Part of USS Savannah: All along the Watchtower and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

A Farewell to Arms – Pt 3

Terminus Station / Conference Room 7 / Deck 31
2401.7.16 / 17.42 hrs. (Station Time)
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“The questioners had that beautiful detachment and devotion to stern justice of men dealing in death without being in any danger of it.”

A Farewell to Arms – Ernest Hemmingway (1929)


Lieutenant Commander Samantha Hyland adjusted her uniform collar for the hundredth time and tried to remind herself that she had done nothing wrong.

Hadn’t she?

The Captain of the USS Savannah had been summoned to appear before an official board of enquiry, aboard Starbase Terminus. Given the kaleidoscope of tumultuous events that had eventuated in the first few tentative weeks of her first command aboard the New Orleans – class Frigate, Sam could hardly blame 4th Fleet Command for seeking an accounting.

All this did nothing to calm Sam’s nerves as she waited outside of the conference room.

From her seat, she had a view of the inner – spacedock. Although the Watchtower – class was a far – older station than Sam’s home – port of Starbase 72 (and far smaller), the venerable 23rd – Century station still had the facility to house up to four Starships within its inner spacedock.

With the advent of spatial anomalies springing into being all throughout charted space (and by extension – beyond), the spacedock facilities aboard the old station were stretched to the limit as Starfleet vessels of all types sought urgent repairs to address damage sustained by their interactions with the chaotic subspace realm known as Underspace.

That the USS Savannah had been given priority over some of the larger classes of starship waiting in that queue, had been a matter of surprise to Sam (who hoped this was an indication that the damage her ship had sustained was not as bad as it seemed) and a point of ire for the irascible CO of TerminusStation, Commander Cassius Washington.

Sam’s first meeting with the scion of Terminus had not gone well, with Commander Washington letting Samantha know, in very specific and abrasive terms, what he thought of the concept of taking “Worn – out old workhorses out of mothballs and placing them in the hands of children!” As the Commander had thus termed her first commission – much to Sam’s embarrassment, as this judgmental tirade was made openly in the presence of fellow officers.

Sam sighed and just thanked providence that what Cassius Washington might hold personally, did not affect what he did professionally.

From her vantage point on the bench, Sam could see a hum of worker – bees swarm around her battered vessel, working in unison to repair the damage to the hull and dismantle the ‘kit – bashed’ Deuterium storage tank and processing equipment that her crew had managed to jury – rig from parts ‘acquired’ from the wreck of the USS Subic Bay (for understandable reasons – Sam refrained from using the term ‘cannibalized’ – given the tragic events that had befallen the marooned crew of that ill – fated ship). 

The long, sure arm of a Gantry Crane swung its ponderous length below the small frigate as it cradled a Multiple Mission Pod (thankfully the standard long – range sensor type) under the keel – to mate the MMP ventrally – replacing the Torpedo Pod that Sam had used in a desperate gamble to save her ship and crew and damage the far – superior Galor – Class Cruiser “Verran.”

Sometimes it seemed that she was just surviving on instinct and a whole lot of luck. Sam supposed and wondered what would happen when that ‘luck’ finally ran dry?

As if in answer, the Command Yeoman exited the conference room and nodded politely.

“Lieutenant Commander Hyland? They’re ready for you now.”

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, the young starship captain stood and straightened her tunic and wondered if she would still be a starship captain by the time the day was out?

Entering the conference room, Sam was greeted by the Station’s JAG officer.

“Good evening, Commander.” The prim officer greeted, “I am Lieutenant Commander Elise Gellen, Judge Advocate Generals Office, please take a seat – we’re about to start.”

Sam did as she was bidden, and the JAG Officer keyed a control and the lights dimmed and the remaining chairs of the conference room were inhabited by the holographic – projections of the other members of the Board of Enquiry – transmitting from other locations in the quadrant.

Sam recognized Captain Trevenan Williams, Executive Officer of Taskforce 72 – the man that had handed her command of the USS Savannah just short weeks ago. Sam was keenly worried that she had let the veteran officer down somehow and the hologram of Captain Williams betrayed no indication one way or the other as he appeared to read from a PADD, in his office aboard Starbase 72.

There was also no mistaking the figure seated at the head of the table, officiating as the Chairperson of the Board of Enquiry. Sam’s mouth went dry, and her palms began to sweat a little as she recognized the figure of Commodore Jalian – the Commanding Officer of Starbase 72 itself. Samantha had never met the Saurian Officer before and she had heard the Jalian was personable enough – but the very fact that the Board of Enquiry was being headed by a Fleet – level Senior – Officer put Sam decidedly ill at ease.

