Part of Starbase Bravo: Asteroid City and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Meet the Ensign!

October 2401
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Elias was walking through the star-base having just gotten off his shift from researching about the occurrences of the apertures appearing throughout the galaxy. He could proudly declare that his overtime and hard work was not laid to waste after the research broke some groundbreaking ideas and theories of the apertures appearing. Elias was not watching where he was going so he bumped into someone, “Oh my, apologies! I didn’t look where I was going.” said Elias, goofily and apologetically. 

Zion pauses, and gathers himself, in doing so, he looks at the gentlemen before him up and down, and in doing ready’s a response. “Not to worry, I was just as much in the way”, replying in a calm demeaner, with the intention of providing an atmosphere of friendliness. 

Elias looked at the ensign in front of him and thought, “Looks like a new comer? Hmm. I’m not quite sure but I’ll give it a try.” Elias paused and said, “Lieutenant Junior Grade Elias Comescu, scientist and researcher in the astrophysics department. Pleased to meet you!” Extending his arm and hand for a handshake.

After seeing Elias gesture for a handshake, and considering the words he had spoke, Zion without hesitation leaned in, and shook Elias’s hand. Thinking and then saying out loud, “Perhaps this meeting is more than a simple accident, but something grander, something more preordained.” continuing, “For you see Elias, my name is Zion Ortov. I am an ensign, a newly commissioned science officer, much like yourself I am an astrophysicist working in the same department as you, so it seems.” 

With further emphasis Zion stated “I’d like to discuss with you, the nature of a report that I received recently, it would be of great help to me, to have a senior officer such as yourself assist me in understanding the nature of said report. Would you perhaps be interested in taking a look?” Zion inquired.

Elias pondered over the thought of the said report, thinking, Elias thought, “Why not?” Then he replied, “I most certainly have the pleasure of helping you understand the said nature of the report but I am no senior officer. Just a simple researcher, that’s all! When does your shift start? We may ponder it over in my small office corner in the labs. Small but efficient, though let me get a drink first if you don’t mind?“ asked Elias, being pleased to have met such a logical minded fellow, perhaps this will be the start of a good friendship.

Zion Ortov, satisfied with Elias’s words of acceptance and diligence, was inclined to start this friendship justly and offered to grab a drink with Elias. “My friend to be, I’d be more than happy to accompany you whilst you get a drink and join you in doing so. We can have a toast to our future success as colleagues”. Stated Zion with great joy. After which he proposed “When the time is right, we can retire to your office, and examine the report together, and in doing so, tackle the challenges within, I look forward to it.” Zion said with a smile.

Elias smiled and replied with a nod of his head, “As do I, Zion. A toast to our future success!”