
Profile Overview

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Cassius Washington

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Washington


"The Old - Man"


Cassius Micheal Washington


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , Earth


Cassius Washington is the current Commander of the aging Watchtower – class Starbase ” – Terminus Station

Situated along the former Cardassian Demilitarized Zone providing a suitable waypoint for re-supply and repair, Terminus Station is not exactly a plum – posting, but it suits Cassius Washington just fine.

A difficult and irascible officer, Commander Washington should have made Captain some time ago, but his obstinate nature and tendency towards friction with those above (and below) him in the chain of command, have seen Cassius receive this posting in “the – arse – end – of – who – the – hell – cares?”, as he likes to put it.

Whatever his failings, Commander Cassius Washington is the type of man who gets a job done – if he says he will get a job done. No matter whose feelings might get bruised along the way!

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2392 - 2401 Commanding Officer Starbase - "Redeemer"