To the Commodore’s relative ‘right’ – hand, sat a dour looking Vulcan Officer, clad in the Grey Uniform of the Office of Starfleet Intelligence.

“Well, if everybody is assembled, then let us begin?” Commodore Jalian nodded, her voice exhibiting a series of subtle clicks and pops that the Universal – translator could not quite mask.

“I bring to order this Board of Enquiry, convened to review the recent events encountered by the New Orleans – class Frigate, USS Savannah, NCC-57297 and the conduct of her Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Commander Samantha Elise Hyland – now present.” The Commodore stated for the record.

“Let the record show attending is myself Commodore Jalian – Officer Commanding Starbase 72. Commander Seren – Office of Starfleet Intelligence, Captain Nathan Allen – Executive Officer and Lieutenant Commander Elise Gellen – Judge Advocate General of Terminus Station, representing the JAG in the local volume.”

The Commodore turned to Samantha.

“At ease Lieutenant Commander.” The Saurian smiled. “This is a Board of Enquiry, not a firing – squad. No need to look quite so distressed. The events that have been precipitated by the phenomenon, that I am informed by the experts, now colloquially – known as the labyrinth – have spawned several such proceedings. To be frank Commander Hyland, there’s a whole lot of ‘rabbit – holes’ that have opened up all over my back yard and I want to put to rest any lingering doubts that I may have about rabbits.”

Sam was momentarily unbalanced by the bonhomie shown by this most senior of officer and managed a weak.

“Yes Ma’am.”

‘Very well – for the sake of brevity, this Board wishes to investigate and corroborate three key factors, to our satisfaction, I will now list them in order.”

Samantha Hyland nodded.

“Firstly – that whilst at Drydock in the outer yards of Starbase 72 at 00:13hrs on 2401.7.4 an incident eventuated aboard the USS Savannah, involving a breach of ordinance – handling protocols. This breach nearly eventuated in the destruction of your vessel and significant damage to other fleet assets at dock in the facility. Can you elaborate on these events, from your own perspective Lieutenant Commander?”

Sam nodded, on this subject she felt more – or -less confident.

“Yes Ma’am. As the record states, it was thought that an arming chip had been transported already installed into a Photon Torpedo beamed aboard in a consignment from the SB72 Magazine Ma’am.”

“I see, a most egregious breach of protocol.” The Saurian Commodore steepled her long fingers and ‘turned’ to address the TFXO. “Captain Williams – can you please enlighten the Board as to the findings of the Security Division investigation into the root – cause of that breach?”

Trevenan Williams cleared his throat, “The results of that investigation proved inconclusive Commodore. Outbound transporter records and ordinance inventory show that the Arming Chips had already been transferred to the USS Savannah in advance of the Torpedo compliment being beamed aboard.” The TFXO explained with an apologetic look in Sam’s direction.

“I see.” Jalian (a seasoned former JAG Officer herself) nodded thoughtfully as she seemed to review a stream of data before her. “Commander Hyland, I note that the Torpedo loading detail was pulling a double shift that evening? In your estimation do you think that fatigue played a factor in the incident? Is it plausible that one of the team made a mistake?”

Sam shook her head.

“No Commodore I do not. The ordinance loading detail was under the command of the Lead Tactical Officer who, despite some disciplinary issues, I hold to be competent and diligent in her duties.”

Commodore Jalian sounded mildly amused.

“This would be, let me see? Ah! This competent and diligent officer would be Ensign Ithariar Sh’eshikrar? The same officer that earlier that day, had graced the Brig, aboard ’72, for her involvement and instigation in a common – brawl with civilians?”

Samantha blushed and confirmed.

“Aye Ma’am. Ensign Sh’eshikrar was assigned to a double – shift duty as a corrective action due to the incident that you refer to.”

Commodore Jalian commented, “Well, we were all young once I suppose, but I return to my original question – was double duty a prudent course of action for personnel responsible for the onboarding of live ordinance and hence a possible avenue of operator – error due to fatigue?”

“Negative Ma’am.” Samantha stood her ground. “Ensign Sh’eshikrar demonstrated outstanding courage and bravery by refusing to quit the MMP when ordered and effected the disarmament of the ‘rogue – fish’. Without her actions we would not be speaking today. I stand by my officer.”

