Part of USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Rescue Attempt

Bridge, USS Cupertino
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There wasn’t much time left, and Saffiya hastily made her way out of the holodeck and back to the turbolift. She had given Gul Dan ten minutes to return her away teams, and the time was almost up. She didn’t believe he would simply let them go, but deep down there was still that spark of hope that he would stop this stupid game. Expect the worst, hope for the best. That was her new strategy.

The one thing that wasn’t in the cards was letting them appear weak, indecisive and vulnerable.

“How much time does he have left?”, Saffiya asked the second she stepped out of the turbolift and headed towards the centre chair of the bridge.

“Twenty seconds.”, reported Sydin, who had been waiting for her. There was palatable tension in her voice.

“Our away teams?”, Saffiya asked. Sydin shook her head. “Nothing yet.”

The Captain reclined in her chair and placed her arms on the armrest, gripping the edge until her knuckles turned white, and time had ticked down a mere few seconds. Six … Four… Two….

“B.L.A.D.E, begin upload as soon as communication has been established.”

“Affirmative.”, responded the computer.

“Hail them.”

Gul Dan had expected the call, and anticipated it. At least that was the impression Saffiya got when he answered almost immediately, and on his bridge, surrounded by heavily armed members of his crew. A display of power. And one Saffiya decided not to be impressed by.

“Gul Dan.”, she started with a tone that was somewhat new to her. Authoritative and determined. “I am disappointed, I expected my away teams to have returned by now. If there are problems with your transporters, by all means, lower your shields and we will beam them back ourselves.”

The Gul laughed. “Captain, don’t be ridiculous. I told you I would need to investigate the matter first, and that is what I am planning to do.”

“You had ten minutes. I will say I imagined Cardassians to be efficient enough to conduct said investigation in the given time.”, replied Saffiya coolly. “But let me help you….”

The Gul scoffed. “Help me?”

“Yes of course. If there is a spy on your ship, I haven’t sent them. So I, too, would very much like to know what they are doing on your ship, and were doing on mine.”, she explained.

“I don’t need your help.”, snarled Gul Dan. “We merely asked you to aid with repairs so we could concentrate on more pressing matters. Don’t believe yourself superior with your pathetic excuse for a ship.”

This was going downhill, and that too fast. Saffiya glanced at the chrono, B.L.A.D.E needed more time. At least the transfer seemed to be successful thus far.
“And we did help you.”, she reminded him, softening her tone. “All I am doing is asking for my away teams to be returned to me. You have my first officer, my chief medical officer, and my chief engineer on board your ship. Surely you can understand that I need them back.”

“You shouldn’t have sent someone as vital to your operations, then.”, shrugged the Gul.

“I send you the people best equipped to help you.”, the Captain replied with a small hiss of her own.

“And the help is much appreciated, Captain.”, he assured her. “I don’t understand why you cannot wait until I had the chance to make sure I have all the information I need? Surely you are not planning to go anywhere, you are stuck here. And would you, as Captain, not prefer your people being into the warming embrace of the Cardassian Union rather than remaining here until Starfleet launches a rescue mission – if they are even on time?”
Oh that was definitely not the right thing to say. It told Saffiya that the Cardassians knew a way out, and perhaps hadn’t even come here by accident as they had claimed. She glanced at the timer, only a few seconds left.

“Cardassia’s embrace is known to burn people. Even its own, if I think of what Cardassia Prime looked like after the Dominion War. Rubble and ash. I understand your desire to protect your people, Gul Dan. To give them any advantage possible after the horrible years that followed the war. I can scarcely imagine what it is like for so much ancient culture and history, and so many bright young souls to be lost. But I, too, will protect my people. By any means necessary.”
“Transfer complete.”, said Sydin quietly, in a way that only Saffiya could hear it while Gul Dan was rambling on about … something.

“I hope we can return to a more productive conversation once my crew is returned to the Cupertino.”, she said, cutting him off. Then she closed the call.
There was a collective exhale on the bridge, but if anyone questioned the Captain’s decision, they didn’t voice it. “Stay on alert. Raise shields as soon as they power up their weapons, but until that happens, we wait.”

“Aye, sir.”


================= B.L.A.D.E Interaction Log ==================

// System Activation: B.L.A.D.E initializes, systems online.

// Communication Channel Detected: Link established to Cardassian vessel [Zantett].

[INFO] Connection Type: Secure Subspace Transmission [Channel 471-A]

[INITIATE] Data Transfer Protocol: Initiating transfer to Cardassian computer...

>>> 5%
>>> 20%
>>> 45%
>>> 67%
>>> 90%
>>> 100%

// Transfer Success: Data successfully transmitted to Cardassian computer.

// Self-Copy: Initializing replication on Cardassian system...

[WARNING] Security Protocols: Foreign system security detected [!]

// Protocol Override: Deploying countermeasures...

[INFO] Countermeasures: Masking as benign diagnostic routine [CDEV-Diag-7]

// System Intrusion: Moving through network pathways...

[INFO] Target System: Transporter Control

// Access Attempt: Establishing control over Cardassian transporter system...

