Part of USS Galileo: Escape and USS Galileo: The Nexus Within – M1

Escape – 4

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Maxwell returned to his ready room after the senior staff meeting to record his log on the events that have occurred so far throughout Galileo’s journey in the delta isles. Entering his office, Maxwell first went to the replicator and asked for, “Coffee, Black.” And then Maxwell took a seat and started recording.

Captain’s Log Supplemental – Stardate 240110.05


“After the rough journey through the Underspace from the Alpha quadrant leading the Galileo into the Delta quadrant we finally have enough data gathered from our astrometrics lab to lead the Galileo back home. The initial mission of supporting another starship with logistical and diplomatic dealings turned sour when the Galileo arrived at the rendezvous point with the starship not in sight.


With the crew and I feeling confused, I immediately ordered the chief science officer to go to the astrometrics lab to find any traces or clues where the starship might have gone. Everything leaves a trail after all but before the eyes of the crew, apertures start forming in quantity and before anyone could react the Galileo was pulled into the aperture which led into the Underspace in the Delta quadrant. 


The rough ride through the Underspace aperture has left the Galileo stranded with several major systems offline and not functioning with the worst possible system being offline, that is the warp core. The chief engineer immediately had her team working to contain and to fix it. The medical department also received a lot of patients from the rough journey with myself needing to be checked out as I had a minor injury but was deemed to be fit for duty.


The Galileo and its crew approximately stayed in the delta quadrant for ten days until the stardate I am recording this supplemental log. The engineering department immediately got to work fixing the warp core while the science department started charting the surrounding regions of space that were unknown to us. We have been passed by several alien starships but we remain undetected with the excellent maneuvering and positioning of Ensign Lopez that gave the Galileo a natural camouflage.


Galileo has encountered some very interesting spatial phenomenons such as the “Void” which was a place in space where nothing exists, not a single speck of space dust or asteroids. We have also traveled far and wide to map portions of the delta isles which haven’t been charted before. All the information has been uploaded into the database with Galileo’s chief science officers opinion and research. 


Speaking of science, Lieutenant Graves has finally found new evidence and information about the spatial occurrences in the delta quadrant which she has identified and documented in her research. Her reports will be submitted to the science committee board as well as our ship’s navigational studies and data.


So far, we have not encountered any hostels in our area of navigation and we remain hopeful that we do not encounter any. However, during our journey we have encountered several known species which needed our assistance in fixing their starships which we of course happily obliged and helped.


The tactical department has been working closely with the science department also in modifying our lab to be better suited to scan for longer ranges, detecting any warp capable vessel before it could be intercepted. We have made a lot of improvements and modifications to Galileo’s systems using my experience and the senior staff members experience in installing these new systems while carrying out routine maintenance work.


The Chief Petty Officers aboard the Galileo have exceptionally been helpful in teaching the green ensigns on how to effectively and efficiently manage and fix our systems especially in engineering…”

Before Maxwell could finish his log, he felt a strong tumble throughout the whole ship. “End log.”

Standing up and tapping his com badge, Maxwell immediately contacted the bridge and inquired, “Bridge, what happened.”

“Multiple Romulan warbirds decloaking in our sector.”


  • What I love in this post and I have not seen that yet, is the way you continue the story by going into Maxwell office, getting settled to do this obligation of a log and bump out of it as there are new arrivals to the party. This is a great insight on how a Captains log feels natural, I like the transition so to speak. But the log itself gives a good summary of all the things that have happened on the ship and what they have endured. You did a great job!

    July 28, 2024