“H’mmm, commendable.” The Commodore noted dryly, “But that still leaves the matter of the protocol breach. How do you then account for that Commander?”

Samantha regained her composure and advised.

“If it pleases the Commodore, if you read forward to the events following the rescue of the SS Devore and the subsequent engagement with the True Way Cruiser “Verran.” You will note an act of Sabotage, by persons unknown at that time.” Sam pointed out politely, but with a note of defensiveness.

Commodore Jalian sighed and fixed Samantha with a frank look.

“Well, I was looking forward to reaching that point sequentially, but very well Commander – color me intrigued – you have the floor.” She indicated with a flourish of her long, purple fingers.

“Well Ma’am,” Sam blushed again. “During our pursuit, the USS Savannah was compromised by 5th Columnist action – destroying the Primary Deuterium Storage & processing assembly aboard – ship and compromising our ability to maintain warp. As a result, I took the command decision to seek refuge in the Anomaly. It was either that or sure destruction by the True Way vessel.”

Jalian nodded, “Yes, I read about the little ‘stunt’ with the MMP. Ballsy – move. Pray continue?”

Sam swallowed; her throat suddenly dry. She took a sip of water and noticed that her hand was trembling slightly, and she could not make it stop. She put down the glass to mask this and pressed on with her account.

“Whilst stranded in Underspace, my Security Chief initiated an internal investigation and subsequently uncovered that a New Marquis cell had managed to smuggle a saboteur onboard in the form of a Special Services Hologram.”

Lieutenant Commander Gellen interjected at this point.

“This is the holographic entity that you allege was responsible for the Murder of Crewman Aldus Coe? Just so we are clear on this point?” The JAG Officer read from her own PADD.

Samantha felt again a pang of guilt and responsibility for the loss of Aldus Coe and she nodded with some difficulty.

“Yes Ma’am. Chief Hayes discovered Crewman Coe’s body and correctly surmised that the SSH had used his identity to enact a number of acts of sabotage designed to destroy the USS Savannah, starting with the sabotage of the Torpedo consignment and culminating with the attempt to destroy the ship by the disablement of our Navigational Deflectors.” Samanthan confirmed to the JAG.

“Thank you, Commander. No further questions.” Lieutenant Commander Gellen nodded and put a note in her record.

“Well, that seems to account for that agenda item then.” The Commodore nodded. “Out of interest, what happened to the SSH?”

“The SSH was neutralized by our own Tactical Training Hologram.” Sam smiled at the memory, “The TTH was able to damage and recover its mobile emitter. Chief Hayes secured it as evidence and turned it over the Starbase Security and JAG when we came aboard Ma’am.”

“Well, if there are no other questions, I propose that we move onto the next item on the agenda?” The Commodore made a note in her PADD. “Commander Seren, I believe you have some questions for Commander Hyland regarding her dealings with the True Way and Gul Yomat Ghallir in particular?”

“Indeed, I do Commodore, thank you.” The severe Vulcan Intelligence Officer intoned with funerary aplomb. He fixed Sam with a stare that made the young officer feel like a butterfly in a killing – jar, frantically beating at the glass as an all seeing – eyes bore down on her – pinning her with its avid interest.

“Lieutenant Commander, I have read your report and wish to corroborate several points of conjecture that seem erroneous on first reading?” Seren raised a sharp eyebrow.

Sam nodded and said, “Ask away Commander, I’ll do my best to provide context as best I can.”

Commander Seren nodded severally “My thanks, Commander.”  

He continued.

“You state that you uncovered a plot enacted by Gul Yomat Ghallir to implicate the organization known as the ‘New Marquis’ in a series of criminal acts, by the subterfuge of mounting a ‘false flag’ operation using captured New Marquis vessels?” The Vulcan summated.

“That is correct Commander.” Sam nodded.

“And when the subterfuge was discovered that the True Way commander attempted to destroy the USS Savannah, forcing you to take the extraordinary decision to commit your vessel to the anomaly of Underspace, in order to save your command and crew?”

Sam was beginning to chafe from Seren’s manner and line of questioning.

“That is correct Sir,” Sam’s lips described a thin – line. “This is all on record. We learned of the plot from a surviving Cardassian pilot that we beamed aboard, after the initial attack on the SS Devore.”

“This would be Praetor Gomek Irin?” Commander Seren read from his PADD, “The man that you shot and then subjected to a forceable mind – meld, against his will?”