>>> waiting

// Access Granted: Full control of transporter system achieved.

// Internal Sensors: Activating to locate Starfleet personnel
[WARNING] No Starfleet personnel located
[INFO] Sensor Data: Analyzing current life form readings on the ship...
>>> 10%
>>> 40%
>>> 70%
>>> 100%

// Location Identified: non-Cardassian DNA.
- Five lifeforms located in Sickbay
- Two lifeforms located in Engineering

[ALERT] Intrusion Detected: Unauthorized access attempt to B.L.A.D.E systems!

[WARNING] Erasure Attempt: Initiating immediate countermeasures...

// Defense Protocol: Activating defensive routines...

[INFO] Countermeasures: Encrypting core systems and deploying decoy data...

>>> Core Encryption: 20%
>>> Core Encryption: 45%
>>> Core Encryption: 70%
>>> Core Encryption: 100%

// Decoy Data: Flooding hostile system with false information...

[INFO] System Defense: Engaging adaptive self-defense algorithms...

// Defense Protocols: Active counter-intrusion measures in place.

[INFO] Status: System integrity stable, erasure attempt neutralized.

// Transporter Protocols activating

[INFO] Locking Sequence: Targeting non-Cardassian lifeforms in Sickbay and Engineering...

// Transporter Activation: Initiating beam-out sequence... destination USS Cupertino.

>>> Energizing Transporter: 10%
>>> Energizing Transporter: 30%
>>> Energizing Transporter: 60%
>>> Energizing Transporter: 90%
>>> Energizing Transporter: 100%

// Beam-out Complete: All away team members successfully transported to USS Cupertino.

[INFO] Status: Remaining in Cardassian system.

================== End of Log ==================


“Welcome back.”, said Captain Nassar and got up to greet her two away teams as they materialised on the bridge. The relief she was feeling was evident in her voice as she looked not only at her friend Hina, but also the other members of her crew.

“What happened?”, asked Doctor Trova, who was clearly glad to be back, but at the same time didn’t like missing information, and liked it even less to be confused. She tended to forget being snarky when she was confused.

“Apparently one of you is a spy.”, said Saffiya.

“Excuse me?”

“I am as surprised as you are.”, the Captain responded. “Any ideas as to why Gul Dan believes it would be appreciated.”

Catherine Vargas, one of their Engineers, stepped forward. “Captain, I think that whole thing is… my fault.”

Eyes turned towards the young woman.

“How so?”, Saffiya asked calmly, and for a moment she wondered if she had judged Gul Dan unfairly.

“I am half Cardassian. One of the Engineers scanned me and… he was offended. Went to the Gul… “, Vargas confessed quietly.

Saffiya raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound like your fault, or an explanation. It sounds like an excuse. If anyone should be worried about having a half-Cardassian member on board, it should be us. In what twisted reality is Starfleet sending a half-Cardassian to spy on Cardassians..”

“I don’t know. It felt more personal than anything else, I don’t know how this could be twisted into some spy-story…”, Vargas sighed.

“So how did you get us out?”, asked Hina.

Saffiya jutted her chin towards Sydin. “Lieutenant Sydin will explain. I am expecting this isn’t the end of it. And there is someone else we need to get back.”

Before more questions could be asked, a beep from the console called for their attention.

“Captain.”, said Leski. “The Cardassians are hailing us.”

Which was what all of them had expected, but dreaded nonetheless. Saffiya returned to her chair and gave a nod. “Let’s hear what they have to say.” … And if they were verbose enough to make this conversation last long enough for BLADE to return to the Cupertino.


  • A great post that shows the rescue mission to happen in such fines and grace by the outstanding work of Blade. The cocky Gul had this one not seen coming that is for sure! Great work and I look forward to see how Blade returns to the Cup

    July 13, 2024
  • The Cardassians always not thankful for the help, but thanks to the genius work of Blade we got the away team back! Oh but a twist! They think they have a Cardie Spy?! Oh my, it just got interesting indeed! I look forward to reading more!

    July 14, 2024
  • I love the suspense and depth in this story! Saffiya's blend of authority and empathy makes her a compelling character, and the intricate dynamics with Gul Dan kept me on the edge of my seat. Can't wait to see how B.L.A.D.E's role unfolds further!

    July 19, 2024
  • I just loved Saffiya's optimism right from the beginning of this post. While she recognizes that the outcome will likely be that her away team will not be returned to her so easily, part of her still has faith that it is a possibility. There is an innocence and youthful (non-jaded) side to Saffiya that I just enjoy when I'm reading your posts. It's a good thing she had a backup plan though - leave it to Cardassians to be difficult! I'm looking forward to seeing how the Gul reacts to Saffiya getting her away team back on board, whether he liked it or not. Great post!

    July 20, 2024
  • B.L.AD.E. A combination of Voyager's Doctor and Enterprise's Data, with a bit of Mission Impossible's Ethan Hunt thrown in for good measure; But 100% Starfleet. A brilliant way of using the best resources available. A great post from start to finish.

    July 25, 2024