Part of USS Jaxartes: As The World Falls Down and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Part B: Brief Paws

Caeruleum Vargus Binary Star System
10th September 2401
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When Commander Salan and Ensign C’Rren both beamed aboard the USS Cuyahoga Valley, they were greeted by Doctor Yelavich and one of his assistants who he introduced as being Doctor Folland Cosmologist.  

There were times when people looked old when they appeared on view screens: that certainly wasn’t the case with Yosef Yelavich, who clearly looked like the 88 year old man his records stated him as being.  The white hair and beard looked even more impressive up close.  As a Professor of Astrophysics and the Lead Expedition Scientist, he was also technically the Captain, though terms like that were seldom used aboard this particular vessel.

As the four of them exited the transporter room and walked along the corridor, the young Caitian couldn’t help but look around him.  The interior of the Oberth looked dated, although there were clear indications of upgrades and modifications made throughout its long career, first with Starfleet and then the Fleet Auxiliary.  None of that mattered too much to C’Rren though; the thought of all the great scientific minds aboard this ship was actually making him nervous.  Taking in all the details of his surrounding, was one way of trying to calm himself.  

They past other members of the science team and a couple of technicians all going about their tasks, seemingly not to notice their new arrivals.  Most were human with the acceptation of a Bolian and Denobulan; both standing in an adjoining corridor in deep discussion about some experiment that had yielded unexpected results.  A short turbolift ride up two decks, took them a small conference room.  There was only one other individual in that room and that’s were C’Rren stopped dead in his tracks.

To some she may have seemed nothing special, dressed as she was in a crisp white lab coat.  To C’Rren though, here stood the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes on.  Yelavich simply introduced her with a brief dismissive wave of the hand as being a Technician by the name of M’Niia, but like C’Rren she was a Caitain.  Unlike his mix of light brown, cream, white and black fur; hers was coppers and bronzes that seemed to shimmer even in the slightly harsh light provided overhead; and her sapphire blue eyes seem to even outshine the blue dwarf star he’d witnessed on arrival to the system.

With slightly shaky hands he removed the satchel he carried with him containing a small data storage box and as instructed, handed it to his fellow Caitain; she smiled shyly and turned to the computer terminal over in one corn.  The Professor offered the two Starfleet officers a seat and something to drink; which Folland prepared using a replicator.

It only took M’Niia a few seconds to link up the box with the ships computer systems and a minute or two more to have the information appear on three of the five monitor screens that were positioned around the large wooden conference table everyone else had now sat at.

Yelavich sat at one of the monitors and produced a pair of gold rimmed reading glasses from a pocket, partial hidden by his beard.  He studied the data gathered by the sensors aboard the Jaxartes for quite some time; only the odd, ‘Hmmm’, ‘Aaah’ or ‘Well’ passing his lips as he did so.  His hand occasionally stroking that magnificent beard of his.  There was very little information regarding the corvettes initial encounter with the aperture that had dragged them into Underspace, the sensor hadn’t lasted long enough and it had been all to swift.  The majority of the information was attained after their rescue by the Devore, when some of the equipment was repaired. 

“Considering your lack of equipment you did a very good job, young man.” The Professor smiled.

“Th..thank y..ou..S..sir.” C’Rren stuttered.

“I am very pleased with this officer’s dedication to his work.” Added the Commander. 

Part of the young Caitain wanted to run out the room or at least crawl under the table.  He was ok working as part of a group, interaction with others, wasn’t a huge issue, not these days at least; being praised by someone of such high standing as the professor sat opposite; was something altogether different.  It was a bit like a composer complementing him on his flute playing or an artist saying how wonderful those scribbles he’d done as a Cub were.  He thought though about his great-aunt, the one who’d set him on this wonderful journey of science and discovery, who’s guiding paws had shown him the wonders of the universe.  She’d been the Chief Science Officer and also Captain of a Niagara class light cruiser; before taking up a role as Squadron Commander in the Caitain Defence Force.  C’Rren smiled to himself; she was quite a remarkable individual. 

The informal discussion about the data they’d collected from within the Underspace corridor continued for nearly an hour, C’Rren was very grateful to have the Commander there with him, and did find after a while those nerves start to settle a fraction.

“Well we’ll get all this data past on right away.” Yelavich finally said. “It’s been a very confusing picture so far.” 

“In what way?” Enquired  the Vulcan.

“There seems to be so many variations of aperture cropping up.” Confessed; the Professor. “It’s been difficult for anyone to spot a clear pattern emerging.”    

“Yes, ships have been sucked in without warning, and other holes have opened up releasing vessel from the Delta quadrant, like your Devore friends.” Added Folland. “The one we had here was attempting to rip the larger of the two stars away from its companion.  Other systems have had huge meteorite shower and asteroids spring out of nowhere.”

The picture the two men where painting seemed pretty grim, the Jaxartes had missed a lot of what was going on, but had still managed to become part of it.  It was a relief that their journey hadn’t taken them far within the Underspace network of tunnels, thought it would still be a two month trip back to Starbase 86; even at maximum warp.

The Professor offered them a tour of his ship; it was clear the man was very proud of it and the team of experts he’d managed to assemble to operate her and study the universe.  The Cuyahoga Valley never ventured far, she was to slow and had no real way of protecting herself in hostile situations, but there was still plenty to study and explore within Federation territory, now so possibly more than ever.

C’Rren was the last of them to leave the conference room, and as he did so felt the gentlest of touches from his fellow Caitain.  They both looked up, catching each other’s eye, then turned away.  He had to dart along the corridor to catch up with the others.  Walking around the decks and taking quick peaks into some of the lads, if those working in them weren’t too busy; C’Rren spotted one or two apparatus that he wouldn’t mind getting hold of himself and wondered during the corvettes next restock when they got home, if he might enquire about obtaining something similar. 

“I notice your geologists aren’t here.” Commented the Vulcan; at seeing two labs and an office completely empty of people.

“Ah yes. We dropped Spalding and his team off at Vargus III.” Yelavich replied. “M’Niia is heading down with a shuttle load of supplies in a couple of days’ time; if either of you fancy a look around whilst your waiting for alchemist to arrive?”

“I’m sure my colleague would like that very much.” Thanked Salan. “Wouldn’t you Ensign?”

“Yes of course, certainly.” Answered the Caitain science officer, his mind clearly on other things entirely.  


  • A great character development of C'Rren, on being praised for his hard work, but also meeting a hot kitty cat (I can actually say that without being in a wrong context heh?). The scientific details and summing up the situation going on right now with all these appearances made the two quite well aware they missed out on a lot. Great work!

    July 7, 2024
  • I can't decide if C'Ren is more excited about his fellow Caitan or the cool array of science taking place around him. This was a lovely moment for the junior officer to come forward in the story and give us an (possibly uncomfortable) reminder of what it is to be starting a career, especially when we haven't learnt how to take a compliment!

    July 13, 2024