the Federation let alone Starfleet.” Zion then looked at Elias with a smirk and then laughed and said, “you’re right, however, fractal calculus was a pain.” then Zion drank his drink to the last drop. Shortly thereafter, obtained a new one, and Zion politely asked Elias “What made you consider astrophysics? Let alone Starfleet as a career path?”

Elias scratched his head while thinking and said, “Well, since as a kid I’ve always wondered what the stars are like and my grades in science isn’t bad so I took my chance and applied to Starfleet! Making new friends and discovering new stuff isn’t bad at all. I love my job.“ Elias wiped his mouth then stood up and said, “Well, now that our stomachs are full, at least mine is let us go to the lab and investigate and discuss that report of yours.”