Part of USS Cupertino: Uncharted Dimensions and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

… Win Stupid Prizes

Holodeck, USS Cupertino
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Saffiya didn’t love leaving the bridge, but knew that Hina had set boundaries for B.L.A.D.E – namely staying confined to the holodeck – which she didn’t want to undermine. At least not yet. She had given Sydin the bridge for the time being, and made her way to reconnect with their newest crew member and send them on their first away mission. Perhaps it was a stupid idea, but if the Cardassians were starting to play games, Saffiya believed that she had to show early on that she wasn’t afraid of countermoves. 

In her opinion, this whole ‘there is a spy’ thing was a test to see how she would react. If they reacted too strongly, the Cardassians might feel insulted or feel threatened. Which wasn’t great. But if they didn’t react strong enough, they would see them as weak. And Saffiya wasn’t going to let the Cupertino become prey. 

She entered the holodeck, finding it how she had left it – running a study program in a classroom setting. Several holographic students were sitting on group-tables and working on their own little projects, while two lecturers were helping them. And on the table at the far end of the room sat Ensign Velix, Lieutenant Pereira and B.L.A.D.E, working on their particle problem. 

All three of them got up when they saw the Captain…

… Who promptly sat down at the table and motioned for the others to do the same. 

“We have a situation.”, she started calmly and openly. “The Cardassians believe we sent a spy to their ship, and are unwilling to return our away teams. They have… a few more minutes to do so, unwilling or not. If they don’t, I would like to send you over.” 

She looked at B.L.A.D.E. 

“What I am asking is can you upload yourself into a Cardassian computer?” 

“I am capable of doing this as long as there is an entry point.”, B.L.A.D.E. responded. 

“What constitutes as an entry point?”, Saffiya asked. 

“Any open channel, or manual upload, though, for example, a connected device.” 

Saffiya thought about that for a moment. “How long would you need through a comms channel? I imagine there are security measures in place, though the ship has been damaged and there is no need for the Cardsssians to expect us having the capabilities to … this.” 

“I would use approximately three minutes, four seconds and-…”

The Captain grinned. “I think that is specific enough. Do you need to transfer or can you copy yourself?” 

“A copy would take more time. A transfer is the preferred solution.”

With that, Saffiya wasn’t happy, and she realized that she did, in fact, consider this program part of her crew. But considering how advanced it was, surely there would be a way to return to the Cupertino – and should the Cardassians turn against them, it would be good to… make sure they were not successful.  

“Your goal would be to allow the away teams to be beamed back to us. If you can return, do so after that mission is complete.” 

B.L.A.D.E seemed to consider this and agreed. “What happens to me if I cannot return.” 

“Then I will find a way to bring you back. I promise.”

“I believe you.”

Saffiya gave a nod. It was reassuring to be believed, but – as she found – not entirely necessary. Because she knew that she would keep true to her word. “I guess, Ensign B.L.A.D.E, I am sending you on your very first away mission.” 

B.L.A.D.E tilted their head. “I am Starfleet?”

“Yes.”, Saffiya smiled. “You are Starfleet.” 


  • Ohh so wholesome this story, it shows Saffiya giving Blade his first big boy pants mission. A wonderful character development in this post where Saffiya takes risk, but at the same time willing to give that trust to Blade to do so. Acknowledging him to be Starfleet, perhaps making him "feel" part of the crew. Great post!

    July 12, 2024
  • Loved seeing Saffiya come up with an out of the box plan and give B.L.A.D.E a chance to prove themselves. Cant wait to see what happens next!

    July 13, 2024
  • A wholesome post if I may say so! Blade has finally got the chance to prove himself on the upcoming mission, with Saffiya taking the chance of letting him save the crew and making him feel like part of the crew! Awesome post and I can’t wait to see how Blade turns out!

    July 14, 2024