Samantha winced at the memory but was fast becoming angered by the inferences that the Vulcan Intelligence Officer seemed to be transcribing.

“That is correct.” Sam said tightly.

“So, you’re admitting to the assault and torture of a prisoner under your care?” The Judge Advocate General, Lieutenant Commander Gellen, rounded on the question.

“I’m admitting to taking action under duress to substantiate the extent of a clear and present threat to the continued survival of my ship and crew ma’am.”  Samantha Hyland had a defiant fire in her voice. “My ship was crippled, security aboard ship was compromised and I deemed it essential to gather intelligence about the capability and intent of Gul Ghallir.”

“And you think that stunning a prisoner and coercing your Executive Officer was a course of action befitting a Starfleet Captain?” The JAG countered cuttingly.

“You weren’t there!” Sam snapped (and instantly regretted her loss of composure).

“Indeed, and I, for one am glad that I was not.” Lieutenant Commander Gellen, “You are, of course, no doubt aware that your behavior directly contravenes several clauses under the Starfleet Code of Conduct and the terms and conditions of the Treaty of Bajor.”

Samantha tried to regain her composure. “I postulated that the Treaty did not apply as we were not in known space, therefore out of the sovereignty of its remit. As for my decision, I stand by it. I’m not proud, but I did what the situation required with what little I had at my disposal. Would I do it again? In hindsight, I really would hope that I wouldn’t have to. But I didn’t have the luxury of hindsight – so I guess I will have to face whatever consequences for my actions that you choose fit to apply – Ma’am.” She nodded tersely.

“Whilst this is a fascinating debate on the intricacies of Galactic Law, I believe that Commander Seren had the floor?” The Commodore interceded.

“Quite so Commodore.” Seren nodded.

“Commander, my concern is not the actions you chose to instigate with Preator Irin, but rather your motivations in seeking information about Gul Yomat Ghallir – what stratagem were you considering when you did so? It is an intriguing proposition.” Commander Seren inclined his head in question.

“The True Way cruiser was the only conceivable source of Deuterium within the volume of Underspace in which we were trapped Commander.” Sam took a deep breath – glad to be returning to her account, but still feeling an acute sense of persecution and judgement for her actions that day. “I had determined to treat with Gul Ghallir to negotiate the terms of an exchange – his Deuterium, in return for assistance to escape the anomaly.” She spread her hands wide and shrugged.

“Why parley with the man who had demonstrated such resolve in ensuring your destruction Commander? The Vulcan asked reasonably, “Logic would dictate that such a person would surely seek to complete such a determined course of action – even after you assisted with helping him escape from Underspace? Why not just take what you wanted by force?”

Samantha looked at the Vulcan intelligence Officer long and hard, before replying with steel in her voice.

“Because I am Starfleet, Commander. That’s not who we are.”

Captain Williams was just about able to mask his smile with his hand at this defiant statement.

“Quite so.” The Vulcan agreed and changed the tack of his questioning. “Let me put it another way then Commander Hyland. After being so determined to destroy you, why do you think that Gul Ghallir had such a sudden and uncharacteristic change of heart? So much so, that he submitted to your custody and subsequently that of the Obsidian Order – both his sworn enemies?”

Sam had to sit back and consider this question. It was one that had been nagging at the peripheries of her consciousness since she had handed the True Way terrorist over and she still had not found a satisfactory answer that made sense.

“I can’t speak directly to the motivations of Gul Ghallir,” Samantha admitted,” You’re correct, his actions are incomprehensible and oblique – but then, from the little I gathered during our short time together incomprehensible, and oblique are the realms where Yomat Ghallir seems most comfortable.”

Seren steepled his fingers to his lips.

“Then indulge me Commander,” The Vulcan prompted, “Take a guess.”

“Take a guess?” Samantha asked incredulously. This was not the kind of statement one would expect to hear from the lips of any Vulcan.

“If you will…..” Commander Seren nodded, quite seriously.

Samantha Hyland cast her mind back (unwillingly) to the events of the last few days. The chaos and violence of Underspace, the fateful detritus of a thousand doomed vessels that had attempted the treacherous passage, of multiple Multicursal apertures opening at random throughout known space.

“If I had to hazard a guess.” Lieutenant Commander Samantha Hyland addressed the Board of Enquiry.

“I would say that Gul Yomat Ghallir found something out there in the Labyrinth. Something important enough to change his mind…….”